Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss

Hans-Jürgen Borchardt

Klassisches Marketing ist nicht selten gepragt durch eine systembedingte Tragheit, unzureichende Beachtung der Kundenerwartungen, zentralistische Strukturen, wunschbasierte Planzahlen oder unzureichende Koordination mit internen Partnern. All dies fuhrt dazu, dass Unternehmen nicht oder zumindest weniger erfolgreich sind, als sie es sein konnten. Marketing muss sich neu erfinden, wenn die Unternehmen eine Zukunft haben wollen. Eine Komponente ist das dezentrale Marketing, bei dem Entscheidungen und Initiativen denjenigen uberlassen werden, die sich in der Nahe der Kunden befinden. Dazu gehoren kurze Reaktionszeiten, kompetentes Nutzen von Social Networks, Ubernahme von direkter Verantwortung durch diejenigen, die Marketingma?nahmen praktizieren, kurze Entscheidungswege, Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing oder erweiterte Serviceorientierung. Hans-Jurgen Borchardt zeigt Unternehmen, welche Elemente des Marketing in den nachsten Jahren relevant sein werden und worauf Unternehmen achten mussen, wenn sie dauerhaft Erfolg haben wollen. Marketingabteilungen, Unternehmenseinheiten und Filialen, aber auch Klein- und mittelstandische Unternehmer konnen ihre aktuellen Strategien, Strukturen und Prozesse daran spiegeln und Ideen fur neue Konzepte gewinnen.

Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz für Innovation und permanente Erneuerung nutzen lässt

Jochen May

Der Autor zeigt nicht nur auf, wie sich Schwarmintelligenz entfaltet, er gibt auch ein praxisnahes Konzept fur ihre gelungenen Umsetzung im Arbeitsalltag – klar durchdacht und pragnant ausformuliert. Michael Best, Hessischer Rundfunk, ARD-Borsenredaktion Schwarmintelligenz fasziniert durch erstaunliche Ergebnisse – doch kaum ein Unternehmen hat bisher ihr au?ergewohnliches Potenzial entdeckt, geschweige denn von ihr profitiert. Erst ganz allmahlich gerat Schwarmintelligenz ins Blickfeld neugieriger Fuhrungskrafte. Das liegt sicher auch daran, dass innerbetriebliche Fuhrungsinstrumente zur Aktivierung von Schwarmintelligenz bis dato nicht zur Verfugung standen. Schwarmintelligenz beruht auf geschickter Vernetzung unterschiedlicher Kompetenzen der Schwarmmitglieder. Komplexe Sachverhalte erscheinen unter vielen Blickwinkeln und werden dadurch treffender erfasst. Entrepreneurship halt Einzug, MitarbeiterInnen erproben das Neue. Der Innovationsdruck von au?en wird durch einen inneren Innovationsmotor erganzt. Leistungen gelingen kundengerechter, die Arbeitseffizienz steigt, Reaktionszeiten verkurzen sich. Reibungsverluste werden eliminiert, Burokratie und Verwaltungsmentalitat nehmen ab. Dieses Buch stellt – zum Teil erstmalig und exklusiv – die fur den betrieblichen Einsatz von Schwarmintelligenz erforderlichen Fuhrungsinstrumente vor. Es untersucht Vorteile und Wirkungsweise von Schwarmintelligenz und weist einen leicht gangbaren, praxisorientierten Weg, Schwarmintelligenz erfolgreich in Unternehmen einzubinden. Die Techniken und Methoden sind umfassend beschrieben und erlauben es, kontinuierliche Innovation durch Schwarmintelligenz im Arbeitsalltag sofort und unkompliziert umzusetzen. Fur Fuhrungskrafte aller Ebenen und Fachrichtungen ist das Buch ein Muss, aber auch fur Nachwuchskrafte und alle MitarbeiterInnen, die zukunftsorientiert verandern wollen.

