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    Financial Risk Forecasting

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    Financial Risk Forecasting is a complete introduction to practical quantitative risk management, with a focus on market risk. Derived from the authors teaching notes and years spent training practitioners in risk management techniques, it brings together the three key disciplines of finance, statistics and modeling (programming), to provide a thorough grounding in risk management techniques. Written by renowned risk expert Jon Danielsson, the book begins with an introduction to financial markets and market prices, volatility clusters, fat tails and nonlinear dependence. It then goes on to present volatility forecasting with both univatiate and multivatiate methods, discussing the various methods used by industry, with a special focus on the GARCH family of models. The evaluation of the quality of forecasts is discussed in detail. Next, the main concepts in risk and models to forecast risk are discussed, especially volatility, value-at-risk and expected shortfall. The focus is both on risk in basic assets such as stocks and foreign exchange, but also calculations of risk in bonds and options, with analytical methods such as delta-normal VaR and duration-normal VaR and Monte Carlo simulation. The book then moves on to the evaluation of risk models with methods like backtesting, followed by a discussion on stress testing. The book concludes by focussing on the forecasting of risk in very large and uncommon events with extreme value theory and considering the underlying assumptions behind almost every risk model in practical use – that risk is exogenous – and what happens when those assumptions are violated. Every method presented brings together theoretical discussion and derivation of key equations and a discussion of issues in practical implementation. Each method is implemented in both MATLAB and R, two of the most commonly used mathematical programming languages for risk forecasting with which the reader can implement the models illustrated in the book. The book includes four appendices. The first introduces basic concepts in statistics and financial time series referred to throughout the book. The second and third introduce R and MATLAB, providing a discussion of the basic implementation of the software packages. And the final looks at the concept of maximum likelihood, especially issues in implementation and testing. The book is accompanied by a website – www.financialriskforecasting.com – which features downloadable code as used in the book.

    Managing Human Resources

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    This new and thoroughly revised edition of the best selling Personnel Management text by Stephen Bach provides an authoritative analysis of the latest developments in the field for students and professionals. new chapters reflect the importance of the EU dimension; the new diversity/race agenda led by Brussels; the extended, network organization; new training practices; and the growing importance of MNCs, both for the UK economy as a whole and as a guide to best practice; clearly and comprehensively explains the current complex HR scene with its different levels and layers

    Performance-Based Management

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    Everyday first-line managers and supervisors struggle with deficiencies and inequities in their organization, their leadership, and their people. Performance-Based Management recognizes that deficiencies exist and focuses on those things that first-line managers and supervisors can do to be more effective. It helps managers not only understand what people require to be effective in the workplace, it provides them with tools to assess organizational factors, identify barriers to performance, and convene and direct the appropriate resources to improve workplace performance. Written by Judith Hale—author of the best-selling Performance Consultant's Fieldbook—Performance-Based Management comprehensively addresses the role of Performance and Management Information, Communication, and Performance Support Systems Measures and Feedback Rewards and Consequences Performance Support Tools and Resources Internal and External Consultants Power and Politics Message and Image Management

    The Skilled Facilitator

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    When it was published in 1994, Roger Schwarz's The Skilled Facilitator earned widespread critical acclaim and became a landmark in the field. The book is a classic work for consultants, facilitators, managers, leaders, trainers, and coaches–anyone whose role is to facilitate and guide groups toward realizing their creative and problem-solving potential. This thoroughly revised edition provides the essential materials for anyone that works within the field of facilitation and includes simple but effective ground rules for group interaction. Filled with illustrative examples, the book contains proven techniques for starting meetings on the right foot and ending them positively and decisively. This important resource also offers practical methods for handling emotions when they arise in a group and offers a diagnostic approach for identifying and solving problems that can undermine the group process.

    Paying for Performance

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    An up-to-date, revised edition of the complete, practical guide to designing and implementing effective compensation plans A compensation package should be more than just the means to attract and retain talented executives. The right kind of plan can give your company a powerful strategic advantage. In Paying for Performance, Second Edition, consultants at Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Inc., one of the world's leading human resources consulting firms, give you the tools and techniques you need to design and implement a highly effective compensation program that will sharpen your company's competitive edge for years to come. The book also shows you how to understand shareholder expectations, government regulation, and a host of business and human resources issues. Paying for Performance, Second Edition: * Describes best practices used at America's top-performing companies * Offers proven pay-for-performance tools for addressing current and future pay issues * Uses case studies drawn from extensive Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Inc. research * Addresses the special issues affecting pay-for-performance in not-for-profits * Presents expert advice on managing talent and competencies to maximize performance * Addresses the regulatory issues that affect executive compensation * Covers everything from base pay to annual and long-term compensation

    First Things Fast

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    The world of learning and performance has changed significantly since the first edition of First Things Fast was published more than a decade ago. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the best-selling classic recognizes a world chock-full of technology, economic strains, and opportunities. How do learning and performance professionals plan in this shifting context? How do they take advantage of new human and Internet-based resources? How do they bring their recommendations forward and add more value, no matter where they work? These questions are addressed throughout this new edition. This important resource is a practical guide that is filled with job aids, design templates, and examples offering step-by-step guidance to the basics of performance analysis. This new edition includes: New questions and templates that reflect the shift of learning and support from the classroom to the workplace, and the blends that provide learning and support in both environments Fresh approaches for using wikis, blogs, and online surveys to gather information Innovative ideas for tapping into the power of social networking and the possibilities presented for analysts Information on the critical link between analysis and evaluation and new guidelines for both activities A wealth of new illustrative case examples Insightful commentaries from successful leaders in the field who explain how they use analysis to advance individual and organizational strategy «Allison Rossett combines thought leadership for the profession with practical guidance. This book, the second edition of a classic in the field, is filled with proven practices and ready-to-use tools making this a resource you'll use frequently.» —Dana Gaines Robinson, Coauthor, Performance Consulting and Strategic Business Partner «What I appreciate about this book is that it is a straightforward, practical guide to planning, and it embraces new technology and the convergence of learning and work.» —Nancy J. Lewis, Vice President and Chief Learning Officer, ITT Corporation

