Erstellen Sie die ersten Geräte, mit denen sich bewegende Motive auf Filmaufnahmen aufnehmen und die aufgenommenen Bilder später wiedergeben können, indem Sie sie auf den Bildschirm projizieren. Das Kino wird zum Spektakel für den Massenzuschauer und spielt eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der Propaganda und Agitation und wird zur Filmkunst. Die Entstehung des Kinos in Russland.
创建第一个设备,用于在胶片上拍摄移动物体,并通过将它们投影到屏幕上来随后再现所产生的图像。 电影正在成为大众观众的奇观,在宣传和鼓动中发挥着越来越重要的作用,并正在成为电影艺术。 电影在俄罗斯的形成。
La cronaca dell'eroismo del popolo sovietico includeva l'impresa immortale del poeta sovietico tataro Musa Jalil, nativo del villaggio di Mustafino, Distretto di Sharlyk, regione di Orenburg (Chkalov), che fu gravemente ferito dai fascisti. Nonostante le atrocità dei fascisti, riuscì a organizzare un gruppo clandestino. Tradito da un traditore e condannato a morte, rimase fedele fino all'ultimo respiro al Partito, il popolo sovietico, la sua amata Patria.
苏联人民英雄主义的编年史包括鞑靼苏维埃诗人Musa Jalil的不朽壮举,他是奥伦堡(Chkalov)地区Sharlyk区Mustafino村的土生土长的人,受重伤并被纳粹俘虏。 尽管法西斯主义者的暴行,他设法组织了一个地下团体。 被叛徒背叛并被判处死刑,他一直忠于党,苏联人民和他心爱的祖国,直到他最后一口气。
En la crónica del heroísmo del pueblo soviético, se incluyó la hazaña inmortal del poeta soviético tártaro Musa Jalil, nativo de la aldea mustafino del distrito de sharlyk de la región de Orenburg (Chkalov), quien resultó gravemente herido fue capturado por los fascistas. A pesar de las atrocidades de los fascistas, logró organizar un grupo clandestino. Entregado como traidor y condenado a muerte, se mantuvo fiel al partido, al pueblo soviético, a su amada patria hasta el último aliento.
A crônica do Heroísmo do povo soviético incluiu a façanha imortal de um nativo da aldeia de Mustafino, do distrito de Charlyk, da região de Orenburg (Chkalov), do poeta soviético Tártaro Musa Jalil, que foi gravemente ferido pelos nazistas como prisioneiro. Apesar das atrocidades dos fascistas, ele conseguiu organizar um grupo clandestino. Entregue por um traidor e condenado à morte, permaneceu fiel ao partido, ao povo soviético, à sua amada pátria até o último suspiro.
The chronicle of the heroism of the Soviet people includes the immortal feat of the Tatar Soviet poet Musa Jalil, a native of the village of Mustafino in the Sharlyk district of the Orenburg (Chkalov) region, who was seriously wounded and captured by the Nazis. Despite the atrocities of the fascists, he managed to organize an underground group. Betrayed by a traitor and sentenced to death, he remained faithful to the party, the Soviet people, and his beloved Homeland until his last breath.
Creation of the first devices for shooting moving objects on film and for subsequent reproduction of the resulting images by projecting them onto the screen. Cinema is becoming a spectacle for the mass audience and is playing an increasingly important role in propaganda and agitation and is becoming a cinema art. The formation of cinema in Russia.
The New Year holiday is still the time period when the main work of the outgoing year has already been completed and preparations for the work of the new cycle have begun. The time of the New Year holidays is perceived as a special, sacred time, when there was a gap between the past and the future, a gap that was accompanied by the struggle between good and evil in their universal, cosmic meaning. At the same time, the New Year's holiday can be compared to the clear sound of a tuning fork, which was supposed to set the mood for all subsequent events of the year. During the New Year, everything seemed to be born, arose for the first time, therefore, since ancient times, everything that happened on the New Year was given special significance and each phenomenon was filled with deep meaning.
Китайская Народная Республика оказывает всемерное противодействие международному терроризму. Действуя в рамках сотрудничества с зарубежными странами, руководство КНР понимает необходимость борьбы с распространением террористической идеологии, радикальных идей, порождающих терроризм, прекращения вербовки, предотвращения передвижения террористов и иностранных боевиков.