Lexus. The Relentless Pursuit

Chester Dawson

A behind-the-scenes look at Lexus’s surprising twenty-year success story—in a revised new edition In the 1980s, German brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz dominated the luxury car market and had little reason to fear competition from Japan. But in 1989, Toyota entered the market with the Lexus LS 400, a car that could compete with the Germans in every category but price—it was US$30,000 cheaper. Within two years, Lexus had overtaken Mercedes-Benz in the United States and made a stunning success of Toyota’s brave foray into the global luxury market. Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit reveals why Toyota decided to take on the German automakers and how the new brand won praise and success for its unparalleled quality, unforgettable advertising, and unprecedented customer service. From the first boardroom planning session to Lexus's entry into the mega-luxury supercar market, this is the complete and compelling story of one of the world's most admired brands. Includes a new Foreword by legendary designer Erwin Lui, an Afterword with updates since the first edition, and a new Coda by leading Japanese automotive journalist Hisao Inoue Covers the racetrack triumph—and tragedy—behind the new US$375,000 Lexus LFA supercar Offers important business lessons for brand managers and executives For car enthusiasts, business leaders, and anyone interested in branding and marketing, Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit offers an amazing story of excellence and innovation in the automotive industry.

EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People

Sebastien Henry

Increase your emotional intelligence, build a better workplace Emotional intelligence is crucial for business leadership, and nowhere is that more true than in Asia, where emotions are particularly likely to be concealed during daily business interactions. Emotions can be a major asset for leaders if properly understood, and a source of significant disruption if they are ignored. EQ and Leadership in Asia provides business leaders in Asia with the keys to using emotions as allies as they face practical business challenges. Presenting emotional intelligence in a clear, straightforward manner that anyone can understand, the book shows what it can accomplish, why it matters, and how to systematically improve your ability to understand emotions. Looking at the real challenges that leaders in Asia have to face every day and exploring how emotional intelligence can be used in each instance, this compelling book is essential reading for leaders who want to inspire and influence their coworkers and lead their companies to greater success. Explains the key concepts of emotional intelligence and its particular importance for those in leadership positions Explores why understanding emotion is particularly important for Asian leaders Provides practical examples of emotional intelligence techniques in action in real-world situations A guide to emotional intelligence designed for people working in leadership positions in Asia, EQ and Leadership In Asia is the only book you need to harness emotion in order to create a better workplace.

How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders

Robert Kuhn Lawrence

A fascinating look at China now and in the years to come, through the eyes of those at the helm As China continues its rapid ascent, attention is turning to its leaders, who they are, and how they view the country's incredible transformation over the last thirty years. In How China's Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders, Revised, bestselling author Lawrence Kuhn goes directly to the source, talking with members of China's ruling party and examining recently declassified Party material to provide readers with an intimate look at China's leaders and leadership structure, visionary principles, and convulsive past, and tracing the nation's reform efforts. Focusing on President Hu Jintao's philosophies and policies, the book looks to the next generation of China's leaders to ask the questions on everyone's lips. Who are China's future leaders? How do they view China's place in the world? Confronting China's leaders head on, Kuhn asks about the county's many problem, from economic imbalances to unsustainable development, to find out if there's a road map for change. Presenting the thoughts of key Chinese leaders on everything from media, military, banking, and healthcare to film, the Internet, science and technology, and much more, the book paints an intimate, candid portrayal of how China's leaders really think. Presents a fascinating insight into how China's leaders think about their country and where it's headed Asks the tough questions about China's need for reform Pulls together information from over 100 personal interviews as well as recently declassified Party documents Taking readers closer to Party officials than ever before, How China's Leaders Think documents China's thirty-year struggle toward economic and social reform, and what's to come.

An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China

Rongxing Guo

This comprehensive overview of the modern Chinese economy by a noted expert from China offers a quality and breadth of coverage. In this book, the author provides an introduction to China's economy since 1949 and original insights based on his own extensive research. The book sets out to analyze and compare the operational mechanisms of the Chinese economy between the pre- and post-reform periods and through national, regional and local dimensions. Both positive and negative consequences of the Chinese economic transformation have been clarified. A multiregional comparison of the Chinese economy is conducted in terms of natural and human resources, institutional evolution, as well as economic and social performances. At last, some key issues relating to the inherent operational mechanisms of and the dynamic patterns of the Chinese economy are also discussed.

The New Pioneers. Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship

Tania Ellis

New times create new needs – and new needs require new solutions. The New Pioneers is a practical guide for capitalists and idealists on how to navigate in the new economic world order. It is about the social megatrends that are shaping our lives in new ways and creating a new face of capitalism. And it is about the pioneers that are paving the way for the new business revolution: this century's generation of visionary leaders, social entrepreneurs and social intrapreneurs. 'Hardcore business people are realising that they can increase their profits by incorporating social responsibility into their business, and heartcore idealists are realising that the use of market methods helps them meet their social goals successfully,' argues Tania Ellis. With a wide array of cases from all over the world Tania Ellis explains the key principles of sustainable business success. Read The New Pioneers to gain insight into the new rules that are paving the way for business unusual – for the benefit of humanity and the bottom line. Learn more about The New Pioneers and join the movement of sustainable businesses and social entrepreneurs at www.thenewpioneers.biz

Public Budgeting in Context. Structure, Law, Reform and Results

Katherine Willoughby G.

