What is forgiveness? What enables people to forgive? Why do we even choose to forgive those who have harmed us? What can the latest psychological research tell us about the nature of forgiveness, its benefits and risks? This imaginative comic explores the key aspects of forgiveness, asking what it means to forgive and to be forgiven. Witty and intelligent, it answers questions about the health benefits and restorative potential of forgiveness and explains, in easy-to-understand terms, what happens in our brains, bodies and communities when we choose to forgive.
Неожиданные факты из жизни знаменитых живописцев. Мельчайшие детали картин великих художников крупным планом. Паола Волкова – советский и российский искусствовед, историк культуры, преподаватель. Заслуженная популярность пришла к Паоле Волковой после выхода на телеканале «Культура» авторской программы о шедеврах изобразительного искусства «Мост над бездной». Блестящий педагог и рассказчик приглашает слушателя поразмышлять об искусстве и мире, увидеть то, что обычно скрыто от взгляда дилетанта, погрузиться в мир необыкновенных художественных образов… © Оформление ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2020 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2020
First published in 1632, then later in its modern form in 1817, A Treatise on Painting was a (somewhat disorganized) culmination of da Vinci’s teachings and philosophy about the science of art. Written by Francesco Melzi, one of his pupils around 1540, many assumed it had been written by da Vinci himself for centuries. Art historians around the world laud the treatise as one of the most significant and influential works on his art theory, circulating in manuscript form in nearly every language. Work on the treatise began in Milan and continued for the last 25 years of his life.
A visual celebration, Canines of New York collects more than 300 photographers taken by acclaimed Brooklyn-based photographer Heather Weston throughout the five boroughs of this incredible, dog-loving city. Featuring pups in every part of the Big Apple, from iconic landmarks to their owners’ brownstone steps, this is the perfect gift for every dog lover.