    Web-Based Training

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    This all-new edition of Web-Based Training is filled with practical charts, tables, and checklists that shows you how to design winning training programs for delivering instruction on the Web. Well grounded in the time-tested principles of great instructional design and adult education, Web-Based Training takes a step back from the whirlwind of technical guides and offers a extensively-researched handbook. For everyone seeking to learn more about the subject, Driscoll gives you illustrative examples from a wide range of organizations large and small. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

    Developing Technical Training

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    Since it was first published almost twenty years ago, Developing Technical Training has been a reliable resource for both new and seasoned training specialists. The third edition of this classic book outlines a systematic approach called the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process that shows how to teach technical content defined as facts, concepts, processes, procedures, and principles. Whether you teach “hard” or “soft” skills, or design lessons for workbooks or computers, you will find the best training methods in this book. Using these techniques, you can create learning environments that will lead to the most efficient and effective acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Throughout the book, Clark defines each content type and illustrates how to implement the best instructional methods for delivery in either print or e-learning media.

    Passing the Torch

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    Sustain and grow your family’s capital throughout generations Families need to have vision and foresight to sustain the family’s capital throughout generations. Unfortunately, many of them build wealth effectively but find, near the end of their lives, that it has little sustainability to prepare the next generations that will be the beneficiaries of their hard work. Passing the Torch teaches high net-worth families how to foster a strong family dynamic to be truly generational. Inside, first-generation wealth creators will learn how to create a culture of sustainability and growth and endow subsequent generations with the tools and mindset necessary to prosper. Subsequent generations will learn how to receive the torch, sustain and grow the family’s capital and pass the torch to the next generation. • Discover the importance of emotional intelligence • Learn to view generational wealth from a behavioral lens • Transcend financial instruction to find a sense of purpose and direction • Map out your family’s legacy Whether you’re consulting an advisor or taking matters into your own hands, this is the essential reference you need to sustain wealth for generations to come.

    Wealth Management Planning

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    Wealth Management Planning addresses the major UK tax issues affecting wealth management planning for both the UK domiciled and non-UK domiciled individual. It explains, with numerous worked practical examples, the principles underpinning the three main taxes: income tax; capital gains tax; and inheritance tax. It is aimed at those involved in providing advice in the field of wealth management planning including solicitors, accountants, financial planners, private bankers, trustees, students of tax and law and the layman seeking in depth knowledge. The recent Finance Acts 2006 and 2008, in particular, have modified significantly the tax rules in key areas applicable to wealth management planning. These new tax rules are all addressed in detail in this book and include the pre and post Finance Act 2006 inheritance tax treatment of trusts; the new post Finance Act 2008 residence rules; and the new Finance Act 2008 rules applicable to non-domiciled individuals and the tax treatment of off shore trusts. In view of the increasingly international nature of wealth management planning the book attempts to place the UK tax rules in an international context addressing such issues as: the role of wills in the international arena; the implications of the EU; the suitability of off shore financial centres; and the role and use of double taxation agreements. Appendices bring together useful material produced by HMRC and a detailed bibliography for the interested reader is also included. “ This book gives comprehensive coverage to the complicated subject of taxation for Financial Planners. It will be very valuable to all those Financial Planners who wish to extend their learning and reference and desire to meet the needs of clients”. NICK CANN, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE INSTITUTE OF FINANCIAL PLANNING. “ In this book, Malcolm Finney presents a comprehensive summary of the UK tax rules in straightforward language and with many practical examples. It is a notable achievement to put incomprehensible tax legislation into such readily understandable terms; anyone advising on wealth management will find this to be an invaluable guide to the subject”. MALCOLM GUNN, CONSULTANT, SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY “ The author demonstrates considerable skill in explaining complicated tax rules in a manner that makes them easy to assimilate and understand. The book contains Chapter summaries, useful Appendices and numerous worked examples, which provide a very clear, helpful explanation of some difficult tax rules. The book’s contents cover wide areas of the tax system, and yet provide sufficient technical depth to be a valuable point of reference for those involved in wealth management and financial planning”. MARK McLAUGHLIN, MARK McLAUGHLIN ASSOCIATES, MANAGING EDITOR OF TAXATIONWEB “ A valuable new text explaining the tax treatment applicable to financial planning products and strategies for UK domiciled persons (UK resident or expats) and non domiciled UK residents. This book will be of interest to a wide readership ranging from students of law and tax, the interested layman seeking in depth knowledge and professionals including solicitors, accountants, financial planners, private bankers and trustees. Malcolm is to be commended on distilling a vast amount of detailed material into a logical and well ordered framework”. ANDREW PENNEY, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ROTHSCHILD TRUST CORPORATION LTD “ Malcolm Finney’s book is stimulating, innovative and refreshingly practical. Anyone wanting either a high-level understanding of tax principles involved in wealth management or a deeper insight should read this book”. JACOB RIGG, HEAD OF POLICY, SOCIETY OF TRUST AND ESTATE PRACTITIONERS, ST