
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Depression in Neurologic Disorders. Diagnosis and Management

Andres Kanner

Depression in Neurologic Disorders Diagnosis and Management Edited by Andres M. Kanner, MD, Professor of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, Rush Medical College at Rush University, Chicago, IL, USA. Why should neurologists care about depression? It is one of the most frequent psychiatric comorbid conditions of neurologic disorders. Not only does it have a negative impact on the quality of patients, but it is also associated with a worse course of the neurologic disease. Yet, more often than not, neurologists have not been trained to recognize clinical depression in their patients. How should neurologists learn to care for depression? By reading Depression in Neurologic Disorders, the caring neurologist will gain a practical overview of: clinical manifestations of depression in the major neurologic disorders how to use screening instruments in clinical practice the identification of patients with an increased suicidal risk basic principles of the management of depressive disorders by the non-psychiatrist The major neurologic disorders covered in Depression in Neurologic Disorders include: Migraine Stroke Epilepsy Parkinson’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis Huntington’s Disease Dementia Traumatic Brain Injury The practical approach is enhanced with the use of case studies and ‘take-home pearls’ throughout. Depression is a common disorder that all neurologists face in their daily clinical practice. Depression in Neurologic Disorders provides the fundamentals of caring for patients who are suffering beyond their diagnosed neurologic disorder. Titles of Related Interest Adult Epilepsy Gregory Cascino and Joseph Sirven (eds); ISBN 978-0-470-74122-1 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Alberto Albanese and Joseph Jankovic (eds); 978-0-470-74122-1 Multiple Sclerosis: Diagnosis and Therapy Howard Weiner and James Stankiewicz; 978-0-470-65463-7

Hepatology. Diagnosis and Clinical Management

E. Heathcote Jenny

This book will be an affordable, highly practical handbook on hepatology, aimed at residents/trainees in gastroenterology, GI nurses, and recently qualified consultants to use as a quick reference when managing patients presenting with possible or overt liver disease. It will be of particular use for those GI internists/residents who have an interest specifically in hepatology. It does not aim to be a specialist textbook, but a shorter, 250pp guide that provides key clinical information on each area of hepatology in an accessible form. Extracting relevant material from large reference textbooks can be very time consuming and for this reason, information in this handbook will be presented succinctly in a style suitable for quick reference and easy understanding. The chief emphasis will be on the clinical assessment and management of these patients, and all the major areas of liver disease will be covered, from liver cirrhosis to viral hepatitis, to autoimmune liver failure. Chapters will use a variety of structural features and colour coded boxes to increase the accessibility for residents. These include: key points/take-home points, case history, practice points and management algorithm/flow-charts. Each chapter will also contain sample multiple choice questions that the reader will be able to test themselves on.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Current Science and Clinical Practice

Joseph Zohar

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) remains one of the most challenging disorders of the brain. Contemporary conceptualization and therapeutic strategies are undergoing a revolution as a result of new insights derived from modern technological advances. This book was conceived in order to present this revolution to the reader. It covers current theories regarding the etiology of OCD, what is known about the genetics of this disorder, evidence from neuroimaging and a discussion of potential endophenotypes. There is an evaluation of current treatment approaches for the disorder, encompassing psychological, psychopharmacological and physical interventions, as well as a discussion of treatment resistance. The book considers methodological issues, plus reviews of OCD in pediatric populations. A summary chapter highlights some potential research avenues, in a discussion of the future directions in OCD. Rather than provide comprehensive coverage, repeating material from standard psychiatry textbooks, this book focuses on recent information and its application, distinguishing it from other titles. If you work in children with OCD, If you are interested in genetics, neurocognition or brain imaging, If you work with patients and would like to improve your assessment in OCD and OCD Spectrum disorders, to update your therapeutic strategies and to get a handle on cutting edge developments in this intriguing field, If you are planning a research project in OCD and would like to get some hints from people who are research leaders in this field and also learn about methodological issues specific to OCD research, then this book will be a valuable resource. A concise overview of the current state of the art in OCD assessment and treatment, including physical interventions and treatment resistance Focuses on scientific advances (including specific methodological issues) and how they can inform and benefit clinical practice Looks critically and broadly at the diagnostic classification, including the ongoing revision of the two major international systems Written by an A-list team of experts in the field who have a track record of being engaging authors

Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy. Controversies in Practice

Linda Robertson

Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy is a key text for occupational therapy students and practitioners. Written by an internationally renowned group of clinicians, educators and academics and with a central case study running throughout, the book covers the theory and practice of the following key topics: Working and Thinking in Different Contexts; Teaching as Reasoning; Ethical Reasoning; Diversity in Reasoning; Working and Thinking within 'Evidence Frameworks'; Experience as a Framework; The Client. FEATURES includes case studies problem-solving framework questions at the end of each chapter commentaries on key topics relates theory to practice

Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology. Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients

Mario Lacouture E.

The first book focusing specifically on frequent and frequently disabling side effects involving the skin, hair and nails in cancer patients According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately thirty million people living with a diagnosis of cancer – the majority of whom will receive surgery, systemic therapy, and/or radiation, and who will suffer from dermatologic adverse events. Dermatologists and oncologists are only beginning to grapple with these events, which pose serious quality-of-life issues with so many patients, and will become more prevalent as survival rates improve, thanks in part to new cancer treatments and drug regimens. Concentrating on a topic that has only been briefly touched upon by other texts, this book offers a focused perspective on the clinical presentation, underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and management of skin, hair, and nail conditions for oncologists, dermatologists, and allied practitioners. Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology: Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients: • Covers in detail the dermatologic adverse events of oncologic therapies, clinical presentations, and treatment recommendations • Enables dermatologists and other practitioners to significantly improve the care of patients with cancer • Addresses the dermatologic adverse events of cancer therapies used globally, of which a large number are found in developing countries • Emphasizes prophylactic measures – based on treatments used and type of cancer – to prevent the appearance of adverse events • Provides built-in discussions on patient education for practical counseling during therapies • Offers rapid-reference sections on topical dermatology drugs The first book to present dermatologic conditions in cancer patients and survivors in a uniform and in-depth manner, Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology is ideal for oncologists, oncology nurses, and dermatologists who wish to take better care of those with adverse skin, hair, and nail conditions.

The Knowledgeable Patient. Communication and Participation in Health

Sophie Hill

Learn how to place communication and participation at the heart of evidence-based healthcare The Knowledgeable Patient: Communication and Participation in Health sits at the forefront of the challenging, changing 21st century landscape. The 'knowledgeable patient' as an individual can take many forms: patient, family carer, consumer advocate, or member of the public interested in health issues. In each of these roles, knowledgeable patients interact with health professionals by asking questions about the evidence for treatment, seeking support, exchanging views, and contributing experiences and new ideas on how to improve the health system. Drawing from several research paradigms, The Knowledgeable Patient is an essential guide to a new era of complex healthcare. Integrating consumer stories and evidence from systematic reviews, it examines key communication and participation issues in a range of contexts, including: surgery safe medicine use chronic disease self management the complexity of multimorbidity notification of rare disease risk. The Knowledgeable Patient is international in scope with researched examples spanning living in the community, health service treatment, governance, and policy making. It provides health professionals with new ideas, concepts, evidence, and practical tools to understand the central role of communication and participation to a well-functioning health system. It is an ideal reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying the health sciences. Watch a video about The Knowledgeable Patient: Communication and Participation in Health from the author, Sophie Hill: bit.ly/xNYCqG

Congenital Diseases of the Heart. Clinical-Physiological Considerations

Abraham Rudolph

This important revision presents the accumulated knowledge of its highly-regarded author, Dr. Abraham Rudolph, who is internationally recognized as one of the world's leading pioneers in the field of Pediatric Cardiology. Fully revised and updated, the book includes sections considering the changes in pathophysiology with growth into adulthood and the effects of various treatment approaches. The author explains the physiology of normal fetal circulation and the effects of congenital cardiac lesions, with particular reference to the interactions between the lesions and fetal cardiovascular development.

Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology

Kenneth Latimer S.

Now in full color throughout, Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Pathology, Fifth Edition offers a comprehensive overview of hematology, hemostasis, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, and reference intervals in a highly accessible outline format. With information on all major domestic species, the text is designed for the reader to quickly find answers to clinical questions. Taking a problem-solving approach to the interpretation of laboratory data, this book includes clinical cases to illustrate the concepts of laboratory data interpretation, with tables and key words to aid readers in locating and applying information. The fifth edition has been fully revised to reflect the latest knowledge, diagnostic methods, and practices in veterinary laboratory medicine. A companion website provides the images in PowerPoint and references linked to PubMed at www.wiley.com/go/latimer. Duncan and Prasse’s Veterinary Laboratory Medicine is an excellent quick reference for practicing veterinarians, veterinary students, clinical interns and residents, and pathology residents.

Pregnancy in the Obese Woman. Clinical Management

Deborah Conway

Obesity presents many challenges to mothers and their unborn babies How can a severely overweight woman prepare for pregnancy? What if she is already pregnant? How do you guide her through an inherently high-risk pregnancy and labor to a successful birth? Pregnancy in the Obese Woman takes the best available evidence on pregnancy and obesity to provide an insightful, practical guide to management in one volume. After a review of the epidemiology and special considerations of prenatal care in obese women of childbearing age, the authors cover: Bariatric surgery Nutrition, exercise, and weight gain in pregnancy Co-morbid conditions Abnormal fetal growth and obstetric complications Operative techniques in obese patients Breastfeeding, contraception, and further pregnancies With obesity on the rise, increasing numbers of pregnancies are being seen in overweight and obese women, which presents a significant challenge to obstetric and other health care providers. Pregnancy in the Obese Woman provides you with the critical information you need to ease your mind and help your patients become contented mothers. Titles of Related Interest Protocols for High-Risk Pregnancies, 5e Queenan, Hobbins and Spong (eds); ISBN 978-1-4051-9650-5 Obstetic Clinical Algorithms: Management and Evidence Norwitz, Belfort, Saade, Miller; ISBN 978-14051-8111-2 Preterm Birth: Prevention and Management Berghella (ed); 978-1-4051-9290-3

Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist. Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complications

Susan Wingrove S.

Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist is a comprehensive guide for implant history, prosthetic designs, and patient selection including oral systemic health and risk assessment. The text also discusses pre-surgical procedures, communicating with patients about implant dentistry, in-office maintenance protocols, plus new innovative home-care options to ensure success of the implant and overall health of the patient. An essential tool for dental hygienists to prepare to take on this very important challenge in the profession, Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist is a valuable resource for the entire dental team.