This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership. Ideal for orienting readers to The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session or prior to administering the LPI® assessment, the article contains two case studies, a short descriptions of The Five Practices, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). In addition, available under separate ISBNs, there are now versions of this article available for specific markets, including: Financial Services, Government, Healthcare Administration, Non-Profit, and Nursing.
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of healthcare. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from healthcare, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).
Today's large business organizations in India have a voracious need for effective managers and talented leaders; but demand far exceeds supply. This timely and practical book offers thoroughly-researched pointers on how Indian managers can become high-performing business leaders. The leadership development curriculum proposed in these pages is based on extracting lessons from on-the-job experience. Given that the workplace is the medium through which the essentials of leadership are learned, executives and managers at all levels need to know which experiences matter, what are the foremost lessons learned, and how learning occurs. Developing Tomorrow's Leaders Today offers a complete template for effective leadership, including: The seven experiences vital for developing leadership ability The 11 lessons in leadership essential for managerial effectiveness Over 50 stories and 100 wise quotations from today's senior executives that portray how leadership acumen sharpens over time Reflective exercises, self-assessments, and guidelines for self-improvement The underlying research was conducted in cooperation with the Tata Management Training Center in Pune, India, and captures the experiences and leadership lessons learned by over 100 senior Indian business leaders. As such, it offers readers both a compass and a map for traversing the terrain of leadership development. In these pages, early and mid-career managers will find a roadmap for steering their careers towards the higher echelons of executive leadership. Senior executives, at the top of their game, will find a systematic and proactive approach to cultivating the leadership talent that their organizations will require in the future. Global executives operating in India will find out how leadership and management are practiced in India.
Die Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft richtet sich an alle von uns, die sich fur die Zukunft interessieren. Wissenschaftler, Manager, Berater und Politiker prasentieren ihre personlichen Zukunftsvisionen fur fast alle Bereiche unserer Wirtschaft. Dabei liefern sie eine Fulle von Ideen, wie die Zukunft aussehen wird und was wir dazu beitragen konnen, sie in eine gute Richtung zu steuern. Mit Beitragen von Jorg Adolf (Shell), Carl-Albrecht Bartmer (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft), Volker Bellersheim (Arthur D. Little), Rainer Bruderle (FDP), Hans-Jorg Bullinger (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft), Ralf Christian (Siemens), Michael Diekmann (Allianz), Manfred Dietel (Charite), Jean-Pierre Dubois (Paris), Lord John Eatwell (Cambridge), Ralf Emmerich (Capgemini), Falko Fecht (European Business School), Michael Frenzel (TUI), Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), Gerald Gerlach (TU Dresden), Stefan Gro?-Selbeck (XING), Thomas Gutberlet (tegut), Matthias K. Hartmann (IBM), Stefan Heidbreder (Stiftung Familienunternehmen), Markus Hofmann (NETWORK), Jurgen Hubbert (ehem. Daimler), Claudia Kemfert (DIW), Volker Kirchgeorg (Arthur D. Little), Andreas Knie (WZB, InnoZ), Gerhard Knies (DESERTEC), Hartmut Kreikebaum (European Business School), Kurt J. Lauk (CDU), Jorg Lennardt (ExperConsult), Meinrad Lugan (B. Braun Melsungen), Bernd Malmstrom (ehem. Deutsche Bahn, Schenker), Wolfgang Plischke (Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller), Marc Reinhardt (Capgemini), Andreas Renschler (Daimler), August-Wilhelm Scheer (BITKOM), Werner Schnappauf (BDI), Antonio Schnieder (Capgemini, BDU), Ulrich Schriek (Qiagen), Karl-Gerhard Seifert (Allessa), Gerhard Seitfudem (Publicis), Tom Sommerlatte (Osiris MIC), Thomas Theuringer (Qiagen), Christopher Ulrich (Arthur D. Little), Jurgen Valentin (NanoFocus), Mark Wahrenburg (Universitat Frankfurt), Henning Wallentowitz (RWTH Aachen), Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl (Fraunhofer-Institut fur System- und Innovationsforschung), Christoph Wollny (Siemens), Sebastian Ziegaus (Fraunhofer-Institut fur System- und Innovationsforschung), Bernd Ziesemer (Handelsblatt).
