
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Nephrology, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered

Menna Clatworthy

Nephrology is an important speciality; patients with acute or chronic kidney failure are encountered in every medical and surgical speciality, as well as in general practice. On most general medical rotations and on most surgical wards there are patients with renal problems. Renal medicine is taught on rotation during degree courses, and Foundation training programmes frequently include attachments in nephrology, urology, and renal transplantation. Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered contains clinical presentations with real-life patient cases and outcomes as seen on the wards and in exams, and leads students through a practical approach to diagnosis and management of kidney disease. Following a question-answer approach, including self-assessment material and a ‘refresher’ section on the basic science of this clinical area, Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered features investigations and the treatment options available for patients with renal disease, including those requiring renal replacement therapy with dialysis and transplantation. Difficult concepts are clarified, using simple diagrams to explain the link between pathology and clinical presentation. Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered is ideal for medical students, junior doctors on the Foundation Programme, GP trainees, and specialist nurses and nurse practitioners. This book is also a useful refresher for nephrology trainees at the beginning of their specialist training programme.

Discover the World of Microbes. Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses

Gerhard Gottschalk

This title is an essential primer for all students who need some background in microbiology and want to become familiar with the universal importance of bacteria for all forms of life. Written by Gerhard Gottschalk, Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology and one of the most prominent microbiologists in our time, this text covers the topic in its whole breadth and does not only focus on bacteria as pathogens. The book is written in an easy-to-read, entertaining style but each chapter also contains a `facts' section with compact text and diagrams for easy learning. In addition, more than 40 famous scientists, including several Nobel Prize winners, contributed sections, written specifically for this title. The book comes with color figures and a companion website with questions and answers. Key features: Unique, introductory text offering a comprehensive overview of the astonishing variety and abilities of Bacteria Easy-to-read, fascinating and educational Written by one of the best known microbiologists of our time Color images throughout Each chapter has a compact tutorial part with schemes on the biochemistry and metabolic pathways of Bacteria Comes with a companion website with questions and answers

Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses. Applications and Perspectives

Anne Bridgen

Reverse genetics, the genetic manipulation of RNA viruses to create a wild-type or modified virus, has led to important advances in our understanding of viral gene function and interaction with host cells. Since many severe viral human and animal pathogens are RNA viruses, including those responsible for polio, measles, rotaviral diarrhoea and influenza infections, it is also an extremely powerful technique with important potential application for the prevention and control of a range of human and animal viral diseases. Reverse Genetics of RNA Viruses provides a comprehensive account of the very latest developments in reverse genetics of RNA viruses through a wide range of applications within each of the core virus groups including; positive sense, negative sense and double stranded RNA viruses. Written by a team of international experts in the field, it provides a unique insight into how the field has developed, what problems are being addressed now and where applications may lead in the future. It will prove invaluable to bioscience, medical and veterinary students, those starting research in this area as well as other researchers and teachers needing to update their knowledge of this fast-moving field. An authoritative, comprehensive overview of reverse genetics in RNA Viruses. Includes numerous examples of cutting- edge applications of reverse genetics within each of the RNA viral groups. Written by a team of international experts, including some of the leading researchers in the field.

Veterinary Forensics. Animal Cruelty Investigations

Melinda Merck

Veterinary Forensics, Second Edition is a practical reference on applying veterinary forensic findings in animal cruelty cases. Now providing a greater focus on findings in animals, the second edition continues to offer guidance with more detailed information on crime scene investigation, forensic testing and findings, handling evidence, and testifying in court. Key changes to the new edition include new chapters on abuse in large animals, poultry, and birds; a standalone chapter on entomology; a new section on large scale cruelty investigation; an expanded section on pain and suffering; more pathology information; and more photos, forms, and information throughout. Logs and workbooks from the book are available on a companion website at www.wiley.com/go/vetforensics, allowing readers to download, customize, and use these forms in forensics investigations. Veterinary Forensics is an essential resource for veterinarians, pathologists, attorneys, and investigators working on animal abuse cases.

Epidemiology Kept Simple. An Introduction to Traditional and Modern Epidemiology

B. Gerstman Burt

Epidemiology Kept Simple introduces the epidemiological principles and methods that are increasingly important in the practice of medicine and public health. With minimum use of technical language it fully explains terminology, concepts, and techniques associated with traditional and modern epidemiology. Topics include disease causality, epidemiologic measures, descriptive epidemiology, study design, clinical and primary prevention trials, observational cohort studies, case-control studies, and the consideration of random and systematic error in studies of causal factors. Chapters on the infectious disease process, outbreak investigation, and screening for disease are also included. The latter chapters introduce more advanced biostatistical and epidemiologic techniques, such as survival analysis, Mantel-Haenszel techniques, and tests for interaction. This third edition addresses all the requirements of the American Schools of Public Health (ASPH) Epidemiological Competencies, and provides enhanced clarity and readability on this difficult subject. Updated with new practical exercises, case studies and real world examples, this title helps you develop the necessary tools to interpret epidemiological data and prepare for board exams, and now also includes review questions at the end of each chapter. Epidemiology Kept Simple continues to provide an introductory guide to the use of epidemiological methods for graduate and undergraduate students studying public health, health education and nursing, and for all practicing health professionals seeking professional development.

