The bible of grassroots fundraising, updated with the latest tools and methods Fundraising for Social Change is the preeminent guide to securing funding, with a specific focus on progressive nonprofit organizations with budgets under $5 million. Used by nonprofits nationally and internationally, this book provides a soup-to-nuts prescription for building, maintaining, and expanding an individual donor program. Author Kim Klein is a recognized authority on all aspects of fundraising, and this book distills her decades of expertise into fundraising strategies that work. This updated seventh edition includes new information on the impact of generational change, using social media effectively, multi-channel fundraising, and more, including expanded discussion on retaining donors and on legacy giving. Widely considered the 'bible of grassroots fundraising,' this practically-grounded guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who has to raise money for important causes. A strong, sustainable fundraising strategy must possess certain characteristics. You need people who are willing to ask and realistic goals. You need to gather data and use it to improve results, and you need to translate your ideas in to language donors will understand. A robust individual donor program creates stable and long-term cash flow, and this book shows you how to structure your fundraising appropriately no matter how tight your initial budget. Develop and maintain a large base of individual donors Utilize strategies that pay off sooner rather than later Expand your reach and get your message out to the donor pool Translate traditional fundraising methods into strategies that work for social justice organizations with little or no front money Basing your fundraising strategy on the contributions of individual donors may feel like herding cats—but it's the best way for your organization to maintain maximum freedom to pursue the mission that matters. A robust, organized, planned approach can help you reach your goals sooner, and Fundraising for Social Change is the field guide for putting it all together to make big things happen.
Now available in a fully-revised and updated third edition, this established textbook provides a penetrating and comprehensive analysis of the historical, institutional, and theoretical factors that have contributed to China’s economic success. Includes coverage of China’s foreign investments, trade with regional partners, Chinese human capital, and bureaucratic economic institutions Covers a diverse set of important issues, including environmental restraints, income distribution, rural poverty, the education system, healthcare, exchange rate policies, monetary policies, and financial regulation Accessibly written and intelligently organized to offer a straightforward guide to China’s economic evolution Written by a lauded economist, researcher, and advisor to government officials in mainland China and Taiwan
A complete road map to creating successful technical presentations Planning a technical presentation can be tricky. Does the audience know your subject area? Will you need to translate concepts into terms they understand? What sort of visuals should you use? Will this set of bullets truly convey the information? What will your slides communicate to future users? Questions like these and countless others can overwhelm even the most savvy technical professionals. This full-color, highly visual work addresses the unique needs of technical communicators looking to break free of the bulleted slide paradigm. For those seeking to improve their presentations, the authors provide guidance on how to plan, organize, develop, and archive technical presentations. Drawing upon the latest research in cognitive science as well as years of experience teaching seasoned technical professionals, the authors cover a myriad of issues involved in the design of presentations, clearly explaining how to create slide decks that communicate critical technical information. Key features include: Innovative methods for archiving and documenting work through slides in the technical workplace Guidance on how to tailor presentations to diverse audiences, technical and nontechnical alike A plethora of color slides and visual examples illustrating various strategies and best practices Links to additional resources as well as slide examples to inspire on-the-job changes in presentation practices Slide Rules is a first-rate guide for practicing engineers, scientists, and technical specialists as well as anyone wishing to develop useful, engaging, and informative technical presentations in order to become an expert communicator. Find the authors at or on Facebook at: SlideRulesTAC
The development and coordination of managerial devices to help businesses cope with the numerous challenges they face have been the subject of many empirical analyses in recent years. This books draws from these studies to answer the question of how to coordinate a team in extreme environments. Embracing a practice-based perspective, it identifies work practices and technological uses that improve coordination within teams. Organizations need to know how to support the coordination of teams that evolve in highly changing, uncertain and risky contexts. Beyond reviewing current literature on the analysis of coordination in the field, the author draws on military case studies and illustrations to offer readers practical ways to implement devices that facilitate coordination within teams.
In Unternehmen und Organisationen, Politik und Gesellschaft ist es laufend eforderlich, Sachverhalte zu analysieren, zu bewerten oder deren zukunftige Entwicklung einzuschatzen, um zwischen moglichen Handlungsalternativen entscheiden zu konnen. Je nachdem, welcher Experte daran beteiligt ist und welche Tools genutzt werden, konnen die Ergebnisse jedoch sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen. Das Buch legt dar, welche Fragen man stellen muss, um die vorhandenen Denkfallen bei der Zusammenstellung von Daten und ihrer Analyse zu identifizieren und zu umgehen. Damit, und mit den vielen vorgestellten praktischen Beispielen, wendet sich das Buch an unterschiedliche Zielgruppen: – Managern in Unternehmen und Entscheidern in Organisationen und Politik liefert es das Rustzeug, um die Aussagen von Fachleuten und die auf klassischen Tools basierenden Daten systematisch und gezielt zu hinterfragen. – Experten, die Informationen bereitstellen und interpretieren, erhalten praktische Tipps, um Fehler beim Einsatz von Methoden zu vermeiden und klar gultige Aussagen zu treffen. – Berater und Trainer, die Tools einfuhren, schulen und anwenden, konnen mithilfe des Buchs klar die Grenzen dieser Tools benennen. – Interessierte Burger, die Sachthemen in den Medien verfolgen, erfahren, wo in den dargestellten Argumenten Schwachstellen verborgen sein konnen und was daher kritisch zu hinterfragen ware. – Jeder, der vor einer wichtigen Entscheidung steht – sei es privat, unternehmerisch oder einfach nur eine Kaufentscheidung – findet Argumente, wie wesentliche Kriterien zu bewerten sind.
