Отраслевые издания

Различные книги в жанре Отраслевые издания

Astonishing the Wild Pigs

Lucien F. Trueb

A hydraulic machine for astonishing wild pigs was one of the many technological highlights the author encountered in the course of his career as a research scientist and science writer. Writing a book about them, never taking more (or less) than two printed pages for each of 146 subjects was a very special challenge. The book covers fundamentally important achievements of technology that directly impacted mankind or even profoundly changed it. Many of those highlights are quite new, at least one of them (power generation by nuclear fusion) is not available yet. But particularly ingenious things dating way back were also included, as they are the base of our technical civilization Good examples are ceramics as well as copper, bronze and iron; whole periods of history have been named for the latter three. The analog computer of Antikythera used for stellar navigation was made some 2100 years ago, gunpowder was used in China as early as 1044 A.D., the astronomical clock in the Strasburg cathedral was built in the 19th century. On the other hand, Theodor W. Hänsch and John L. Hall were granted a Nobel Prize in 2005 for a discovery that brought us extremely accurate optical clocks. And the Smartphone was a 2007 breakthrough; hundreds of millions of them have been sold since then. The basic concept of describing and explaining major technological highlights to non-scientists with just 800 words was inspired by the column «Inventions – fifty years later» in the Swiss daily «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» (NZZ), to which the author contributed on a regular base since 2007. The column was later renamed «Achievements of Technology» – no more time limits. Many of the book-chapters were taken from those sources, updated, edited and translated into English. Other sources were articles the author wrote for various newspapers and magazines. However, many highlights of technology were researched and written specifically for this book. Reading it is both fun and highly instructive.

Deine Lieferkette - Dein Wettbewerbsvorteil

Martin Hendel

Dieses Buch ist vor allem für Interessierte, Neueinsteiger, Kleinunternehmer, Mittelständler sowie Startups geschrieben. Denn gerade hier liegt oft einiges an Potential in den Lieferketten verborgen. Beispielsweise sollte sich ein Startup direkt bei Festlegung des Produktportfolios und deren Vertriebswegen Gedanken zu einer zukunftsorientierten Lieferkette machen. Somit wird diese zu einem Beschleuniger des zukünftigen Geschäftserfolgs und garantiert keinem Hindernis! Die gesamtheitliche Wirkungsweise der Lieferkette für ein Unternehmen wird erläutert, denn eine gut funktionierende Supply Chain bietet den entscheidenden Faktor im Wettbewerb um die Kunden. Auf dem klassischen Bildungsweg, wie einem Betriebswirtschaftsstudium oder Weiterbildungen für Fach- und Betriebswirte, werden oftmals lediglich einzelne Bereiche einer Lieferkette gelehrt. Dabei wird zu wenig auf die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Supply-Chain-Funktionen oder Wettbewerbsvorteilen für das Gesamtunternehmen eingegangen. Das Lieferketten-Management stimmt Funktionen wie Produktion, Lager und Einkauf auf die Bedürfnisse der kommerziellen Geschäftsaspekte und somit letztendlich auch der Kunden ab. Am Markt gibt es bereits einige gute Fachbücher. Diese sind aufgrund ihrer Wissenstiefe und -breite aber oftmals schwer verdaulich und bringen keine große Lesefreude für das breite Publikum. Im Buch wird praxiserprobtes Wissen sowie des Autors persönliche und über zwanzig Jahre erfolgreich angewandte Glaubenssätze in einfacher und verständlicher Form zusammengefasst.

Business Communication Management

Dr. Anna Rostomyan

In diesem Buch geht es um Geschäftskommunikationsmanagement, das durch emotionale Intelligenz und Emotionsmanagement erheblich verbessert werden kann, um erfolgreiche Beziehungen zu stärken.

Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design

Группа авторов

Presents comprehensive coverage of process intensification and integration for sustainable design, along with fundamental techniques and experiences from the industry  Drawing from fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences, this book discusses the many developments in process intensification and integration and focuses on increasing sustainability via several overarching topics such as Sustainable Manufacturing, Energy Saving Technologies, and Resource Conservation and Pollution Prevention Techniques.  Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design   starts discussions on: shale gas as an option for the production of chemicals and challenges for process intensification; the design and techno-economic analysis of separation units to handle feedstock variability in shale gas treatment; RO-PRO desalination; and techno-economic and environmental assessment of ultrathin polysulfone membranes for oxygen-enriched combustion. Next, it looks at process intensification of membrane-based systems for water, energy, and environment applications; the design of internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC); and graphical analysis and integration of heat exchanger networks with heat pumps. Decomposition and implementation of large-scale interplant heat integration is covered, as is the synthesis of combined heat and mass exchange networks (CHAMENs) with renewables. The book also covers optimization strategies for integrating and intensifying housing complexes; a sustainable biomass conversion process assessment; and more.  Covers the many advances and changes in process intensification and integration Provides side-by-side discussions of fundamental techniques and recent industrial experiences to guide practitioners in their own processes Presents comprehensive coverage of topics relevant, among others, to the process industry, biorefineries, and plant energy management Offers insightful analysis and integration of reactor and heat exchanger network Looks at optimization of integrated water and multi-regenerator membrane systems involving multi-contaminants  Process Intensification and Integration for Sustainable Design  is an ideal book for process engineers, chemical engineers, engineering scientists, engineering consultants, and chemists.

Журнал Publish №11/2020

Открытые системы

«Publish» – журнал о современных издательских и полиграфических технологиях, от графического дизайна и допечатных процессов до послепечати. В номере: Тема номера: Автоматизация печати упаковки Упаковка на «автомате» Выигрышное сочетание лёгкости и мощи Глобализация по-китайски Сервис особого назначения Принтер под номером один Обзоры. Konica Minolta AccurioPress C14000 Детали. Docan H1600M и многое другое

Кадр за кадром. От замысла к фильму

Стивен Кац

«Кадр за кадром» – это книга об основных правилах создания любого фильма, и неважно, собираетесь вы снять эпическое полотно всех времен или ролик для YouTube. Вместе с автором вы последовательно пройдете через все процессы работы над фильмом: от замысла, разработки сюжета, подготовки раскадровок и создания режиссерского сценария до работы на съемочной площадке. Вы узнаете, как располагать камеру, размещать и перемещать актеров в кадре, переходить от сцены к сцене и какие приемы использовать, чтобы вовлечь зрителей в происходящее на экране. А еще вас ждет рассказ о том, как эти задачи решали великие режиссеры двадцатого века: Альфред Хичкок, Дэвид Гриффит, Орсон Уэллс, Жан-Люк Годар, Акира Куросава, Мартин Скорсезе и Брайан Де Пальма. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

New German Law to Combat VAT Evasion in Ecommerce

Jörg Brettschneider

The Federal Republic of Germany passed a law to combat VAT fraud in international ecommerce. The new legislation is described and discussed. Ecommerce sellers will have to provide their tax registration and a certificate issued by the competent tax authority that shows their VAT compliance to platform operators. Otherwise platform operators are liable for VAT evasion of the respective ecommerce sellers. Without providing a tax registration and the certificate platform operators will not allow sellers to sell on their platforms anymore. The transition period will be much shorter for overseas sellers than for EU sellers. Practical problems will arise at the beginning likely. Suspension of accounts can be the consequence.