Бизнес в нише онлайн обучения – самый привлекательный на сегодняшний день по ряду объективных причин. Во-первых, этот тип бизнеса позволяет заниматься любимым делом, путешествовать по миру, управлять командой удаленно и иметь время на семью, хобби и друзей. Ведь мы создаем бизнес для того, чтобы у нас был тот стиль жизни, который нам нужен: для кого-то важна финансовая свобода, а для кого-то – свобода передвижения, которая возможна, если вы работаете удаленно. Уже много знаменитостей открыли свои онлайн-школы. Кристина Агилера учит пению, Павел Воля – публичным выступлениям, Гарри Каспаров – игре в шахматы. Но у тех экспертов, которые только осваивают онлайн пространство, обычно возникает много вопросов: «С чего начать этот бизнес?» или «Как создать воронку продаж?». Поэтому Дарья Шанс написала эту книгу. Она хочет, чтобы как эксперты (авторы, тренеры, коучи, спикеры, учителя), так и интернет-маркетологи почувствовали вкус жизни, обладая высоким пассивным доходом от своей онлайн-школы.
Эта книга – это практическое руководство по созданию имени и медиа-веса в 21 веке. В современном мире сильный личный бренд – уже не роскошь, а необходимость, без которой невозможно говорить о высоком и стабильном доходе. «Неизвестный эксперт» звучит как нонсенс. Если вы не хотите повторять ошибки тысяч специалистов и блогеров и пройти по дороге создания личного бренда экологично по отношению к окружающим и успешно с точки зрения бизнеса, этот практикум, который содержит 50 уроков по формированию личного бренда, точно для вас! В этой книге сделан разбор всех аспектов личного бренда, начиная с ваших целей в этом мире и заканчивая тем, как ваше имя может приносить миллионы в месяц без вложений в рекламу. Это личные лайфхаки Дарьи Шанс, которые работали, работают и еще долго прослужат на благо ее бизнеса, это неочевидные методы прокачки личного бренда, которые применяются мировыми звездами. Абсолютно каждый из этих методов – рабочий.
Добрый день, дорогой читатель, в этой небольшой книге я поделюсь идеей о том, как автоматизировать ваши продажи в интернете благодаря программам, а также онлайн-сервисам, которые позволяют подавать более 1000 объявлений за раз, что позволит вам раскрутить собственный сайт, а также продвигать ваш продукт через интернет, используя программы для массовой рассылки ваших объявлений через интернет-площадки, что позволит вам увеличить ваши продажи и в целом автоматизировать процесс продаж, ведь сама суть бизнеса заключается в том, чтобы автоматизировать процесс продаж, чтобы бизнес работал без вашего участия.
Selling is everything delivers as no other book to share how we all purchase everything in our lives, personally and professionally. Understanding other people's desire to get "What's in it for me?" is the most important key to selling and this book delivers on how. In this book you will learn:<br><br>How each of us uses the same buying process for every purchase be it goods, services, ideas, relationships, friendships, passions or desires. <br><br>* The four (4) phases we all utilize when we make a decision to buy anything. <br><br>* How to calm your mind to listen to others "What's in it for me?" needs, goals and desires and sell them what they want. <br><br>* How to use the Decision2buy process to better communicate, build relationships and reach common win-win outcomes together.<br><br>* How to manage the buying process to meet your buyers needs and goals faster.<br><br>* How to use the lessons in this book to improve you daily interactions with everyone in your life. <br><br>* How to think outside of your mind and like that of others by learning their buying process and needs.<br><br>* How to sell more and faster with the same amount of time and effort. <br><br>* How to be a better listener and problem solver becoming more valuable to yourself, family, friends, business and clients.<br><br>* How "closing" becomes just a natural course of events in the selling process. <br><br>* What others are saying about Selling is Everything:<br><br>"G.F. has captured the deep essence of sales and offers practical and implementable ideas to take your sales from good to great. Whether you are a CEO, CMO, Sales Executive or sales person of any level, you need this knowledge."<br><br>"For our employees going forward Selling is Everything will be a must read since it covers a lot on just how to relate to others (which is a tough thing to find these days).  I think that along with cell phones and the internet, many have lost their way when it comes to communicating, relating, AND making friends with others Selling is Everything fills that gap."<br><br>"This book is the missing link that will take a salesperson from good to great. There are tried and true methods that will save you much time in connecting with your prospects."<br><br>"Selling is Everything covers it all and then some. It is a fresh new approach to selling."<br><br>"After reading Selling is Everything, you will be armed with great tools that make failure to sell, next to impossible."
