Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders. Making the Most of The Leadership Challenge and the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)

Elaine Biech

An evidence-based approach to real-world leadership development A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders presents leadership not as an inherent talent, but as a set of skills to be learned. Backed by over 30 years of original research and data from over four million individuals, this book offers a framework for leadership development in the modern business environment, and a set of best practices for training the leaders of tomorrow. The basic curriculum centers around The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. As fundamental elements of great leadership at any level, in any industry, these tenets establish a learnable, measureable, teachable set of behaviors that form the basis of evidence-based leadership development. This book shows you how to use the Five Practices and related tools to coach promising talent into leadership roles. Success stories show how these practices have been implemented in real-world situations, and worksheets and checklists help you easily integrate the Five Practices into your existing coaching regimen. Highly practical and straightforward, this action-focused guide helps you shape the future of leadership. Teach people skills that have been proven effective again and again, as you show them how to: Be the example that sets the tone at the top Inspire high performance, creativity, and innovation Challenge people to push their comfort zone, and enable them to succeed Provide support, encouragement, and guidance around obstacles As Baby Boomers retire in record numbers, the need for real, effective leadership is growing greater than ever; at the same time, there has never been a more disparate set of opinions about what «leadership» actually means. A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders provides an evidence-based model to help you develop leaders with real, quantifiable, tangible skills.

Becoming a Strategic Leader. Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success

David Dinwoodie

In the second edition of the best-selling Becoming a Strategic Leader, Richard L. Hughes, Katherine Colarelli Beatty, and David L. Dinwoodie draw from the Center for Creative Leadership's (CCL) acclaimed Leading Strategically program to offer executives and managers a comprehensive approach to strategic leadership that reaches leaders at all levels of organizations. This thoroughly revised edition concentrates on practical tools for producing impact right away. The authors place special emphasis on three essential strategic components: discovering and prioritizing strategic drivers, which determine sustainability and competitiveness; leadership strategy, which ignites the connections between people critical to enacting the business strategy; and how to foster the individual and organizational learning that is foundational to sustained performance. The authors and other leadership development professionals have used the distinctive and systematic approach described in this book with great success in CCL's Leading Strategically program. The second edition also contains improved self-assessments that help to align the book's lessons learned with the program's current practices. Readers will find fresh suggestions about developing the individual, team, and organizational skills needed for institutions to become more adaptable, flexible, and resilient. These are critical strategic attributes in a time of ever more rapid change, greater uncertainty, and globalization.

The Director's Manual. A Framework for Board Governance

Peter Browning C.

Directors: Improve Board Performance The Director's Manual: A Framework for Board Governance offers current and aspiring board members essential up-to-date governance guidance that blends rigorous research-based information with the wisdom found only through practical, direct experience. The book's flexible approach to solving governance issues reflects the authors' belief that no two boards and the cultural dynamics that drive them are the same. As such, the advice offered reflects recognizable leadership dynamics and real world, relevant organizational situations. The book's two authors, Peter C. Browning, an experienced CEO and member of numerous boards and William L. Sparks, a respected organizational researcher, combine their individual experiences and talents to create a book that is both innovative and applicable to directors in any industry sector. Specific best practice guidance is designed to help board members and their directors understand the unique strengths and challenges of their own board while at the same time provide targeted information that drives needed improvements in board performance and efficiency. Specifically, this book will help board members: Explore practical advice on key issues, including selection, meeting schedules, and director succession Consider board performance from multiple perspectives, including cultural and group dynamics Discover how to effectively manage classic problems that arise when making decisions as a group Access a comprehensive set of assessment questions to test and reinforce your knowledge The Director's Manual: A Framework for Board Governance offers practical advice to guide you as you lead your organization's board.

Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader. How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively

Tim Flanagan A.

The Second Edition of this classic resource on conflict resolution combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward. This new edition expands on the conflict competence model, includes new tools and techniques, shows how to develop conflict competent teams and organizations, and offers a new online assessment.

Reframing Organizations. Artistry, Choice, and Leadership

Lee Bolman G.

Set aside trends to focus on the fundamentals of great leadership Reframing Organizations provides time-tested guidance for more effective organizational leadership. Rooted in decades of social science research across multiple disciplines, Bolman and Deal's four-frame model has continued to evolve since its conception over 25 years ago; this new sixth edition has been updated to include coverage of cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, sustainability, and communication across cultures. The Instructor's guide has been expanded to provide additional tools for the classroom, including chapter summary tip sheets, mini-assessments, Bolman & Deal podcasts, and more. These recent revisions reflect the intersection of reader recommendations and the current leadership environment, resulting in a renewed practicality and even greater alignment with everyday application. Combining the latest research from organizational theory, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology, political science and more, the model detailed here provides real guidance for real leaders. Guide, motivate, and inspire your team's best performance as you learn to: Optimize group, team, and organizational structure Build a positive, collaborative dynamic across generations, teams, and sectors Understand power and conflict amidst the internal and external political landscape Shape your organization's culture and build a cohesive sense of spirit Bolman and Deal's four-frame model has withstood the test of time because it offers an accessible, compact, and powerful set of ideas for navigating complexity and turbulence. In today's business climate, leadership trends come and go; today's flash in the pan is tomorrow's obsolete strategy, but a leadership framework built on a solid foundation will serve your organization well no matter what the future holds. Reframing Organizations provides clear guidance and up-to-date insight for anyone facing the challenges of contemporary leadership.

