
Различные книги в жанре Биология

[T]axing Greenhouse Gases

Lex Fullarton

Lex Fullarton takes a closer look at the three pillars of the sustainable development framework known as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL). The concept of the TBL is that for a project to be sustainable it must not simply be profitable in economic terms, but it must also benefit society and enhance the natural environment.
In the 21st century, the greatest threat to Earth’s natural environment and the population of the planet is the rise of greenhouse gas emissions caused from burning fossil fuel as an energy source. The rise of GHG emissions has resulted in a rise in the ambient air temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and is resulting in a significant change in climatic conditions on Earth.
Fullarton scrutinizes the problem of getting industry and governments to understand the significance of creating harmony within the TBL. One of the main problems is that partisan politics tends to fragment the factors of the TBL rather than bring them together. Fullarton takes a strong stand in suggesting that taxation systems, which have traditionally been viewed primarily as a means of raising government finance, can be effectively applied to influence industrial and consumer attitudes towards transiting away from polluting fossil-fuel energy sources towards non-polluting renewable energy use.

Происхождение видов

Чарльз Дарвин

Студия «МедиаКнига» представляет аудиокнигу «Происхождение видов» – одну из главнейших теорий изложенных знаменитым английским натуралистом и путешественником Чарльзом Робертом Дарвином, одним из первых пришедших к выводу и обосновавший идею о том, что все виды живых организмов эволюционируют со временем и происходят от общих предков. «Происхождение видов» – научная работа впервые опубликована 24 ноября 1859 года, и до сих пор считается основой эволюционной биологии. Книга Дарвина представила научную теорию, согласно которой популяция эволюционирует на протяжении поколений в процессе естественного отбора. Он представил множество доказательств того, что разнообразие жизни возникло из общего предка через ветвящийся паттерн эволюции. Дарвин включил доказательства, которые он собрал в экспедиции в 1830-х годах на корабле ее величества «Бигль», и свои последующие результаты исследований, соответствующие экспериментам. Книга переведена практически на все языки мира, а ее общий тираж исчисляется десятками миллионов экземпляров. Книга предназначалась для широкого круга читателей и вызвала широкий интерес после её публикации. Поскольку Дарвин был выдающимся учёным, его выводы были восприняты всерьез, а доказательства, которые он представил, вызывают и по сей день научные, философские и религиозные дискуссии. Слушаем, лайкаем, активно комментируем! ) © & ℗ ООО «МедиаКнига», 2020

The Heronry

Mark Jarman

A pantoum about a child touching the smallpox-scarred face of an aunt; a dialogue between Jesus and Pilate in the form of a nursery rhyme; Joseph and Mary sleeping on the Sphinx's stone paw: these are some of the experiences brought before us in The Heronry. Mark Jarman is the author of ten poetry collections. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Cows

Lydia Davis

Winner of the Man Booker International Prize"You read Lydia Davis to watch a writer patiently divide the space between epiphany and actual human beings by first halves, then quarters, then eighths, and then sixteenths, into infinity," says The Village Voice. Indeed, Lydia Davis is mathematician, philosopher, sculptor, jeweler, and scholar of the minute. Few writers map the process of thought as well as she, few perceive with such charged intelligence.The Cows is a close study of the three much-loved cows that live across the road from her. The piece, written with understated humor and empathy, is a series of detailed observations of the cows on different days and in different positions, moods, and times of the day. It could be compared to some sections of Wallace Stevens' «Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird» or to Claude Monet's paintings of Rouen Cathedral.Forms of play: head butting; mounting, either at the back or at the front; trotting away by yourself; trotting together; going off bucking and prancing by yourself; resting your head and chest on the ground until they notice and trot toward you; circling each other; taking the position for head-butting and then not doing it.She moos toward the wooded hills behind her, and the sound comes back. She moos in a high falsetto before the note descends abruptly, or she moos in a falsetto that does not descend. It is a very small sound to come from such a large, dark animal.

Sustaining Life

Theodore Powers

From the historical roots of AIDS activism in the struggle for African liberation to the everyday work of community education in Khayelitsha, Sustaining Life tells the story of how the rights-based South African AIDS movement successfully transformed public health institutions, enabled access to HIV/AIDS treatment, and sustained the lives of people living with the disease. Typical accounts of the South African epidemic have focused on the political conflict surrounding it, Theodore Powers observes, but have yet to examine the process by which the national HIV/AIDS treatment program achieved near-universal access. In Sustaining Life , Powers demonstrates the ways in which non-state actors, from caregivers to activists, worked within the state to transform policy and state-based institutions in order to improve health-based outcomes. He shows how advocates in the South African AIDS movement channeled the everyday experiences of poor and working-class people living with HIV/AIDS into tangible policy changes at varying institutional levels, revealing the primacy of local action for expanding treatment access. In his analysis of the transformation of the state health system, Powers addresses three key questions: How were the activists of the movement able to overcome an AIDS-dissident faction that was backed by government power? How were state health institutions and HIV/AIDS policy transformed to increase public sector access to treatment? Finally, how should the South African campaign for treatment access inform academic debates on social movements, transnationalism, and the state? Based on extended participant observation and in-depth interviews with members of the South African AIDS movement, Sustaining Life traces how the political principles of the anti-apartheid movement were leveraged to build a broad coalition that changed national HIV/AIDS policy norms and highlights how changes in state-society relations can be produced by local activism.

Hutu Rebels

Anna Hedlund

Living Tangier

Abdelmajid Hannoum