Everybody wants to have Top Sales Reps. But few managers understand what makes them tick. They are different, and they need different management attention. This book is about Top Sales Reps—sales professionals who are consistently top performers. In this book, you will see what makes a Top Sales Rep different. You will also hear about interview tips and management tips to help you find and care for your Top Sales Reps. I hope you find the book useful.
This definitive text at several leading Universities and Colleges is journalism in reverse. It demystifies public affairs, starting with examining your news value and working through media lists, press releases, news conferences and keeping reporters coming back for more.<br><br>It uses the proven SOCKO system for message generation, and takes you through the media venues you may encounter (including when things go wrong):<br><br>* sit downs<br><br>* stand ups<br><br>* scrums<br><br>* double-enders<br><br>* talk shows<br><br>Diagrams help you through setting up a media work centre, public affairs room and keeping on top of breaking news. Pictures from inside the major networks and a glossary of media terms get to the details of media skills.
The Successful Sales Manager: A Sales Manager's Handbook for Building Great Sales Performance is a new book published by industry veteran Dustin W Ruge. <br><br>In the book, Dustin covers the critical aspects as to why so many sales organizations fail and how to successfully move from bad sales management performance to great sales leaders and results.
Special Feature: This book offers eight unique self-evaluating exercises.<br><br>Many books have been written on the subject of public speaking. Often these voluminous books have been composed with the aspiring professional speaker in mind. However, most people do not want to become professional speakers. They just want to be able to address an audience, when required, and to deliver a presentation with grace, humour and confidence.<br><br>But most people are afraid! A study conducted by Reader's Digest and Yale University has, for twelve years in a row, concluded that the number one fear amongst 75 per cent of North Americans is the fear of speaking in front of a group of people. Why do we have this fear of speaking in public?<br><br>"Powerful Presentations" answers that question and suggests ways to overcome that fear. The book takes the reader through eight easy steps to write a presentation and eight secrets to present with power and confidence.<br><br>This practical book on public speaking will help students, managers, executives and, in fact, everyone to communicate with an audience in a competent manner.
Communicating is arguably the most important skill in life. Making a presentation is one of the most powerful ways of engaging with other human beings, yet often challenging and frequently nerve wracking. Too many over rely on Powerpoint to get their message across, and utterly fail to engage or connect with their audience. <br><br>This book shows you how to fulfil the 3 duties of any presenter – to be interesting and engaging, to get your message across and to be authentic. It also gives you a rock solid structure for almost any talk – and a way of cutting your preparation time by up to 90%. In a recent survey from the USA, 720 out of 1200 Chief Executives reckoned their ability to present well was the Number 1 reason for their success. Michael Trigg has spent over 20 years researching some of the best, most powerful, most useful and pragmatic presentation techniques on the planet. This book is a distillation of what he found. <br><br>These techniques work time and again and in almost any context. Whether you are an experienced presenter giving a keynote speech to your company, or talking to 600 tribesmen in Africa or pitching to a client – these ideas work. They could be the difference that makes the difference. Your message needs to stand out from the crowd – so learn how to blow your own horn with charisma, eloquence and power.
Have you ever listened to a really great speaker give a presentation? With no effort at all they can take a crowd who is listless and bored, grab their interest and then at the end, be overrun with people trying to take advantage of their offer or buy their product? How can one person manage to be so persuasive? That can be you. Imagine never struggling to get your point across again. <br><br>You can be the person who only gets told yes instead of no. Streamline your path to success by learning the secrets of communication and persuasion. Learn how to enter a room and command respect and how to get people to listen to you. You will be able to wield your influence easily, while communicating better, upping your chances for success in both your professional and personal life. Communication is part of our daily lives, start using it to your advantage with this book.