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    Aesthetics in Dialogue

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    The impact of aesthetics is increasing again. For today’s scholars, aesthetic theories are a significant companion and contribution in studying and ana-lysing cultural phenomena and production. Today’s scene of aesthetics is more global than what it is in most disciplines, as it does not just include scholars from all over the world, but also keeps on applying philosophical traditions globally

    Gewissheiten im Wandel

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    Nach den verheerenden Krisen im 14. Jahrhundert wuchs in Europa der Wunsch nach grundlegenden Reformen in Kirche und Gesellschaft. An dieser Suche beteiligten sich neue wie alte Kräfte: Humanisten ebenso wie Mitglieder der Reformorden, Fürsten und städtische Eliten. Im interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen der Geschichts-, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft sowie der Kir-chen- und Rechtsgeschichte untersuchen die Beiträge Wissensformierung und Handlungsorientierung in der Zeit von 1350-1600. Jenseits älterer Epochen-typologien wird aus der Sicht verschiedener Fächerkulturen versucht, diesen Zeitraum in seiner eigenen Dynamik und Widersprüchlichkeit zu erfassen.

    inklings Jahrbuch für Literatur und Ästhetik

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    „Inklings" nannte sich eine Gruppe von Schriftstellern und Geisteswissenschaftlern in Oxford, deren bekannteste Mitglieder J.R.R. Tolkien und C.S. Lewis waren. Die Inklings-Gesellschaft e.V. widmet sich seit 1983 dem Studium und der Verbreitung der Werke dieser und ihnen nahestehender Autoren sowie der Analyse des Phantastischen in Literatur, Film und Kunst allgemein. Ihre Jahrestagungen werden in Jahrbüchern dokumentiert. Dieser Band enthält elf Vorträge der Tagung « Frankenstein 1818 · 2018 – Parabel der Moderne», die 2018 in Ingolstadt stattfand, sowie zwei weitere Beiträge und zahlreiche Rezensionen. «Inklings» was the name of a group of Oxford scholars and writers; its best-known members were J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. The German Inklings-Gesellschaft, founded in 1983, is dedicated to the discussion and dissemination of the works of these authors and of writers commonly associated with them and to the study of the fantastic in literature, film and the arts in general. The proceedings of the annual Inklings conferences are published in yearbooks. This book contains eleven chapters presented as papers at the 2018 conference entitled «Frankenstein 1818 · 2018 – Parable of the Modern Age.» In addition, there are two general articles and numerous reviews.

    Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies

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    It has been two decades since Yugoslavia fell apart. The brutal conflicts that followed its dissolution are over, but the legacy of the tragedy continues to unsettle the region. Reconciliation is a long and difficult process that necessitates a willingness to work together openly and objectively in confronting the past. Over the past ten years the Scholars' Initiative has assembled an international consortium of historians, social scientists, and jurists to examine the salient controversies that still divide the peoples of former Yugoslavia. The findings of its eleven research teams represent a direct assault on the proprietary narratives and interpretations that nationalist politicians and media have impressed on mass culture in each of the successor states. Given gaps in the historical record and the existence of sometimes contradictory evidence, this volume does not pretend to resolve all of the outstanding issues. Nevertheless, this second edition incorporates new evidence and major developments that have taken place in the region since the first edition went to press. At the heart of this project has always been the insistence of the authors that they would continue to reconsider their analyses and conclusions based on credible new evidence. Thus, in this second edition, the work of the Scholars' Initiative continues. The broadly conceived synthesis will assist scholars, public officials, and the people they represent both in acknowledging inconvenient facts and in discrediting widely held myths that inform popular attitudes and the electoral success of nationalist politicians who profit from them. Rather than rely on special pleading and appeals to patriotism that have no place in scholarship, the volume vests its credibility in the scientific credentials of its investigators, the transparent impartiality of its methodology, and an absolute commitment to soliciting and examining evidence presented by all sides.

    Cuban Spanish Dialectology

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    Despite the significant presence of Cuban immigrants in the United States, current research on Cuban Spanish linguistics remains underexplored. This volume addresses this lacuna in Cuba Spanish research by providing a state-of-the-art collection of articles from a range of theoretical perspectives and linguistic areas, including phonological and phonetic variation, morphosyntactic approaches, sociolinguistic perspectives, and heritage language acquisition. Given increasing interest in Cuban Spanish among graduate students and faculty, this volume is a timely and highly relevant contribution to Hispanic linguistics and Cuban Spanish dialectology in particular.

    Scattered and Gathered

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    The twenty-first century is marked by mass migration. Massive population movements of the last century have radically challenged our study and practice of mission. Where the church once rallied to go out into “the regions beyond,” Christian mission is currently required to respond and adapt to “missions around.” As a result, leaders in this field have been developing diaspora missiology to provide a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God’s redemptive mission among peoples living outside their places of origin. In this volume, experts in diaspora missiology from across the globe analyze the development of missions to migrants and add to our understanding of the contemporary church’s opportunities and responsibilities for mission amongst diaspora groups.

    Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education

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    Lean Six Sigma is one of the operational excellence methodologies that has been widely adopted in manufacturing, service and healthcare sectors. There are few articles discussing Lean Six Sigma in the Higher Education context. This book is a collection of articles carefully edited by three academics and practitioners who are based in the Higher Education sector. The book contains state-of-the-art literature review articles, empirical studies, emerging trends on Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education and case study related papers.
    Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education caters to students, researchers and academics who are interested in understanding the rudimentary concepts of Lean Six Sigma. It also covers the challenges and barriers in implementation and sustenance of this powerful operational and service excellence methodology.

    Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops

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    Fully updated with new content and full-colour figures, the second edition of this successful book reflects developments and growth in our knowledge of carrots and related crops worldwide. It covers the scientific basis of their biology and production, with updated technical crop management content. This new edition is divided into three sections: the first considers the crops' importance and main features; the second focuses on carrot, from genetic diversity and breeding to cropping systems, pest and disease management, quality, postharvest and valorization; and the third presents the main aspects of 13 other cultivated Apiaceae.
    Containing a dedicated chapter on root-quality plus new chapters on organic production and consumer expectations, this book also:
    Highlights both unique and shared characteristics among cultivated Apiaceae species. Describes the links between scientific principles and cropping systems. Explores the relationship between crop management and product quality.
    An invaluable resource for all those involved in carrot and related vegetable production, this is essential reading for producers, and horticulture, plant science and food science students, as well as researchers in these areas.

    The Kurds in the Middle East

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    While dramatic changes taking place in the Middle East offer important opportunities to the Kurdish century-long struggle for recognition, serious obstacles seem to keep reemerging every time the Kurds anywhere make progress. The large Kurdish geography, extending from western Iran to near the eastern Mediterranean, and a century of repression and denial have engendered various Kurdish groups with competing and at times conflicting views and goals. The Kurds in the Middle East: Enduring Problems and New Dynamics , with an emphasis on continuity and change in the Kurdish Question, brings together a group of well-known scholars to shed light on this complex issue.