Operationalizing Sustainability

Patrick Corsi

This book focuses on the emergence of the “science of sustainability” and the key concepts in making sustainability operational in an organization. The authors discuss the methods, techniques and tools needed to manage the impact of sustainability and how these can be reformulated into business models and solutions for new growth and applications. They then move onto the reformulation of future thinking processes before ending by looking towards an approach for the measurement of sustainability and competitiveness.

Sustainability Calling. Underpinning Technologies

Patrick Corsi

This book discusses the key concepts of the technologies that underpin the drive towards sustainability in today’s complex world. The authors propose an integrated view of the frontiers facing any organization nowadays – whether an enterprise, an administration or any human collective construction – that operates with a goal, a mission or an objective. While a unified approach still seems unachievable, the authors have nevertheless tackled the amalgamation of the underpinning elements (theories, domains of expertise and practice) and propose a model for assimilating the new concepts with a global view to design the sustainable organizations of the future. The book paves a way towards a general convergence theory, which will manifest, as a by-product, genuine sustainability. Furthermore, and due to the fact that the same main principles apply, the book redesigns the notion of “competitiveness”, which today is too often simply reduced to profitability.

China's Economy. A Collection of Surveys

Les Oxley

This collection of critical surveys provides readers with a range of up-to-date work from leading scholars in the area, writing on some of the key issues facing China, as they survey the present and future challenges of the Chinese economy Nine papers provide detailed discussion on key aspects of the past, present and future of the Chinese economy Leaders in their relevant fields of scholarship tackle some of the critical issues facing China Contributors identify common themes, including the household registration system, urbanization, demographic transition, inequality and the sustainability of economic growth Articles provide a critical review of the literature and discuss policy implications and areas for future research

The Leadership Challenge Workbook Revised

James M. Kouzes

Essential, practical tools for implementing evidence-based leadership development The Leadership Challenge Workbook offers practical tools for applying The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® in real-life business situations. As the companion to The Leadership Challenge, this workbook provides essential hands-on guidance for planning, implementation, people-management, and more. This new revised third edition has been updated to match The Leadership Challenge Sixth Edition text. It includes easy-to-use worksheets to simplify planning and collectively assemble into a clear blueprint for moving forward. By focusing on the notion of leadership development as a journey rather than an event, this interactive guide provides critical insight through a proven, systematic process. Implementing big ideas requires skillful change leadership—and any successful, sustainable change begins with thorough, practical planning. This workbook helps you map out a plan and put it into action, with tools that help clarify your thinking and translate your big ideas into concrete strategies. Streamline planning with practical, efficient worksheets Assemble a blueprint for effectively implementing your ideas Improve communication, strengthen commitment, and build trust Adopt a systematic approach to leadership to continue producing exemplary results The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership is a proven model backed by decades of research and data from over 4 million individuals. It is proven, practical, and evidence-based, and has helped leaders from around the globe improve their organizations' performance. With the need for quality leadership development at an all-time high, real-world application of proven models becomes critical; The Leadership Challenge Workbook gives you the hands-on tools you need to more effectively implement a robust, systematic approach.

Productivity For Dummies

Ciara Conlon

Take your productivity to the next level and make the most of your time! Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Don't we all! Productivity For Dummies shows you how to overcome this common problem by tackling key issues that are preventing you from remaining focused and making the most of your time. This insightful text gets to the root of the problem, and shows you how to identify and analyse the items on your to-do list to deliver on deadlines and maximise your schedule. Numerous techniques and technologies have been developed to address productivity needs, and this resource shows you which will work for your situation. Productivity is crucial to your success – whether you want to find a new job, earn a promotion you've had your eye on, or generally progress in your career, understanding how to improve your productivity is essential in increasing the value you bring to your organisation. At the very least, increased productivity means that you get things done faster—which translates into fewer overtime hours and more time concentrating on the things that are most important to you. Eliminate procrastination and laziness from your daily routine Organise your work environment to create a space conducive to productivity Increase your concentration and stay focused on the task at hand Make decisions quickly, and stay cool, calm, and collected no matter what the situation is Productivity For Dummies helps you solve the age-old problem of having too much to do and not enough time to do it.