Co-authored by two respected authorities on hedge funds and asset management, this implementation-oriented guide shows you how to employ a range of the most commonly used analysis tools and techniques both in industry and academia, for understanding, identifying and managing risk as well as for quantifying return factors across several key investment strategies. The book is also suitable for use as a core textbook for specialised graduate level courses in hedge funds and alternative investments. The book provides hands-on coverage of the visual and theoretical methods for measuring and modelling hedge fund performance with an emphasis on risk-adjusted performance metrics and techniques. A range of sophisticated risk analysis models and risk management strategies are also described in detail. Throughout, coverage is supplemented with helpful skill building exercises and worked examples in Excel and VBA. The book's dedicated website, provides Excel spreadsheets and VBA source code which can be freely downloaded and also features links to other relevant and useful resources. A comprehensive course in hedge fund modelling and analysis, this book arms you with the knowledge and tools required to effectively manage your risks and to optimise the return profile of your investment style.
Few topics have attracted as much attention worldwide in recent years as the RMB. These debates have gained added urgency in light of the financial crisis and the topic of RMB revaluation is now being actively debated in countries all over the world from Tunisia to the United States. This book explores the ever-changing role of the RMB and the related derivative products. However, it does so from a view that is heavily influenced by the fallout from the financial crisis as well as the in the context of the increasing maturity of the Chinese capital markets. The author has drawn on his experience as a regulator to provide invaluable views, insights and information on RMB derivative products and the development of this market going forward. Key topics include: Overview of current China economy and its capital market In-depth analysis on the China's banking system and foreign exchange system Extensive analysis of on-shore and off-shore financial products in China Explanation of the needs and reasons for RMB products innovation Insights into the internationalization of the RMB Not only will this book leave its readers with a much clearer idea of the structure of China's capital markets but it also gives insights on the market going forward leveraged through Peter Zhang's many years of experience as both a senior banker and through his integral role in the key regulatory authority of the banking sector, the CBRC.
Unser Leben verlangt permanente Hochstleistung, im Beruf und privat. Dafur brauchen wir viel Energie. Wird diese Energie in ausreichender Menge zugefuhrt, bleibt unser korperliches und mentales Gleichgewicht erhalten. Andernfalls holt sich der Organismus das, was er braucht, aus Reservespeichern, die eigentlich fur das Funktionieren der taglichen Energiekreislaufe gedacht sind. Sind diese Speicher leer, ist unsere Leistungsfahigkeit drastisch reduziert. Die Ausbeutung des Korpers wird oft erst sichtbar, wenn es moglicherweise schon zu spat ist, regulierend in den Energiehaushalt einzugreifen. Ergebnisse sind Krankheiten wie Burnout, korperlicher Verschlei?, physiologische Mangelerscheinungen oder Schlafstorungen. Wie aber konnen wir hohe Leistung vollbringen, ohne uns korperlich, mental oder emotional derart zu verausgaben, dass irreparable Defizite entstehen? Optimale Ernahrung, ausreichend Bewegung und mentale Fitness sind nach dem heutigen Wissensstand ausschlaggebend dafur, dass wir dauerhaft leistungsfahig bleiben. Doch was bedeutet das fur uns personlich? Nicht jeder Mensch funktioniert gleich. Diesem Umstand werden die praktischen Tipps und Empfehlungen dieses Buches gerecht: Mittels Checklisten und Selbsttests konnen wir uns selbst einschatzen und erfahren, auf welchem Stand wir sind. Mit den angebotenen Strategien und Ma?nahmen konnen wir unsere Fitness typgerecht optimieren. Schlagworte: Ernahrung ? Schlaf und Erholung ? Stress, Depression und Burnout ? Tagesplanung und Zeitmanagement ? Personlichkeitstypen ? Entspannungstechniken ? Werte, Visionen, Erwartungen ? Kompetenzen und Motivation ? Kommunikationstypen und -stile ? Sozialkompetenz ? Gluck und Religion ? Intelligenz und Wissen ? Lernen und Gedachtnis ? Genetische Grundlagen ? Sport und Bewegung ? Ubungen im Buro ?Das Buch zeigt wunderschon ganzheitliche Wege zur Fitness auf. Sehr zu empfehlen fur gesundheitsbewusste Menschen, die mehr wollen als Korperkult und Diatkriege.? Oliver Gassmann, Professor fur Innovationsmanagement an der Universitat St. Gallen ?Wer dieses Buch liest und das prasentierte Wissen fur sich umsetzt, verbessert seine beruflichen Aussichten und erhoht die Chancen auf personliche Zufriedenheit.? Eric Kearney, Professor fur Fuhrung, Organisation und Personal, Universitat Potsdam