Innovation requires teaming. (Put another way, teaming is to innovation what assembly lines are to car production.) This book brings together key insights on teaming, as they pertain to innovation. How do you build a culture of innovation? What does that culture look like? How does it evolve and grow? How are teams most effectively created and then nurtured in this context? What is a leader's role in this culture? This little book is a roadmap for teaming to innovate. We describe five necessary steps along that road: Aim High, Team Up, Fail Well, Learn Fast, and Repeat. This path is not smooth. To illustrate each critical step, we look at real-life scenarios that show how teaming to innovate provides the spark that can fertilize creativity, clarify goals, and redefine the meaning of leadership.
This book succinctly presents new methodological principles that will help you raise the quality of your valuable production to enhance your competitiveness. The concepts and models of principles of actions presented result from over 20 years of the author observing the ways in which companies of all sizes and in all sectors use specific mechanisms of quality production to give rise to long-lasting competitive factors. You’ll find practical guides that will help you better understand and strengthen your approaches to create new competitive edges, based on your employees’ culture of quality.
Find the roadmap to the heart of the conflict The Conflict Paradox is a guide to taking conflict to a more productive place. Written by one of the founders of the professional conflict management field and co-published with the American Bar Association, this book outlines seven major dilemmas that conflict practitioners face every day. Readers will find expert guidance toward getting to the heart of the conflict and will be challenged to adopt a new way to think about the choices disputants face,. They will also be offered practical tools and techniques for more successful intervention. Using stories, experiences, and reflective exercises to bring these concepts to life, the author provides actionable advice for overcoming roadblocks to effective conflict work. Disputants and interveners alike are often stymied by what appear to be unacceptable alternatives,. The Conflict Paradox offers a new way of understanding and working with these so that they become not obstacles but opportunities for helping people move through conflict successfully.. Examine the contradictions at the center of almost all conflicts Learn how to bring competition and cooperation, avoidance and engagement, optimism and realism together to make for more power conflict intervention Deal effectively with the tensions between emotions, and logic, principles and compromise, neutrality and advocacy, community and autonomy Discover the tools and techniques that make conflicts less of a hurdle to overcome and more of an opportunity to pursue Conflict is everywhere, and conflict intervention skills are valuable far beyond the professional and legal realms. With insight and creativity, solutions are almost always possible. For conflict interveners and disputants looking for an effective and creative approach to understanding and working with conflict , The Conflict Paradox provides a powerful and important roadmap for conflict intervention.
The definitive organization management text for executives and aspiring business leaders Organization: Contemporary Principles and Practices, Second Edition is the completely updated and revised landmark guide to «macro» organization theory and design, fully grounded in current international practice. International management expert John Child explores the conditions facilitating the development of new organizational forms and provides up-to-date coverage of the key developments driving new organization structure and practice. This revised Second Edition includes a new introductory section on Organization Theory as well as a complete Instructor Manual updated with new material on the basic principles of organizational design. With detailed case studies and examples from throughout the UK, Europe, Asia and North America, Organization provides a truly international overview for advanced students and business executives who want to be at the forefront of the evolution in Organization Theory. 21st Century organizations will be faced with entirely new challenges and opportunities than those faced by previous generations, and emerging business leaders must understand the new «macro» realities in order to succeed. Organization will help readers: Understand the «macro» organization, which is distinct from organizational behaviour Explore the way organizations fit into the international business environment and global economy Analyze the way organizational structure and design affect management performance Apply advanced organization theory and principles to day to day management activities Written by one of the foremost scholars, the fully updated Second Edition of this successful text provides executives and advanced business students with a wide-ranging and trustworthy guide to organizations as the conditions for their survival in our global business environment change.
Improve yourself – and your workplace – with GRIT Leading With GRIT is a practical and proven guide for transforming the workplace, offering pragmatic insight on value-based strategies that improve the individual and the business. Based on the author's proprietary principles of GRIT – Generosity, Respect, Integrity, and Truth – this book describes how working toward individual improvement produces better organizational results than traditional approaches that focus on collective improvement. Readers are introduced to GRIT with a framework that can be applied in any workplace scenario, and are provided with strategies for applying GRIT to communication and intra-office operations. Each chapter includes activities that assist with implementation, moving beyond the theoretical framework commonly taught in business school to provide a more practical approach to personal development. The principles of GRIT are exactly the sort of instruction leaders are encouraging, and companies worldwide are willing to invest large sums. The approach stands out for its unique, personal approach that melds values-based principles with business concepts to produce spectacular results. This book is the complete guide to GRIT, with an emphasis on practicality. Learn why the principles of GRIT have proven so effective Apply GRIT in communications for better productivity Discover how each person impacts those around them Cultivate a positive, constructive attitude for less stress and more growth GRIT helps readers make themselves and their workplaces happier and healthier, decreasing stress, sparking personal growth, retaining employees, and developing mindful leaders. In essence, Leading With GRIT is a handbook for improving the bottom line by improving the lives and outlook of those who contribute to it.