Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

The Wisdom of Adam Smith

John Haggarty

Adam Smith was an eloquent man of considerable philosophical and historical learning. His most incisive and enduring observations are collected here on subjects ranging from political and economic history to morals, art, education, war, and the American colonies. Throughout, notes an admirer in the introduction, “his writing is blessedly free of that use of jargon (and mathematics) that characterizes most of the modern materials in economics. His ideas are expressed in a lucid, straightforward manner that makes them accessible to all.” Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

The Theory of Money and Credit

Людвиг фон Мизес

The Theory of Money and Credit integrated monetary theory into the main body of economic analysis for the first time, providing fresh, new insights into the nature of money and its role in the economy and bringing Mises into the front rank of European economists.The Theory of Money and Credit also presented a new monetary theory of the trade cycle, which, under further development by Mises’s student Nobel Laureate F. A. Hayek, came to challenge all previous trade-cycle theories.Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) was the leading spokesman of the Austrian School of economics throughout most of the twentieth century. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.


Людвиг фон Мизес

More than thirty years ago F. A. Hayek said of Socialism: “It was a work on political economy in the tradition of the great moral philosophers, a Montesquieu or Adam Smith, containing both acute knowledge and profound wisdom. . . . To none of us young men who read the book when it appeared was the world ever the same again.” This is a newly annotated edition of the classic first published in German in 1922. It is the definitive refutation of nearly every type of socialism ever devised. Mises presents a wide-ranging analysis of society, comparing the results of socialist planning with those of free-market capitalism in all areas of life.Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) was the leading spokesman of the Austrian School of economics throughout most of the twentieth century. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Führung ist keine Raketenwissenschaft

Daniel Mehde

Wie wäre es, wenn Sie als Führungskraft mit weniger Kraftaufwand, weniger Konflikten und weniger Kampf Ihre Ziele erreichen könnten?
Wie wäre es, wenn Sie endlich einen Ansatz finden würden, wie bessere Kommunikation, mehr Konsens und kreative Zusammenarbeit gelingen kann?
Daniel Mehde und Carsten Banse zeigen genau das in Ihrem Buch. Sie greifen dabei auf zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung als Trainer und Coaches zurück. Die Autoren präsentieren mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis, leicht verständlichen Modellen und gut umsetzbaren Lösungen, wie man die Probleme des Führungsalltages erfolgreich meistert. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist dabei oft, den Blick auf sich selbst zu richten!
Führung ist keine Raketenwissenschaft!

Impuestos y cambio cultural en Bogotá, 1992-2011

Paul Bromberg

Entre 1993 y 2003 el recaudo fiscal de Bogotá se multiplicó por diez en términos reales, condición sin la cual no habría tenido lugar la reconocida transformación de la ciudad. Además de la voluntad política de los alcaldes involucrados, se ha invocado la promoción de una nueva cultura tributaria para explicar cómo se dieron y aceptaron las reformas correspondientes. Este libro reconstruye lo que pasó y pone en su justo lugar cada uno de los factores que mejoraron los ingresos fiscales de la ciudad.

Andre vinkler pa ledelse og organisation

Группа авторов

Bogen afspejler professor Jens Genefkes mangesidige beroringsflader og hans mangearige arbejde i brydningsfladen mellem virksomhedsledelsens teori og praksis. Bidragyderne har i flere tilfAelde brugt muligheden for at fremlAegge anderledes synsvinkler pa udviklingen inden for ledelse og organisation.De 14 bidrag rAekker saledes fra en generel kritik af den nationale satsning pa teknologi (Agersnap) til specifikke diskussioner af ledelsesteoretiske emner sasom budgettets Aendrede betydning samt nye krav til organisationsstruktur, boundary spanning og mangfoldighedsledelse (Bukh, Sorensen, Sondergaard, Hildebrandt). I tre bidrag reflekterer praktiserende konsulenter over deres erfaringer med organisationsAendringer og personaleledelse (Holmgren, Andersen, Engelbrecht), og tre andre handler om at identificere muligheder og at skabe betingelserne for entrepreneurship (Blenker, Nielsen, Rind Christensen). De sidste bidrag handler om markedsforing med duale distributionskanaler, det okologiske marked og de nye tiders publicering (Mols, Vestergaard, Horluck).

Global Experience Industries

Jens Christensen

The experience economy is a fourth economic field different from commodities, goods and services. Experiences are an economic value added to a product or identical with the product. When you buy an experience, you pay to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage the customer in a personal way. The experience dimension has moved into a predominant place since the 1990s, fueled by an expanding global and digital economy. In developed countries, people get richer and more individualized and having met all basic materiel needs, they focus increasingly on personal development and self realization. Demand for experience-based products increases, such as tourism and sports as well as film, music and other contents of media and interactive technologies. Furthermore, the demand for experience values is extended to include any product and dimension of modern societies, such as the design of houses, furniture, clothes, cars, computers, etc. This is not a completely new story. Commercial entertainment and design has been around for a century or so. And in addition, universal values of love, sex, belief, family and the meaning of life have always been vital to human beings. What is new is the fact that capitalism is invading more and more fields of experiences connected with emotions and the extension of life proportions. In all developed countries and increasingly on a global scale, a series of expanding industries have emerged to supply the market with experience-oriented goods. In this book, the business development of markets and industries is covered from tourism, to media and entertainment, and from design to sex, including leading companies and trends in all industries involved.