Your One-Volume Guide to Collectible Military Firearms! It's Standard Catalog of Military Firearms , 6th Edition! If you collect military firearms, your best insurance policy is to know what you're collecting and how much it's worth. There's no better source of this knowledge than the updated, revised 6th edition of Phillip Peterson's Standard Catalog of Military Firearms . From handguns to rifles to shotguns and fully-automatic machineguns and submachineguns, Standard Catalog of Military Firearms provides a remarkable complete guide to the world's military firearms and their accessories. It's all here: Detailed descriptions and values for the world's military firearms, from Argentina to Yugoslavia Descriptions and values for related accessories including clips, magazines, bayonets and holsters All-new entries for antique, pre-cartridge era military firearms And much more! Protect yourself! Don't pay too much for military firearms – or sell for too little! Know what your collection is worth – with Standard Catalog of Military Firearms , 6th edition! About the Author Phillip Peterson is a fulltime federal firearms license (FFL) holder and for the past 20 years has been the proprietor of Pieces of History, a retail firearms shop specializing in historically significant guns. He is a featured columnist for Gun Digest Magazine and is the editor of Standard Catalog of Military Firearms and Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Tactical Rifles , both published by Gun Digest Books. He, his wife Kelli, and two sons live on a sprawling compound in rural northeastern Indiana.
Since 1944, Gun Digest has been regarded as the shooter's No. 1 resource. The 2012 edition continues the tradition of bringing you more of everything that firearms fanatics crave! Features in-depth articles about the world's most fascinating guns, testfire reports on the latest models, insights about fine collectibles, and roundups of what's new from leading manufacturers… you simply won't find a more comprehensive collection of firearms information. Whether you're interested in the latest tactical firearms or want to learn more about firearms history – or anything else related to guns and shooting – you'll find it in Gun Digest 2012. It's All Here: Rifles, Handguns & Shotguns Tactical Firearms Engraved & Custom Guns Ammunition Air Guns Gunsmithing Supplies Muzzloaders Shooting Products for Women About the Editor The late Dan Shideler (1960-2011) was a senior editor for Gun Digest Books and best-known as editor of the 2010-2012 editions of Gun Digest. During his seven years with F+W Media, Shideler also edited the Standard Catalog of Firearms, Modern Gun Values, The Official Gun Digest Book of Guns & Prices, and numerous other titles.
The Gun Digest Book of Exploded Gun Drawings is the definitive one-volume resource for collectors, gunsmiths and hobbyists, with hundreds of updated listings for modern and vintage handguns, rifles and shotguns. More than 1000 line drawings of disassembled guns are presented, with parts identified by number and a key to those numbers. This collection of «exploded guns» is the perfect aid to anyone looking to identify and order replacement parts, or take a gun apart for cleaning and simple repair, a must-have for gunsmiths, shooters and law enforcement officials. In addition to the detailed, easy-to-understand drawings of long guns and handguns of all types, this book features a resource section containing contact information for buying gun parts and supplies. The Gun Digest Book of Exploded Gun Drawings is sure to become a must-have for gunsmiths, shooters and law enforcement officials.
<P>At one time, sardines were an inexpensive staple for many Americans. The 212 photographs in this elegant volume offer a striking document of this now vanished industry. Generations of workers in Maine have snipped, sliced, and packed the small, silvery fish into billions of cans on their way to Americans' lunch buckets and kitchen cabinets. On April 15, 2010, Stinson's Seafood, once the home of Beach Cliff Sardines, shut down the packing line that had made the name world famous. Begun in 1927, Stinson's empire eventually included sardine canneries spread along the Maine coast and a fleet of ships to supply them. With this closing, however, the end of the entire sardine industry in Maine had finally arrived. Photographer Markham Starr was privileged to spend several days at the Stinson factory in Prospect Harbor, one month before it was dismantled, emerging with a collection of remarkable images that transform the parts of the cannery into works of art and capture the resilience of the workers faced with the loss of jobs many had held for decades. This book includes a short essay, and shows the heartland of Maine at its finest.</P>
Организаторы Международного интерактивного фестиваля современного искусства ARTLIFE знают всё о главных именах арт-индустрии и щедро делятся историями успеха лучших современных художников, которые вдохновляют и мотивируют творить.
Siebzehn heitere und rezeptfreie Geschichten: Ein unterzuckerter Einbrecher, schmerzresistente Mediziner, ein zerstreuter Chirurg mit in der Bauchhöhle eines Patienten zurückgelassenem Handy, bürokratische Hürden auf dem Weg zur eigenen Reha, die heiklen Erlebnisse des Autors als autodidaktische Praxisvertretung eines Gynäkologen oder seine nicht ernst zu nehmenden Tipps als Schreibkraft eines Gesundheitsmagazins zur Beantwortung von Leserbriefen.
Best-of-Satiren vom Publikumsliebling U. S. Levin
Endlich gibt es nun das sehnsüchtig erwartete Best-of der Satiren aus den ersten und längst vergriffenen Büchern von U.S. Levin. Darin begegnen dem Leser die lieb gewonnenen Protagonisten – der Ich-Erzähler selbst, seine Frau und wie stets das nachbarliche Ehepaar Stürzler – in Situationen und Szenen, die das Eheleben schreibt, vom Autor herrlich überspitzt, urkomisch, wie nur er es bewerkstelligen kann. So geht es etwa um die Angst des Mannes um sein bestes Stück – sein Auto, und darum, ob die Ehefrau ans Steuer darf. Das alleine kann schon Albträume hervorrufen. Und wenn die neue junge Nachbarin im Fahrstuhl auftaucht, dann ist der Ehefrieden dahin. Doch zum Glück kommt ja jedes Jahr der Hochzeitstag, an dem Mann alles wiedergutmachen kann … Nicht fehlen dürfen natürlich die schwarzhumorigen Karikaturen von Peter Dunsch, ohne die seine Bücher nur halb so schön wären, wie die Frau von U.S. Levin zu urteilen weiß.
Sexy Satirekost von Publikumsliebling U.S. Levin
Endlich: Ein Band mit Satiren zur schönsten Nebensache der Welt! Ob Schul- oder Menopause, ob glücklich oder verheiratet, ob einsam oder geschieden – hierin findet sich jeder wieder. U. S. Levins Credo: »Wunden müssen schmerzen, sonst tun sie nicht weh!« Protagonisten seiner locker-leicht erzählten Episoden sind in wechselnden Konstellationen der Schriftsteller Uwe Levin, seine Frau, sein Nachbar Felix Stürzler und dessen Frau Erika. Sie verhandeln in unterschiedlichen Situationen die Frage, ob Sex im gehobenen Alter überhaupt noch relevant ist und wenn ja – wie und warum. Aber keine Sorge, Levin bleibt auf dem Teppich: Seine urkomischen Geschichten sind lebensnah und handlungsreich, mal sinnlich, mal deftig, aber niemals plump. Und: Die zauberhaften Karikaturen von Peter Dunsch setzen noch einen herzhaften Lacher obendrauf.
Книга выделяется тем, что в ней даны только рисовальные практики арт-терапии. Автор делает акцент на том, что умение рисовать совершенно не требуется, а выбор техник и материалов позволит подобрать ключ к себе через творчество в удовольствие. Книга написана простым языком, содержит 40 уникальных практик рисования и арт-коучинга на самые разные темы, которые помогут изменить жизнь. Отдельно стоят практики антистресса, что является актуальным в наше время переизбытка информации.