Understanding Microbes. An Introduction to a Small World

Jeremy Dale W.

We can’t see them, but microbes are the dominant form of life on Earth. They make up half of the world’s biomass. They were here billions of years before we were, and they will be here after we are gone. Without their activity, life as we know it would be impossible. Even within our own bodies, there are ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells. Understanding Microbes provides a clear, accessible introduction to this world of microbes. As well as looking at a selection of infectious diseases, including how they are prevented and treated, the book explores the importance of microbes in the environment, in the production and preservation of food, and their applications in biotechnology. This lively and engaging book provides the basics of microbiology, in a contemporary context. It will be equally useful for students across the biological, environmental and health sciences, and for the curious reader wanting to learn more about this fascinating subject. A highly-readable, concise introduction to the basics of microbiology placed in the context of the very latest developments in molecular biology and their impact on the microbial world. Numerous real-world examples range from how cows digest grass to the role of microbes in cancer and the impact of climate change Well-illustrated in full colour throughout. Written by an Author with a proven track record in teaching, writing and research.

Examination of the Newborn. An Evidence Based Guide

Anne Lomax

Examination of the Newborn: An Evidence Based Guide is a practical and comprehensive guide for practitioners to enable them to undertake physical examination of neonates safely and competently. Incorporating the current UK Screening Committee NIPE Standards and Competencies, this book brings into focus what 'good practice' should look like against current national standards. Avaluable resource for midwives, advanced neonatal nurse practitioners, and health visitors, as well as all other health professionals involved in the examination of the newborn, this text covers: Neonatal examination and history taking Development of the heart and lungs and transition to extrauterine life. Cardiovascular and respiratory assessment of the baby Assessment of the neonatal skin and jaundice Examination of the eyes head and neck Examination of the abdomen and genitalia Abnormalities of the lower extremities including developmental dysplasia of the hip The dysmorphic infant and common congenital abnormalities Behavioural issues Professional issues in practice Safeguarding Children Examination of the Newborn provides essential reading for all health care professionals who are continually striving to update their knowledge and contribute to the standardisation of care on a national scale.

The Student Nurse Toolkit. An Essential Guide for Surviving Your Course

Ian Peate

Your very own companion to any pre-registration nursing course! Packed with advice, hints and tips, this essential, practical guide will orientate and guide you through your nursing course even before you start. Written in a straightforward, no-nonsense style, this Toolkit is full of strategies and help for surviving and succeeding on your pre-registration nursing course, and addresses all the key issues and concerns you may face, including: How to get the most out of your clinical placement The nursing terminology you need to know – including NMC standards How to create a professional Portfolio How to achieve a healthy work-life balance How to develop an effective relationship with your mentor With case studies from real students, hands-on activities and suggestions for further reading, this is THE essential survival guide for your nursing course!

Foodomics. Advanced Mass Spectrometry in Modern Food Science and Nutrition

Alejandro Cifuentes

Provides the latest «-omics» tools to advance the study of food and nutrition The rapidly emerging field of foodomics examines food and nutrition by applying advanced «-omics» technologies in order to improve people's health, well-being, and knowledge. Using tools from genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, foodomics offers researchers new analytical approaches to solve a myriad of current challenges in food and nutrition science. This book presents the fundamentals of foodomics, exploring the use of advanced mass spectrometry techniques in food science and nutrition in the post-genomic era. The first chapter of the book offers an overview of foodomics principles and applications. Next, the book covers: Modern instruments and methods of proteomics, including the study and characterization of food quality, antioxidant food supplements, and food allergens Advanced mass spectrometry-based methods to study transgenic foods and the microbial metabolome Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in nutrition and health research Foodomics' impact on our current understanding of micronutrients (phenolic compounds and folates), optimal nutrition, and personalized nutrition and diet related diseases Principles and practices of lipidomics and green foodomics Use of chemometrics in mass spectrometry and foodomics The final chapter of Foodomics explores the potential of systems biology approaches in food and nutrition research. All the chapters conclude with references to the primary literature, enabling readers to explore individual topics in greater depth. With contributions from a team of leading pioneers in foodomics, this book enables students and professionals in food science and nutrition to take advantage of the latest tools to advance their research and open up new areas of food and nutrition investigation.

Paediatric Advanced Life Support. A Practical Guide for Nurses

Philip Jevon

In the event of a paediatric cardiac arrest, it is essential to be able to respond rapidly, providing safe and effective care. The second edition of this successful text provides nurses with a practical and systematic guide to the rapid assessment and delivery of appropriate resuscitation to infants and children. Conforms to current European Resuscitation Council Guidelines Based on up-to-date research and evidence-based practice protocols Synoptic approach enables rapid delivery of effective treatment Written by experts in the field of both resuscitation and paediatrics Paediatric Advanced Life Support is a succinct yet comprehensive guide and is an essential purchase for any health professional likely to encounter an emergency situation.