Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

Den meningsfulde oplevelse

Kenneth Hansen

Alle taler om oplevelsesokonomi. Men hvad er meningen med oplevelser, og hvad betyder oplevelsers design i digitale medier? Inden for webdesign, multimedier, digital forvaltning, museer, turisme og andre omrader understotter digitale teknologier stadig flere oplevelser. Dermed er det ogsa blevet relevant at trAede et skridt tilbage og sporge: Hvad er oplevelsers mere almene karakter, og hvad gor oplevelser meningsfulde for os i dag? Dette er forste bog pa dansk, som handler om at skabe meningsfulde rum for brugere af digitale oplevelsesprodukter. Udgangspunktet er, at en stor del af verden efterhanden er indlejret i teknologi, og at vores oplevelser af verden ogsa er det. Samtidskunsten leverer opskrifterne til, hvordan oplevelsessamfundets mange nye entreprenorer og procesledere kan skabe sammenhAeng i deres arbejde med digitalt design. Bogen er en opdagelsesrejse, der gar gennem hjernens verden, giver indblik i, hvordan mening bliver til, og bevAeger sig hen til steder, hvor menneskers perception, kategorisering og hukommelse spiller sammen med ny teknologi.

Constructive News

Ulrik Haagerup


Jens Mogens Olesen

Er du utro, sa har du sex med hele verden! Hvorfor? Fordi alt er netvAerk, og du er forbundet med alle andre nulevende mennesker. Siden 1930'erne har forskere studeret sociale netvAerk, men det var internettet, som for alvor fik abnet vores ojne for betydningen af netvAerk, og hvor udbredte de er overalt i verden. Sa du er ikke kun forbundet til andre sexede mennesker, men ogsa til andre arter som koen, hunden, loppen og bAendelormen. Derfor er udbruddet 'Hvor er verden dog lille', nar vi tilfAeldigt stoder pa en bekendt i de varme lande, faktisk overraskende sandt. Antallet af links mellem ethvert menneske og fx USA's prAesident er nemlig kun seks, dvs. du skal i princippet bare kontakte seks mennesker, hvor den ene kender den anden, for du far Obama himself i tale. Se det giver et vist vingesus til den smalltalk, du har med den vindtorre bordherre til arets familiefest – hvem ved, om han kender en, som du gerne vil kende?

Muddling Toward Frugality

Warren Johnson

Mr. Johnson’s thesis can be summarized without much difficulty: after generations of extravagant and reckless industrial expansion, we are clearly entering an age of economic scarcity. While human demands continue to rise, natural resources, especially the non-renewable kind, become harder to find and more expensive to extract, process, transport and distribute. This simple brute fact is the basic cause of inflation, despite the inability of most professional economists to see it. (The “dismal science” has never been more dismally obtuse than it is today.) The law of diminishing returns is coming into effect. Technological developments can delay the process but not halt or reverse it; nor can we rely on government or big business to save us. Planning for further growth delays the adjustments that must be made, makes a fair sharing of necessary sacrifices more troublesome, and if carried too far will make more severe and painful, because rapid, the inevitable decline of the international economic machine. The best way to deal with the end of affluence is to accept it—not fight it—and to begin, here and now, the unavoidable adaptations, on an individual, family, and community basis. Piecemeal, experimental, and muddling.

Open Capital Markets For Local Economies

William E. Scholz

A new era of economic growth is upon America bringing greater transparency, accountability, and visibility to local, privately held assets. Local economies are poised for growth! New regulations, Federally-sponsored initiatives, and innovative technologies, such as Blockchain, allow for the worker to invest in local assets. Open capital markets for local economies, if managed appropriately, will decentralize capital outside of the coasts and more opportunity will flow to the American worker!

