Зарубежная деловая литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная деловая литература

Out of the Gobi. My Story of China and America

Weijian Shan

Foreword by Janet Yellen Weijian Shan's Out of the Gobi is a powerful memoir and commentary that will be one of the most important books on China of our time, one with the potential to re-shape how Americans view China, and how the Chinese view life in America. Shan, a former hard laborer who is now one of Asia's best-known financiers, is thoughtful, observant, eloquent, and brutally honest, making him well-positioned to tell the story of a life that is a microcosm of modern China, and of how, improbably, that life became intertwined with America. Out of the Gobi draws a vivid picture of the raw human energy and the will to succeed against all odds. Shan only finished elementary school when Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution tore his country apart. He was a witness to the brutality and absurdity of Mao’s policies during one of the most tumultuous eras in China’s history. Exiled to the Gobi Desert at age 15 and denied schooling for 10 years, he endured untold hardships without ever giving up his dream for an education. Shan’s improbable journey, from the Gobi to the “People’s Republic of Berkeley” and far beyond, is a uniquely American success story – told with a splash of humor, deep insight and rich and engaging detail. This powerful and personal perspective on China and America will inform Americans' view of China, humanizing the country, while providing a rare view of America from the prism of a keen foreign observer who lived the American dream. Says former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen: “Shan’s life provides a demonstration of what is possible when China and the United States come together, even by happenstance. It is not only Shan’s personal history that makes this book so interesting but also how the stories of China and America merge in just one moment in time to create an inspired individual so unique and driven, and so representative of the true sprits of both countries.”

Authentic Marketing. How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose

Larry Weber

Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing offers a forward-thinking approach to achieving an entirely new level of engagement with today’s purpose-driven and skeptical audiences. The heart of this process involves finding the soul of your organization. When moral purpose becomes central to your organization, it can deliver benefits to both the bottom line and mankind: a profit meets purpose proposition. This path requires a reinvention of today’s dated business model, abolishing the inefficient, siloed approach of developing a business strategy first and then later creating separate strategies for marketing, HR, manufacturing, R&D, etc. The new integrated model fuses a tight integration of business, technology innovation and engagement strategies, all of which are bound together by a company’s moral purpose. When moral purpose is central to an organization’s core, everything branches out from a place of authenticity. Rather than a siloed CSR effort, you develop employee and customer relationships based on real—not curated—connections with a brand’s moral mission. You build true engagement, trust and evangelism. And, along the way, your customers will actually help to co-create your brand. This book shows you how to transform your business by putting moral purpose to work for your stakeholders and the planet. Embrace a new model that integrates business, technology innovation, and engagement strategies with moral purpose as the glue that binds them together Learn the key steps to find your moral purpose Discover how to engage audiences with a transparent, authentic marketing approach that forges powerful connections and builds trust. With a world of options at their fingertips, today’s purpose-driven customers want a brand they can identify with and trust. Authentic Marketing shows you how to make your brand more human, more likeable, more genuine and guides you on how to connect with audiences on a moral level. This process will build a new level of engagement that will benefit both your long-term value and the world.

The Joy in Business. Innovative Ideas to Find Positivity (and Profit) in Your Daily Work Life

Joy Baldridge J.D.

Successfully cope with day-to-day problems—and find joy along the way The Business of Joy provides you with an abundance of practical and immediately applicable life-changing ideas and inspirational, thought-provoking, and entertaining stories and quotes—in an instant. Each chapter is designed to be read and absorbed in approximately 60 seconds, offering you “Golden Nuggets” and “Joy Gems” that will help make positive, lasting change. Inside, you get an abundance of time-tested formulas that can instantly be used to solve common and uncommon day-to-day issues. This, in and of itself, will help to better yourself today, with work and life moving at the lightning speed of thought. Find unique coping mechanisms when facing adversity Benefit from tangible, motivational, and self-management tools to forge ahead Keep perspective regardless of circumstance Build a sturdy foundation for positive culture and change With the simple information in The Business of Joy, you’ll find all the guidance you need to find positivity in your daily life.

The Power of Understanding Yourself. The Key to Self-Discovery, Personal Development, and Being the Best You

Dave Mitchell

Discover your true self and align your life journey around your core beliefs, values and perspective. Designed as both a companion piece to the author's previous book, The Power of Understanding People, and a stand-alone work, The Power of Understanding Yourself provides readers with a blueprint for examining their true purpose and approach to life and a map for achieving greater personal happiness, professional success and self-awareness. It explores personal attributes related to interactive style, diving deeper into the concepts from the author's previous book, provides exercises for exploring how to connect your current life status to a desired future state and encourages readers to engage in a deep exploration of their core values, beliefs, mission and vision to become their best self. • Find the key to self-discovery and personal development • Uncover your true purpose • Use helpful exercises to reveal the best you • Develop strategies to maximize your potential The Power of Understanding Yourself is an empowering tool to help you find your best possible self and flourish.