A comprehensive guide to planning for CEO succession, from the experts at RHR As the demands from stakeholders for consummate leadership and good governance from a company's board of directors, its CEO, and its executive team increase, how the process of CEO succession is carried out has become more critical than ever before. Yet, over the past several years, a growing number of CEOs have failed early in their terms, often with devastating consequences to their companies and stockholders. By far the most common problem is a lack of ownership of the CEO succession process. Inside CEO Succession provides businesses, leaders, and boards with the strategies they need to execute their responsibilities with a heightened level of professionalism and ensure the sustained success of the companies they serve. Written by Dr. Thomas J. Saporito, CEO of RHR International, and Dr. Paul Winum, Senior Partner of RHR International, the lessons of Inside CEO Succession are rooted in RHR's long-standing history of bringing expert knowledge, experience, advice, and counsel to the issues related to CEO succession. The culmination of RHR's 65 years of experience providing expert counsel to the boards of directors of hundreds of companies, it explains how ego, role-relationships, power, and human dynamics associated with relinquishing leadership, preparing successors, and ceding power and authority to other people create undetected problems in the succession process and ultimately cause many CEOs to fail early in their tenures. Distills RHR's 65 years of experience helping businesses deal with CEO succession into one practical resource Presents strategies to enable boards to understand their role in succession planning and how to source leadership that best fits their organization's culture and requirements Brings together business acumen and psychological insight to help readers better prepare for more effective CEO succession To be successful, CEO succession requires a well-defined course of action that ensures that a number of highly capable candidates are ready to assume the chief executive position whether through an unexpected event or a planned transition. Inside CEO Succession is designed to help boards comprehensively manage that process and effectively sustain their company's profitability.
Discovering the Leader in You Workbook From the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) comes a highly accessible workbook based on the concepts outlined in the revised and updated edition of Discovering the Leader in You. The workbook contains a variety of questions and exercises designed to help professionals reflect on, examine, explore, and discover concepts and issues related to their role as leaders. Most of the activities can be completed while working through the book, others require more time, and some involve other people. To gain the greatest benefit, it is suggested that all the activities be done as thoughtfully and as honestly as possible. Once you have completed the exercises and tasks outlined in the workbook, you will be able to Clarify your purpose for leading, based on a clear leadership vision and a core set of values Articulate your leadership strengths and areas for development Understand who you are as a leader in the context of both your work and your personal life Determine when and why you feel unclear or stuck in your leadership journey While you may want to tackle this workbook on your own, leaders often find that the leadership journey is more rewarding when they work with other people. You can review the workbook with a coach or mentor, or work with colleagues who are also using the workbook in order to discuss ideas and gain feedback. If you are a leader (or an aspiring leader) who works in a highly complex and competitive environment and wants to tap into the qualities that characterize success, this is the resource for you. The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) is the world's largest institution devoted exclusively to leadership research and education. Since 1970, CCL has studied and trained hundreds of thousands of executives and worked with them to create practical models, tools, and publications for the development of effective leaders and leadership.
This 24-page article is perfect for leaders with limited time and budget. It provides a concise overview of Kouzes and Posner's model and overall thoughts on leadership in the realm of government/public sector. Ideal for orienting readers to the Five Practices® model at the beginning of a workshop or coaching session, the piece contains two Leadership Challenge case studies drawn from government and the public sector, a short description of the Five Practices®, a section on «Learning to Lead», and background information on the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI).