
Различные книги в жанре Критика

Новые русские люди

Михаил Салтыков-Щедрин

Д. Л. Мордовцев – беллетрист и историк, начиная с 50-х годов печатался в журналах «Отечественные записки», «Русское слово», «Дело». Его перу принадлежат, в частности, обширные исторические сочинения: «Самозванцы и понизовая вольница», «Гайдамачина», «Политические движения русского народа». На последнее в девятом номере «Отечественных записок» за 1870 г. помещена положительная рецензия (без подписи). Романы Мордовцева в ней критикуются так же, как и в настоящей рецензии Салтыкова, но Мордовцеву – историческому писателю дается высокая оценка. Салтыков считает героев Мордовцева идеализированными «Гамлетами Щигровского уезда», легкомысленно выдаваемыми за новых людей.

В разброд

Михаил Салтыков-Щедрин

Вторая рецензия Салтыкова на произведения Михайлова явилась продолжением полемики «Отечественных записок» с журналом «Дело» по важнейшим проблемам эстетики. Настаивая на верности своего прошлогоднего отзыва о Михайлове и связанных с ним общих теоретических выводах, Салтыков показывает, что новый роман «В разброд» служит ярким тому доказательством. Основной эстетический тезис Салтыкова приобретает здесь наиболее полное и точное выражение. «Истины самые полезные нередко получают репутацию мертворожденных, благодаря недостаточности или спутанности приемов, которые допускаются при их пропаганде».

Поэтические эскизы

Иван Тургенев

Статья Тургенева о сборнике «Поэтические эскизы», написанная в период оскудения русской поэзии, которое началось после гибели Лермонтова и продолжалось до середины 50-х годов, и связанная с выступлениями всего редакционного коллектива «Современника», была направлена против безыдейной поэзии эпигонов романтического стиля 1830-х годов. Она произвела сильное впечатление в Москве. Интересное описание чтения этой статьи в одном из московских литературных салонов содержится в письме Феоктистова к Тургеневу: «Как будто великолепная статья о Познякове могла обмануть кого-нибудь! Как будто достаточно не подписать своего имени, чтобы публика не увидала руки мастера!..»

A Companion to the English Novel

Stephen Arata

This collection of authoritative essays represents the latest scholarship on topics relating to the themes, movements, and forms of English fiction, while chronicling its development in Britain from the early 18th century to the present day. Comprises cutting-edge research currently being undertaken in the field, incorporating the most salient critical trends and approaches Explores the history, evolution, genres, and narrative elements of the English novel Considers the advancement of various literary forms – including such genres as realism, romance, Gothic, experimental fiction, and adaptation into film Includes coverage of narration, structure, character, and affect; shifts in critical reception to the English novel; and geographies of contemporary English fiction Features contributions from a variety of distinguished and high-profile literary scholars, along with emerging younger critics Includes a comprehensive scholarly bibliography of critical works on and about the novel to aid further reading and research

A Companion to Josephus

Zuleika Rodgers

A Companion to Josephus presents a collection of readings from international scholars that explore the works of the first century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus. Represents the first single-volume collection of readings to focus on Josephus Covers a wide range of disciplinary approaches to the subject, including reception history Features contributions from 29 eminent scholars in the field from four continents Reveals important insights into the Jewish and Roman worlds at the moment when Christianity was gaining ground as a movement Named Outstanding Academic Title of 2016 by Choice Magazine, a publication of the American Library Association

A New Companion to Renaissance Drama

Thomas Hopper Warren

A New Companion to Renaissance Drama provides an invaluable summary of past and present scholarship surrounding the most popular and influential literary form of its time. Original interpretations from leading scholars set the scene for important paths of future inquiry. A colorful, comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the material conditions of Renaissance plays, England's most important dramatic period Contributors are both established and emerging scholars, with many leading international figures in the discipline Offers a unique approach by organizing the chapters by cultural context, theatre history, genre studies, theoretical applications, and material studies Chapters address newest departures and future directions for Renaissance drama scholarship Arthur Kinney is a world-renowned figure in the field

A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics

Penelope Murray

The first of its kind, A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics presents a synoptic view of the arts, which crosses traditional boundaries and explores the aesthetic experience of the ancients across a range of media—oral, aural, visual, and literary. Investigates the many ways in which the arts were experienced and conceptualized in the ancient world Explores the aesthetic experience of the ancients across a range of media, treating literary, oral, aural, and visual arts together in a single volume Presents an integrated perspective on the major themes of ancient aesthetics which challenges traditional demarcations Raises questions about the similarities and differences between ancient and modern ways of thinking about the place of art in society

Modernism. Keywords

Alexandra Peat

Guided by the historical semantics developed in Raymond Williams' pioneering study of cultural vocabulary, Modernism: Keywords presents a series of short entries on words used with frequency and urgency in “written modernism,” tracking cultural and literary debates and transformative moments of change. Short-listed for The Modernist Studies Association 2015 Book Prize for an Edition, Anthology, or Essay Collection Highlights and exposes the salient controversies and changing cultural thought at the heart of modernism Goes beyond constructions of “plural modernisms” to reveal all modernist writing as overlapping and interactive in a simultaneous and interlocking mix Draws from a vast compilation of more than a thousand sources, ranging from vernacular prose to experimental literary forms Spans the “long” modernist period, from its incipient beginnings c.1880 to its post-WWII aftermath Approaches English written modernism in its own terms, tempering explanations of modernism often derived from European poets and painters Models research techniques based on digital databases and collaborative work in the humanities

The Encyclopedia of the Gothic

William Hughes

The Encylopedia of the Gothic features a series of newly-commissioned essays from experts in Gothic studies that cover all aspects of the Gothic as it is currently taught and researched, along with the development of the genre and its impact on contemporary culture. Comprises over 200 newly commissioned entries written by a stellar cast of over 130 experts in the field Arranged in A-Z format across two fully cross-referenced volumes Represents the definitive reference guide to all aspects of the Gothic Provides comprehensive coverage of relevant authors, national traditions, critical developments, and notable texts that define, shape, and inform the genre Extends beyond a purely literary analysis to explore Gothic elements of film, music, drama, art, and architecture. Explores the development of the genre and its impact on contemporary culture