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    The Future of Banking

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    The world of banking is changing dramatically as a result of regulation, technology and society. New developments in the past three years include advances in regulatory change, the impact of China and India; from the latest technologies to impact bank services, to the latest experiments with a cashless society. The Future of Banking in a Globalised World provides an entertaining yet informative look at the world of banking and chronicles the radical changes that have occurred in the industry over the past three years. Renowned analyst and international speaker, Chris Skinner assesses the trends that have occurred during the past three years and looks at predictions for the future of banking. Issues discussed include: • The impact of emerging markets such as China and India • Regulatory changes including Europe’s Financial Services Action Plan, MiFID, SEPA, as well as the impact of Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley • The latest technologies to impact Bank services from algorithmic trading through Web 2.0 • The displacement of Cash and Cards through Contactless, Mobile and Biometric Payments

    Rumors in Financial Markets

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    On the trading floor, all action is based on news, therefore rumors in financial markets are an everyday phenomenon. Rumors are the oldest mass medium in the world and their nature is still difficult to grasp. Scientifically, not much is known about rumors, especially in the financial markets, where their consequences can have real money consequences. Rumors in Financial Markets provides a fresh insight to the topic, combining the theory of Behavioral Finance with that of Experimental Finance–a new and innovative scientific method which observes real decision makers in a controlled, clearly structured environment. Using the results from surveys and experiments, the author argues that rumors in the context of financial markets are built on three cornerstones: Finance, Psychology and Sociology. The book provides insights into how rumors evolve, spread and are traded on and provides explanations as to why volatility rockets, strong price movements, herding behavior for example, occur for apparently no good reason.

    Understanding International Bank Risk

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    In an era of globalisation, syndicated lending and consolidation within the banking industry, virtually all industries will have international dealings, whether directly or indirectly, and will therefore be exposed to consequential risks. An understanding of international risk, from that of bank of country failure to the idiosyncrasies of different regulatory frameworks, is essential for the modern banker. This book gives the reader a thorough understanding of how to calculate, analyse and manage such risks.

    The Power of Gold

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    Incorporating myth, history and contemporary investigation, Bernstein tells the story of how human beings have become intoxicated, obsessed, enriched, impoverished, humbled and proud for the sake of gold. From the past to the future, Bernstein's portrayal of gold is intimately linked to the character of humankind.

    Long/Short Market Dynamics

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    Hedge funds are now the largest volume players in the capital markets. They follow a wide assortment of strategies but their activities have replaced and overshadowed the traditional model of the long only portfolio manager. Many of the traditional technical indicators and commonly accepted trading strategies have become obsolete or ineffective. The focus throughout the book is to describe the principal innovations that have been made within the equity markets over the last several years and that have changed the ground rules for trading activities. By understanding these changes the active trader is far better equipped to profit in today’s more complex and risky markets. Long/Short Market Dynamics includes: A completely new technique, Comparative Quantiles Analysis, for identifying market turning points is introduced. It is based on statistical techniques that can be used to recognize money flow and price/momentum divergences that can provide substantial profit opportunities. Power laws, regime shifts, self-organized criticality, phase transitions, network dynamics, econophysics, algorithmic trading and other ideas from the science of complexity are examined. All are described as concretely as possible and avoiding unnecessary mathematics and formalism. Alpha generation, portfolio construction, hedge ratios, and beta neutral portfolios are illustrated with case studies and worked examples. Episodes of financial contagion are illustrated with a proposed explanation of their origins within underlying market dynamics

    Synthetic and Structured Assets

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    Organized along product lines, the book will analyze many of the original classes of structured assets, including mortgage- and asset-backed securities and strips, as well as the newest structured and synthetic instruments, including exchange-traded funds, credit derivative-based collateralized debt obligations, total return swaps, contingent convertibles, and insurance-linked securities. Two introductory chapters will outline the scope of the market, key definitions, participant motivations/goals, economics of structuring and synthetic replication, and the central «building blocks» used in the creation of synthetic/structured assets (including on-balance sheet assets and liabilities, derivatives, shelf registration debt programs, private placements, trusts, and special purpose entities). Eight product chapters will then examine the main instruments of the marketplace: mortgage- and asset-backed securities, stripped/reconstituted government securities, collateralized debt obligations, structured notes, insurance-linked securities, exchange-traded funds, convertible bond variations, and derivatives/synthetic asset replication. Each product chapter will contain product descriptions, structural features (e.g., trading conventions, settlement), arbitrage/investment drivers, and various worked examples and diagrams that emphasize practical investment and risk applications; financial mathematics will be kept to a minimum. A concluding chapter will review the essential risk, legal, regulatory, and accounting features of synthetic and structured assets in the world's major markets.

    International Real Estate Handbook

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    This book presents a comprehensive reference for real estate investors everywhere. Covering the unique real-estate situations in seventeen key countries, including the United States and Europe, it offers a unique international overview of the real estate market.

    Selling Your IT Business

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    For close to twenty years I have observed Mr. Chalfin helping owners, business advisors, and students get a grip on the slippery issues of selling a business. This book is a valuable distillation of his expertise. –Ian MacMillan, Dhirubhai Ambani Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania «Bob provided us with valuable outside perspective while we prepared our business for sale and during the sale process. His book is an excellent guideline for business owners thinking about selling their company.» –Steve Gerlicher, Entrepreneur «Bob Chalfin's experience and intellect make this book essential reading for IT business owners. Provides thoughtful analysis and practical advice invaluable to anybody who is even considering selling their business.» –Louis W. Fryman, Esq. Chairman Emeritus Fox Rothschild LLP «Bob Chalfin brings unparalleled experience to developing and executing these transactions. His insights are tempered by years of formulating these deals and then describing the methods to hundreds of students at The Wharton School.» –Stephen M. Sammut Senior Fellow, Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs Managing Director, Burrill International «This book covers all the bases for someone selling an IT (or really any) business. The observations on buyer motivations are particularly insightful.» –Mark Goodwin Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Pioneer Investments

    The Secrets of Facilitation

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    The Secrets of Facilitation delivers a clear vision of facilitation excellence and reveals the specific techniques effective facilitators use to produce consistent, repeatable results with groups. Author Michael Wilkinson has trained thousands of managers, mediators, analysts, and consultants around the world to apply the power of SMART (Structured Meeting And Relating Techniques) facilitation to achieve amazing results with teams and task forces. He shows how anyone can use these proven group techniques in conflict resolution, consulting, managing, presenting, teaching, planning, selling, and other professional as well as personal situations.

    Risk and Security Management

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    Learn to measure risk and develop a plan to protect employees and company interests by applying the advice and tools in Risk and Security Management: Protecting People and Sites Worldwide. In a world concerned with global terrorism, instability of emerging markets, and hazardous commercial operations, this book shines as a relevant and timely text with a plan you can easily apply to your organization. Find a series of strategic to granular level policies, systems, and concepts which identify and address risk, enabling business to occur in a manner which best protects you and your company.