Public budgeting structure, process, legal framework and policy with examples from industrialized and developing countries Public Budgeting in Context examines budgeting at all levels of U.S. government—federal, state, and local—and in a sample of governments around the world. The book assesses the context of public budgeting in these governments, especially the legal foundations for its practice and how the process and final budgets are impacted by governance structures, laws, various budget actors and different branches of government. The author presents focused attention on the influences on government budgets of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, the bureaucracy, the public and the media. In light of worldwide fiscal malaise, especially during and since the Great Recession, this book illustrates the heightened complexity of the budgeting environment that pervades all governments today—industrialized or developing, large or small. For those who like to dive into the details, the book presents numerous examples of public budgeting as practiced and points to the wealth of data available for analyses of the budgetary context and process, budget shares and results regarding virtually any government of interest. Chapters cover the constitutional and statutory provisions for budgeting in selected governments. Budget and policy agenda setting and executive leadership, legislative budget powers and the influence of the judiciary on modern government budgets are exposed. Budget execution requirements of the bureaucracy, the input of customers, clients and citizens to government budgets, and media influences on public budgets and agencies are highlighted. Budget mechanics—budget types, formats, timelines and reforms—are introduced and compared. Taxes and intergovernmental revenues are considered, with predominant tax choices at every level of government in the United States and those in a select, developing country represented. The book introduces an emerging method for investigating the outcomes of government spending—human rights budget analysis—and includes as an example the assessment of budget reform and results of public health spending in one selected government. Highlights of Public Budgeting in Context Offers a comprehensive text for understanding public budgeting in governments of a variety of contexts and capacities and across different levels Written by a noted expert in the field of public budgeting and financial management Contains illustrative examples from industrialized and developing countries Guides to innumerable datasets with information about governments and their budgets Includes a companion website filled with templates for budget and fiscal analysis Unravel the complex issues of modern public budgeting using this unique presentation of its practice in a variety of governments in the U.S. and a select sample from around the world.

The Business of Influence. Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age

Philip Sheldrake

Media has most definitely evolved, as have the ways in which we contemplate, design, communicate and execute strategy. And rather than technological evolution, we’re plainly in the midst of a technological revolution. We have no choice then but to reframe marketing and PR in the context of 21st Century technology, 21st Century media and disintermediation, and 21st Century articulation of and appreciation for business strategy. “Today, every organization is in the influence business. We influence customers to buy from us, employees to work for us, and the media to write about us. Gone are the days when you could be your own island. Now, to be successful, you need to live within the influence ecosystem and that requires a change of mindset. Fortunately, Philip Sheldrake will show you how.” David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and the new hit Real-Time Marketing & PR

Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications

Mark Daskin S.

Praise for the First Edition This book is refreshing to read since it takes an important topic… and presents it in a clear and concise manner by using examples that include visual presentations of the problem, solution methods, and results along with an explanation of the mathematical and procedural steps required to model the problem and work through to a solution.” —Journal of Classification Thoroughly updated and revised, Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, Second Edition remains the go-to guide on facility location modeling. The book offers a unique introduction to methodological tools for solving location models and provides insight into when each approach is useful and what information can be obtained. The Second Edition focuses on real-world extensions of the basic models used in locating facilities, including production and distribution systems, location-inventory models, and defender-interdictor problems. A unique taxonomy of location problems and models is also presented. Featuring examples using the author’s own software—SITATION, MOD-DIST, and MENU-OKF—as well as Microsoft Office® Excel®, the book provides: • A theoretical and applied perspective on location models and algorithms • An intuitive presentation of the uses and limits of modeling techniques • An introduction to integrated location-inventory modeling and defender-interdictor models for the design of reliable facility location systems • A full range of exercises to equip readers with an understanding of the basic facility location model types Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, Second Edition is an essential resource for practitioners in applied and discrete mathematics, operations research, industrial engineering, and quantitative geography. The book is also a useful textbook for upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses.