In Conscientious Objectors in Israel , Erica Weiss examines the lives of Israelis who have refused to perform military service for reasons of conscience. Based on long-term fieldwork, this ethnography chronicles the personal experiences of two generations of Jewish conscientious objectors as they grapple with the pressure of justifying their actions to the Israeli state and society—often suffering severe social and legal consequences, including imprisonment. While most scholarly work has considered the causes of animosity and violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Conscientious Objectors in Israel examines how and under what circumstances one is able to refuse to commit acts of violence in the midst of that conflict. By exploring the social life of conscientious dissent, Weiss exposes the tension within liberal citizenship between the protection of individual rights and obligations of self-sacrifice. While conscience is a strong cultural claim, military refusal directly challenges Israeli state sovereignty. Weiss explores conscience as a political entity that sits precariously outside the jurisdictional bounds of state power. Through the lens of Israeli conscientious objection, Weiss looks at the nature of contemporary citizenship, examining how the expectations of sacrifice shape the politics of both consent and dissent. In doing so, she exposes the sacrificial logic of the modern nation-state and demonstrates how personal crises of conscience can play out on the geopolitical stage.
To the Western eye, there is something jarringly incongruous, even shocking, about the image of a six-year-old girl being held down by loving relatives so that her genitals can be cut. Yet two million girls experience this each year. Most Westerners, upon learning of the practice of female circumcision, have responded with outrage; those committed to improving the status of women have gone beyond outrage to action by creating various programs for «eradicating» the practice. But few understand the real life complexities families face in deciding whether to follow the traditional practices or to take the risk of change. In The Female Circumcision Controversy , Ellen Gruenbaum points out that Western outrage and Western efforts to stop genital mutilation often provoke a strong backlash from people in the countries where the practice is common. She looks at the validity of Western arguments against the practice. In doing so, she explores both outsider and insider perspectives on female circumcision, concentrating particularly on the complex attitudes of the individuals and groups who practice it and on indigenous efforts to end it. Gruenbaum finds that the criticisms of outsiders are frequently simplistic and fail to appreciate the diversity of cultural contexts, the complex meanings, and the conflicting responses to change. Drawing on over five years of fieldwork in Sudan, where the most severe forms of genital surgery are common, Gruenbaum shows that the practices of female circumcision are deeply embedded in Sudanese cultural traditions—in religious, moral, and aesthetic values, and in ideas about class, ethnicity, and gender. Her research illuminates both the resistance to and the acceptance of change. She shows that change is occurring as the result of economic and social developments, the influences of Islamic activists, the work of Sudanese health educators, and the efforts of educated African women. That does not mean that there is no role for outsiders, Gruenbaum asserts, and she offers suggestions for those who wish to help facilitate change. By presenting specific cultural contexts and human experiences with a deep knowledge of the tremendous variation of the practice and meaning of female circumcision, Gruenbaum provides an insightful analysis of the process of changing this complex, highly debated practice.
Это издание задумано как популярный атлас рыб рек и озер средней полосы России. Его автор – Екатерина Денисовна Васильева – доктор биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Научно-исследовательского зоологического музея МГУ, зав. сектором ихтиологии. В книге описаны более 30 видов лучеперых (настоящих) рыб, которые наиболее обычны на нашей территории или представляют несомненный интерес с точки зрения специфических черт образа жизни, внешнего облика, распространения и общего представления о разнообразии рыбного населения водоемов. Большинство фотографий сделано во время экспедиционных поездок. Книга безупречна с научной точки зрения, но при этом написана языком, понятным для широкого круга любителей природы.
В книге собраны ответы специалистов на многочисленные вопросы о мозге, заданные читателями на страницах журнала Scientific American MIND. Вы узнаете почему внешняя поверхность мозга имеет складки и почему левая половина мозга управляет правой стороной тела и наоборот. Эксперты объяснят, как возникают идеи и озарения, как формируются и усваиваются разные представления, как влияют на память возраст и употребление алкоголя, что на самом деле происходит в мозге при дежавю. Родителям будет интересно узнать, что происходит с мозгом во время беременности, испытывают ли послеродовую депрессию новоиспеченные отцы, и наследуются ли умственные способности. Может ли стресс принести пользу, можем ли мы управлять своими сновидениями? Книга приоткрывает тайны поведения и психики человека, объясняет, как физическая активность влияет на мозг и как наши органы чувств воспринимают мир вокруг нас. Будет понятно и интересно всем, кто задавался подобными вопросами, но не смог найти на них ответа.
Popular, proven, best-selling format: This is Adventure’s 45th Birds of field guide—the others are all proven sellersMarket: According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, about 20% of the population are active bird-watchers, spending more than $40 billion on the hobby, annuallyNot intimidating—geared toward the average bird-watcher with species organized by color for easily identifying birdsTekiela is a full-time naturalist, traveling the country to gather data and take photos; his followers love his published worksAll-in-one source of information, facts, photos and “gee-whiz” tidbits in a concise guideExtreme value: massive information for $14.95
The equestrian pursuit known as Cowboy Dressage melds the best of Western riding traditions and classical dressage in the pursuit of a harmonious relationship with a horse. Intended to be accessible to all, Cowboy Dressage is open to all breeds and all levels of riders; there isn’t a set frame for overall look, head carriage, or action.Lifelong horsewoman Jessica Black traces the evolution of Cowboy Dressage back to its roots, sharing the story of Eitan and Debbie Beth-Halachmy and their phenomenal Morgan horses that have served as the movement’s ambassadors. Black then expertly weaves Eitan Beth-Halachmy's experience and expertise into an engaging and articulate explanation of the philosophy of Cowboy Dressage; defines the expectations of the rider; describes what a participant needs in terms of equipment; and explores how the most important element—the horse—should be prepared. A wonderful and thorough section on groundwork, as well as specific training advice for achieving engagement, regulating the gaits, smoothing transitions, and balancing bend and straightness, get the reader started with a solid foundation. Specific descriptions of the Cowboy Dressage tests are provided, with additional tools for those interested in competition, including rules, divisions, and how to execute and judge tests.