Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

Millionaire Migrants. Trans-Pacific Life Lines

David Ley

Based on extensive interviewing and access to a wide range of databases, this is an examination of the migration career of wealthy migrants who left East Asia and relocated to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, in the 1980s and 1990s. An interdisciplinary project based on over 15 years of research in Vancouver, Toronto, and Hong Kong, with additional comparative visits and consultations in Sydney, Beijing, and Singapore Traces the histories of the migrants families over a 25 year period Offers a critical view of the spatial presuppositions of neo-liberal globalization, and an insertion of geography into transnational theory

Value Investing. Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investment

James Montier

As with his weekly column, James Montier's Value Investing is a must read for all students of the financial markets. In short order, Montier shreds the 'efficient market hypothesis', elucidates the pertinence of behavioral finance, and explains the crucial difference between investment process and investment outcomes. Montier makes his arguments with clear insight and spirited good humor, and then backs them up with cold hard facts. Buy this book for yourself, and for anyone you know who cares about their capital! —Seth Klarman, President, The Baupost Group LLC The seductive elegance of classical finance theory is powerful, yet value investing requires that we reject both the precepts of modern portfolio theory (MPT) and pretty much all of its tools and techniques. In this important new book, the highly respected and controversial value investor and behavioural analyst, James Montier explains how value investing is the only tried and tested method of delivering sustainable long-term returns. James shows you why everything you learnt at business school is wrong; how to think properly about valuation and risk; how to avoid the dangers of growth investing; how to be a contrarian; how to short stocks; how to avoid value traps; how to hedge ignorance using cheap insurance. Crucially he also gives real time examples of the principles outlined in the context of the 2008/09 financial crisis. In this book James shares his tried and tested techniques and provides the latest and most cutting edge tools you will need to deploy the value approach successfully. It provides you with the tools to start thinking in a different fashion about the way in which you invest, introducing the ways of over-riding the emotional distractions that will bedevil the pursuit of a value approach and ultimately think and act differently from the herd.

Alternative Alternatives. Risk, Returns and Investment Strategy

Sona Blessing

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, investors are searching for new opportunities and products to safeguard their investments for the future. Riding high on the wave of new financial opportunities are Alternative Alternatives (AA). However, there is a dearth of information on what Alternative Alternatives are, how they work, and how they can be profited from. The book defines what Alternative Alternatives are, based on research and the following hypothesis: If the source (origin) of the risk lies outside of the financial markets, then it should be insulated from the vagaries of those markets. The book identifies and examines such and other unique, idiosyncratic, and difficult to replicate sources of risk – assets and strategies. The recent credit and sovereign debt crisis have served to defend the hypothesis and have upheld the conclusion that alternative alternative assets and strategies offer a risk-return profile that is distinct to those offered by traditional and main stream hedge fund strategies. These strategies include timberland investing, insurance risk transfer, asset/loan based lending (aviation, shipping, trade, entertainment, litigation financing etc), collectables and extraction strategies such as volatility and behaviour finance. This book will be a one stop resource to the new investment class known globally as Alternative Alternatives (AA) and will provide a comprehensive but accessible introduction to these assets. It provides an in-depth analysis of the assets and strategies which will leave investors with everything they need to identify and allocate to the best AA for them. It reviews the asset on a standalone basis, providing an explanation of the product, its characteristics, a SWOT analysis, and details its risk/reward drivers. The book also looks at how to integrate the asset within a portfolio – its peculiarities, the challenges and the constraints of each. Next, the book shows how Alternative Alternatives are used in the real world, how they are implemented, and the results that they have achieved. Finally, the book looks at the scope, scalability and prospects for each asset in the future.

Conversations on Leadership. Wisdom from Global Management Gurus

Lan Liu

A veritable who's who in leadership, Conversations on Leadership features Warren Bennis, Jim Kouzes, John Kotter, Noel Tichy, Peter Senge, James March, Howard Gardner, Bill George, and others. Since each leader has a distinctive approach, this book provides the multi-faceted truths of leadership to broaden and deepen the understanding of the readers.

Die Gehälterlüge. Verdienen die Anderen Wirklich Mehr Als Ich?

Dirk Börnecke

Kaum eine Frage spaltet die Gesellschaft so stark wie die nach Löhnen und Gehältern: Ist es gerecht, dass die Einen viel verdienen und die Anderen wenig? Lassen sich Leistung und Verantwortung wirklich in Geld umrechnen? Lohnt sich eine qualifizierte Ausbildung? Dirk Börnecke wirft einen kritischen Blick auf das Prinzip der leistungsorientierten Entlohnung. Er vergleicht beispielhaft Gehälter in unterschiedlichen Berufsgruppen, nach Branchen und Regionen, im öffentlichen Dienst und in der Wirtschaft und weist auf Unterschiede nach Alter, Geschlecht oder anderen Kriterien hin. Auch die Themen Selbständigkeit, Image und Managergehälter werden dabei nicht außer Acht gelassen. Hierbei geht er auch der Frage nach, ob sich Verantwortung und Qualifikationen tatsächlich vergleichen lassen, und bringt noch weitere Aspekte ins Spiel – etwa die Qualität und Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes, die Möglichkeit zur Selbstentfaltung oder die private Situation. Dabei wird deutlich, dass der Inhalt der monatlichen Lohntüte nur eine Komponente zur Bewertung der eigenen Situation ist: Wichtig ist, was am Ende übrig bleibt. Mit diesem Buch wird das Tabuthema Gehalt transparent, die persönliche Bewertung von Löhnen und Einkommen wird drastisch relativiert. Wer an der Wirklichkeit interessiert ist, kommt an diesem Buch nicht vorbei!

Negotiating Globally. How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries

Jeanne Brett M.

A framework for anticipating and managing cultural differences at the negotiating table In today's global environment, negotiators who understand cultural differences and negotiation fundamentals have a decided advantage at the bargaining table. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Negotiating Globally explains how culture affects negotiators' assumptions about when and how to negotiate, their interests and priorities, and their strategies. It explains how confrontation, motivation, influence, and information strategies shift due to culture. It provides strategic advice for negotiators whose deals, disputes, and decisions cross cultural boundaries, and shows how to anticipate cultural differences and then manage them when they appear at the negotiating table. It challenges negotiators to expand their repertoire of strategies, so that they are prepared to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions regardless of the culture in which they find themselves. Includes a review of the various contexts and building blocks of negotiation strategy Explains how and why negotiation may be practiced differently in different cultures and how to modify strategy when confronted with different cultural approaches Explores the three primary cultural prototypes negotiators should understand Negotiating Globally is ideal for those relatively new to negotiation, particularly in the global arena, and offers an overview of the various contexts and tactics of negotiation strategy. Written by an award-winning negotiation expert, this book provides an ideal framework for any and all global negotiations.

Positive Psychology at Work. How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations

Sarah Lewis

Positive Psychology at Work brings the fields of positive psychology and appreciative inquiry together for the first time to provide leaders and change agents with a powerful new approach to achieving organizational excellence. Draws together positive psychology and appreciative inquiry in the context of leadership organizational challenges for the first time Presents academically rigorous and referenced material in a jargon-free, accessible manner Arranged with chapters focused on specific organizational challenges to allow readers to quickly find ideas relevant to their unique situation Features short contributions from experienced practitioners of positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and includes case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USAÂ

The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2012

David Greenaway

This is the nineteenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level Includes chapters exploring WTO issues, and agricultural trading issues Provides up-to-date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews Analyses global trade policy in areas such as Australia and Sri Lanka, and includes special sections on both China and Malaysia A vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues

Biotechnology Valuation. An Introductory Guide

Karl Keegan

The first book to provide a simple and practical means of valuing biotech companies The book begins with a short history of the biotechnology industry; this is important as although it is about 30 years old, the first company went public only in 1996, so it is possible to plot the course of investment waves and dips It examines the European industry and its evolvement, and draws parallels between the similarities and differences between that and the US Looks at the various companies which make up the biotech industry (therapeutic; life sciences; and the medical technology company) and gives tools for the investor to properly evaluate them Praise for Biotechnology Valuation «Keegan states that the valuation of Biotech companies is as much an art as a science. This brief but comprehensive review of the skills and knowledge required, not of just the financial market and sentiment, but also of the technical attributes of a company and the drug development and regulatory hurdles that must be overcome, highlights the importance of the breadth of understanding required. Biotech investing is not for the timid, but it can bring substantial returns. Keegan's book, punctuated with his personal experience and opinions, is a good place to start.» —Chris Blackwell, Chief Executive, Vectura Group plc «A user-friendly, yet thorough discussion of a notoriously difficult topic. Dr Keegan's book is a fine resource for both business types and academicians.» —Steve Winokur, Managing Director, CanaccordAdams «A highly readable and comprehensive explanation of the technical and commercial parameters that influence biotechnology companies at all stages of development, providing clear context for selection from the toolkit of valuation methodologies the author recommends to assess company and product performance, or ascribe value.» —Dr L.M. Allan, Director, Bioscience Enterprise Programme, University of Cambridge «A fabulous approach to a difficult topic.» —Deirdre Y. Gillespie, MD, President & CEO, La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company

The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success

Joel Greenblatt

Acclaim for Joel Greenblatt's New York Times bestseller THE LITTLE BOOK THAT BEATS THE MARKET «One of the best, clearest guides to value investing out there.» —Wall Street Journal «Simply perfect. One of the most important investment books of the last fifty years!» —Michael Price «A landmark book-a stunningly simple and low-risk way to significantly beat the market!» —Michael Steinhardt, the dean of Wall Street hedge-fund managers «The best book on the subject in years.» —Financial Times «The best thing about this book-from which I intend to steal liberally for the next edition of The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need-is that most people won't believe it. . . . That's good, because the more people who know about a good thing, the more expensive that thing ordinarily becomes. . . .» —Andrew Tobias, author of The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need «This book is the finest simple distillation of modern value investing principles ever written. It should be mandatory reading for all serious investors from the fourth grade on up.» —Professor Bruce Greenwald, director of the Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing, Columbia Business School