50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Политическая и общественная жизнь

Дэниэл Смит

В то время как судьба человека или даже всего мира могла зависеть от случайностей или каких-либо безумных обстоятельств, большая часть человеческой истории определялась результатами осуществления стратегии. На страницах – пятьдесят стратегий, сформировавших тот мир, который мы знаем сейчас. Из раздела «Политическая и общественная деятельность» вы узнаете: • Почему в политике так важно следовать интуиции? • Как развернуть борьбу за свои права в условиях кризиса? • В чем плюсы ненасилия как тактики ведения политической игры?

50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Торговля

Дэниэл Смит

В то время как судьба человека или даже всего мира могла зависеть от случайностей или каких-либо безумных обстоятельств, большая часть человеческой истории определялась результатами осуществления стратегии. На страницах – пятьдесят стратегий, сформировавших тот мир, который мы знаем сейчас. Из раздела «Торговля» вы узнаете: • Правда ли, что конкуренция вредит торговле? • Что подразумевает под собой творческий подход к рынку? • Кого называют «королем франчайзинга»?

50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Военное дело

Дэниэл Смит

В то время как судьба человека или даже всего мира могла зависеть от случайностей или каких-либо безумных обстоятельств, большая часть человеческой истории определялась результатами осуществления стратегии. На страницах – пятьдесят стратегий, сформировавших тот мир, который мы знаем сейчас. Из раздела «Военное дело» вы узнаете: • Какие приемы больше всего подходят для ведения осадной войны? • Как на самом деле работает принцип «разделяй и властвуй»? • Что такое «совершенный двойной охват» и чем он полезен в мирное время?

Микротренды, меняющие мир прямо сейчас

Марк Пенн

Глобальные тренды всегда возникают из совокупности множества микротрендов. А те, в свою очередь, базируются на прорывных идеях. Как понять, какая идея «выстрелит», а какая – нет? Нужно отлично ориентироваться в уже существующих потребностях, прогнозировать, что будет популярно в будущем, и знать правила формирования уже существующих микротрендов. Корейская косметика и мужчины-домохозяйки, браки по интернету и «письма из Африки», популяризация ЛГБТ и снижение доверия к банкам, активность иммигрантов и биохакинг, легализация марихуаны и увлечение дронами – это малая часть примет времени последних 10 лет. Как возникают современные микротренды, какие у них перспективы, какие принципы лежат в их основе – об этом и многом другом интереснейшая книга Марка Пенна, социолога и политтехнолога, к услугам которого не единожды обращались Билл Клинтон, Тони Блэр и Билл Гейтс. Объективный и отчасти безжалостный обзор современных трендов создан при участии Мередит Файнман, основательницы и директора FinePoint Digital PR, публициста и автора статей в Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Elle, Marie Claire, The Washington Post.

Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity. A Volume in the International Leadership Association Series, Building Leadership Bridges

Karin Jironet

Developing inner wisdom as a leadership strength Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity presents the perspectives of leaders, social scientists, and educators from around the world on the topic of developing inner wisdom. Structured around the notions of spirit, presence, and authenticity, the book encourages readers to reflect on their own lives as they read about their colleagues' diverse experiences, all in an effort to address difficult global systems challenges with a foundation of various wisdom lineages and practices. Each chapter is introduced by an editor with deep background experience in the topic at hand, and the book includes an examination of research on the essential nature of authenticity among leaders. Stories of leadership initiative from across nations illustrate the truly global nature of leadership inspiration, and accounts of teaching mindfulness, guiding leaders, and leading in the arts and humanities integrate critical theory with authentic leadership development. Topics include: Subtle interdependencies involved in modern leadership The contribution of sociological mindfulness to leadership education Authentic leadership as communicated through technology The role of spirit, and what the world needs from leaders A diverse mix of contributors, including a Sufi teacher, a social science journal editor, and a CEO, provide a truly inclusive examination of the ways a leader is defined by self and others. Leading with Spirit, Presence, and Authenticity, a volume in the International Leadership Series Building Leadership Bridges from the International Leadership Association, helps connect ways of researching, imagining, and experiencing leadership across cultures, over time, and around the world.

Führungskompetenz. Was wirklich wichtig ist

Michael Pellny

Die meisten Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer Sachkompetenz zu Fuhrungskraften oder weil sie ein eigenes Unternehmen grunden; bei ihrer Fuhrungsaufgabe sind sie in der Regel auf sich allein gestellt. Mit diesem Buch konnen Fuhrungskrafte und Unternehmer Fuhrungskompetenz aufbauen und weiterentwickeln. Sie konnen damit ihr Verhalten als Fuhrungskraft reflektieren und effizient so verbessern, dass die Mitarbeiter sich gerne fur das Unternehmen und dessen Erfolg einsetzen. Alle wesentlichen Aspekte von Fuhrungskompetenz sind leicht lesbar, umfassend und gleichzeitig ohne Informationsballast dargestellt. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis wird das Wissen konkretisiert und leicht anwendbar. Dieses Buch resultiert aus dem Systemtraining Fuhrung des Weissman Instituts. Teilnehmer aus mehr als 1000 Unternehmen profitieren in der taglichen Praxis vom Konzept dieses Trainings und seinen Inhalten, viele der wertvollen Tipps sind sofort umsetzbar. Fuhrungstalenten liefert das Buch eine solide Grundlage fur ihre kunftige Arbeit.