The Post Pandemic Economy

William E. Scholz

The Post Pandemic Economy argues for an urgent renovation of our world's economic order. The world's economic order hangs in the balance due to more than a decade of financial bail-outs that have weekend the petrodollar as the world's standard currency and unsettled market equilibrium by sustaining toxic assets. The coronavirus pandemic pushes our economy over the cliff as evidenced by the largest bail-out process arguably in the history of the world. The world needs a peaceful revolution toward A New, Global Economic Order that never again emphasizes a debt-based system, but instead creates an equity-based system that more aligns with the values of a 21st and 22nd Century economy that include innovation and invention. Our book discusses a full-scale renovation of our world's financial institutions at all levels. Most ambitiously, we take a paint brush to the United Nations and its associated umbrella organizations such as the International Monetary Fund. We propose an entirely new order with a sustainable and sound currency, increased protections for national sovereignty, and a re-stabilization of the Nation-State through the elimination of foreign intelligence intrusion and state-sponsored terrorism. The Post Pandemic Economy is nothing short of a policy agenda for Democratic-Republicanism to answer the extraordinary threat of a rising Chinese Communist Party, which is both a Stalinist regime and hell-bent on world socialism. Below are just a few highlighted topics of a renovation effort: 1. Renovate International Economic Institutions replacing The Federal Reserve system with a partially Gold-standard backed currency and equity-based economic order. 2. Develop a «National Capital Bank» in the United States to facilitate massive equity re-investment, through public-private partnerships, into both large-scale infrastructure projects and small businesses. 3. Establish The New, Global Economic Order through a constitutional convention, a 1776 for the world, to replace the insolvent debt-based economic order.

How to Start a Creative Business

Doug Richard

This user-friendly and attractive guide shows creative people how to turn their hobbies into sustainable lifestyle businesses. Based on a unique 10-question formula, the book provides comprehensive start-up business advice. The jargon-free information is brought to life with real-life case studies from a range of creative start-ups and online resources that help you to develop your own business goals and plans


Thomas Kirchner

Ein Insider packt aus: Das Buch ist ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer eines aus Deutschland stammenden Fondsmanagers von der New Yorker Wall Street gegen eine Überregulierung der Finanzwirtschaft. Als direkt Beteiligter räumt er dabei mit zahlreichen Mythen, Medienenten und Mißverständen über die Arbeits- und Wirkungsweise internationaler Finanzinstitute und ihrer Produkte auf. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Ursachen der gegenwärtigen Krise, als deren Hauptschuldige er inkompetente Politiker ausmacht, die in ihrer Inkompetenz ihrer Verantwortung nicht gerecht werden können. Denn ehe man Finanzmärkte regelt, müsste man erst ihre Wirkungsweise verstehen. Zahlreiche persönliche Erfahrungen erlauben einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der großen Player an den internationalen Finanzmärkten.

Ökonomie die dem Leben dient

Franz Segbers

"Diese Wirtschaft tötet." Franz Segbers nimmt in seinem Neuentwurf einer theologischen Wirtschaftsethik diesen Satz von Papst Franziskus ernst. Konsequent wählt er die sozialen Menschenrechte – die entscheidende zivilisatorische Errungenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts und eine Lehre aus der Weltwirtschaftskrise vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg – zum systematischen Ausgangspunkt. Die modernen Menschenrechte sind aber ohne ihren biblischen Wurzelgrund gar nicht zu denken! Segbers entwickelt deshalb eine «Ethik des Lebens», die biblisch und theologisch argumentiert und gleichzeitig eine gemeinsame Gesprächsbasis mit Nichtglaubenden bietet.

Soziale Intelligenz

Aristidis Selalmazidis

Dieses Buch kann Ihr Denken verändern.
Wie können wir morgen noch erfolgreich sein? Wie führen wir uns selbst und andere Menschen auf sinnvolle Weise? 
Dieses Fast-Book bietet Inspirationen zum Umgang mit Ideen, Marketing und Mitarbeitern, zur Focussierung wie auch positive Psychologie für bewusstes Management.
Für Change Management, Führungskräfte und alle Profis im Business, die erfolgreich Veränderungen leben möchten.
Mehr über den Autor: www.teamas.de