
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Continuing Professional Development in Health and Social Care. Strategies for Lifelong Learning

Auldeen Alsop

All allied health and social care professionals are required to engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in order to systematically maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills and so develop the personal qualities and attributes required in their working lives. Extensively updated and revised, this second edition now reflects the latest regulatory requirements of health and social care professionals in the UK, and addresses the needs of health professionals working worldwide, including social workers who are now regulated in the UK by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). In addition, new chapters address the specific needs of support workers and students of the relevant professions. The book discusses the theoretical basis for maintaining competence and offers practical guidance on how to develop a strategy for professional and career development. Ways of developing and maintaining a portfolio and of creating a profile to meet regulatory body requirements are addressed, and there is an emphasis on the development of learning skills, skills of reflection and critical evaluation as central to the CPD process. Attention is given to the specific needs of those professionals working directly with service users in practice, those holding managerial positions, employed in education and undertaking research. The second edition of this practical guide provides invaluable advice for successful continuing professional development for health and social care professionals at all stages of their career. • Provides practical guidance on strategies for lifelong learning and continuing professional development • Addresses the very latest CPD and regulatory requirements for health and social care professionals • Includes specific CPD strategies for students and support workers as well as professionals employed in practice, management, education and research

Social Marketing and Social Change. Strategies and Tools For Improving Health, Well-Being, and the Environment

R. Lefebvre Craig

How can we facilitate more effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable solutions to the problems that confound our communities and world? Social marketing guru R. Craig LeFebvre weaves together multi-level theories of change, research and case studies to explain and illustrate the development of social marketing to address some of society’s most vexing problems. The result is a people-centered approach that relies on insight and empathy as much as on data for the inspiration, design and management of programs that strive for changes for good. This text is ideal for students and professionals in health, nonprofit, business, social services, and other areas. “This is it – the comprehensive, brainy road map for tackling wicked social problems. It’s all right here: how to create and innovate, build and implement, manage and measure, scale up and sustain programs that go well beyond influencing individual behaviors, all the way to broad social change in a world that needs the help.”—Bill Novelli, Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, former CEO, AARP and founder, Porter Novelli and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids “I’m unaware of a more substantive treatise on social marketing and social change. Theoretically based; pedagogically focused; transdisciplinary; innovative; and action oriented: this book is right for our time, our purpose, and our future thinking and action.”—Robert Gold, MS, PhD, Professor of Public Health and Former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, College Park “This book – like its author – is innovative and forward-looking, yet also well-grounded in the full range of important social marketing fundamentals.”—Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD, University Professor and Director, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University

The Design and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials. Strategies and Challenges

Salah Abdel-aleem M.

Clinical trials tasks and activities are widely diverse and require certain skill sets to both plan and execute. This book provides professionals in the field of clinical research with valuable information on the challenging issues of the design, execution, and management of clinical trials, and how to resolve these issues effectively. It discusses key obstacles such as challenges to patient recruitment, investigator and study site selection, and dealing with compliance issues. Through practical examples, professionals working with medical device clinical trials will discover the appropriate steps to take.

Nutrition and Development. Short and Long Term Consequences for Health

British Nutrition Foundation

This Task Force report reviews the evidence that the seeds of many adult diseases are sown in utero and in infancy. The report, written by experts in the field, summarises current knowledge in this area. It illustrates how early life nutrition can bring about changes in organ development and function, thus programming risk of disease in adult life. It also considers what might be done in early life to reduce the burden of future ill health. Nutrition and Development: Short- and Long-Term Consequences for Health includes chapters on the history of this topic area, normal growth and development, and current recommendations and practice in relation to nutrition and diet in early life. Chapters exploring the possible mechanisms and pathways of critical windows for development cover the effects of diet and nutrition in early life on organ and skeletal development, the role of sex hormones in programming disease susceptibility, the establishment of gastrointestinal microbiota, and the impact of early life nutrition on cognitive and neurological development. This new report: • describes how development occurs and explores how changes in the fetal and postnatal environment, such as over- or under-nutrition, can result in permanent alterations in function; • explains how diet and nutrition in early life can affect risk of adult disease, with specific chapters on allergic disease and asthma, bone health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cognitive function, diabetes and obesity; • includes a summary of the key points, as well as recommendations in each chapter to help fill the gaps in our knowledge; • provides an overview of the main messages in a practical question and answer format suitable for lay readers. Nutrition and Development is an important information resource for those involved in research and teaching in the health sciences sector and is also of value to those involved in making decisions about health policy. It will be of interest to a broad range of health professionals, the food industry and those who write and broadcast about the effects of food on health.

Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie. Qualitätssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene

Michael Rieth

Die pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten von einer hochspezialisierten Wissenschaft zu einer Querschnittdisziplin entwickelt, die fur Pharmazeuten, Mikrobiologen, aber auch Mediziner und Qualitatssicherungsbeauftragte von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist. Michael Rieth, promovierter Mikrobiologe mit langjahriger Erfahrung in mikrobiologischer Qualitatsprufung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie, stellt in diesem Buch umfassend alle unterschiedlichen Aktivitaten, Entwicklungen und Technologien dieses dynamischen Gebiets zusammen. Immer aus dem Blickwinkel der pharmazeutischen Praxis, liegt hier das erste deutschsprachige Buch vor, das den wachsenden Anforderungen an Arzneimittelsicherheit und -qualitat Rechnung tragt und selbstverstandlich Erfordernisse nationaler und internationaler (FDA) Kontroll- und Regulierungsbehorden berucksichtigt. Aus dem Inhalt: *Desinfektion, Sterilisation und aseptische Herstellung *mikrobiologisches und physikalisches Monitoring in der Sterilproduktion *Prozessvalidierungen *Auswertung von Bioindikatoren * mikrobiologische Schnellmethoden, z. B. uber Fluoreszenz und Biolumineszenz *Identifizierung von Mikroorganismen (u. a. PCR, Gaschromatographie und MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie)

Vital Notes for Nurses. Psychology

Sue Barker

Vital Notes for Nurses: Psychology provides a concise, accessible introduction to key psychological theories and outlines their relevance to nursing practice. Divided into seven chapters, the first offers a preliminary insight into the different perspectives in psychology: Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioural, Cognitive and Humanistic. These perspectives go on to underpin the topics in all the other chapters. Vital Notes for Nurses: Psychology explores developmental theories, attachment theories, and relationship theories. It discusses issues relevant to nursing practice such as motivation, change, stereotypes, relationships and motivation and looks at issues of suffering, including stress and pain. Illustrated with examples from all branches of nursing practice, this text clearly illustrates the relevance of psychology to nurses. Relates psychological themes specifically to nursing practice Written in a clear, accessible style which assumes no prior knowledge Useful to all nursing students on the common foundation programme as well as newly qualified nurses. Each chapter includes features such as activities, case studies and learning objectives

Vital Notes for Nurses. Promoting Health

Jane Wills

Vital Notes for Nurses: Promoting Health is a concise, accessible introduction to health promotion and public health for pre-registration nursing students and newly qualified nurses. Promoting the health and well-being of patients is a vital part of the nursing role. This introductory text in the Vital Notes for Nurses series explores issues such as public health priorities, health inequalities, health promotion settings, and the role of the nurse in health promotion roles. Written in a clear, accessible style which assumes no prior knowledge Each chapter includes learning objectives, case studies, scenarios, activities and learning outcomes Includes specific application to nursing practice in every chapter Identifies strategies for promoting health with individuals and communities and for protecting the health of the general population

Cosmetic Dermatology. Products and Procedures

Zoe Draelos Diana

Back for a new edition, Zoe Draelos' outstanding resource to cosmetic dermatology again provides a highly-illustrated, clinical guide to the full range of cosmetic skin treatments. Bringing together experts from research, industry, surgery and practice, it is structured in four distinct parts for easy navigation by the busy clinician: Basic Concepts – giving an overview of the physiology pertinent to cosmetic dermatology and the delivery systems by which treatments can take effect; Hygiene Products – evaluating cleansing and moisturising products; Adornment – looking at aesthetic techniques such as cosmetics, nail protheses and hair treatment; Antiaging – ie, injectables, resurfacing and skin contouring techniques, and the rapidly growing area of Cosmeceuticals. With over 300 high-quality images and key summary boxes throughout, this new edition incorporates the newest procedural innovations in this rapidly developing field. Perfect for all dermatologists, especially those specialising in cosmetic dermatology and whether hospital-based or in private practice, it provides the complete cosmetic regimen for your patients and will be an indispensable tool to consult over and over again.

Portal Hypertension V. Proceedings of the Fifth Baveno International Consensus Workshop

Roberto Franchis de

Every five years, hepatologists with an interest in portal hypertension (high blood pressure in the portal vein), gather in Baveno, Italy, for the Baveno International Consensus Workshop on Portal Hypertension, attending workshops and examining the latest in clinical data and research on this condition. This book documents the contents of the meeting so that practitioners who could not be present at the conference still have access to the proceedings.

Wound Healing and Skin Integrity. Principles and Practice

Madeleine Flanagan

This comprehensive text integrates related aspects of wound management, skin integrity and dermatology into a convenient, one-stop resource. It explores the theories underpinning wound management and skin integrity by reviewing the supporting evidence and making practical recommendations for busy clinicians. Wound Healing and Skin Integrity discusses current and future trends in the management of wounds and maintenance of skin integrity in respect to international healthcare initiatives and summarises the principles of maintaining healthy skin to provide a practical guide that is accessible to clinicians regardless of professional background. The title fulfils the inter-professional learning agenda and will be of interest to a wide range of clinicians, including doctors; wound management, dermatology and palliative care nurse specialists; community nurses; podiatrists; pharmacists; and anyone responsible for managing patients with impaired skin integrity. Key features: A practical, accessible, evidence-based manual on wound care and skin integrity Integrates related aspects of skin integrity, wound management and dermatology previously found in separate texts into one comprehensive resource Written from a broad international perspective with contributions from key international opinion leaders from Australia, UK, Canada and Europe Promotes international practice development in relation to management of skin integrity and chronic wounds Full colour illustrations throughout Defines key terms, relates anatomy and physiology to clinical practice and provides a summary of easily accessible online learning resources Includes practical tips from expert practitioners, commonly presented clinical queries and discussion of professional issues related to skin integrity