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    One Nation, Under Drones

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    One Nation, Under Drones is an interesting and informative review of how robotic and unmanned systems are impacting every aspect of American life, from how we fight our wars to how we play to how we grow our food. Edited by John Jackson, this highly readable book features chapters from a dozen experts, researchers, and operators of the sophisticated systems that have become ubiquitous across the nation and around the world. Press reports have focused primarily on unmanned aerial vehicles, officially designated as UAVs, but more often referred to as “drones.” This work takes you behind the scenes and describes how Predators, Reapers, Scan Eagles, and dozens of other pilotless aircraft have been used to fight the Global War on Terrorism. Although these systems seemed to emerge fully-developed into the skies above America’s distant battlefields following the attacks of September 11, 2001, readers will discover that they actually trace their lineage to World War I, when the “automatic airplane/aerial torpedo,” designed and built by the Sperry Gyroscope Company, made its first flight just over a century ago. Unmanned aircraft were used by various combatants in World War II and took many forms: from converted manned bombers to intercontinental attacks on the American homeland by rice-paper balloons. Technology developed in the latter decades of the twentieth century enabled crews stationed thousands of miles away to attack targets on remote battlefields. Such long-range and remote-controlled weapons have been extensively used but are controversial from both legal and ethical standpoints. Chapters written by international law specialists and drone pilots with advanced education in ethics address these issues from both sides of the argument. The book also details how robotic systems are being used on land, in and below the seas, and in civilian applications such as driverless cars. Three dozen photographs display drones as small as an insect up to those as large as a 737 airliner. One Nation, Under Drones covers such a wide array of topics that it will be of interest to everyone from the casual reader seeking to know more about these systems to national security professionals, both in and out of uniform, who will be making decisions about their procurement and use in decades to come.

    Redefining the Modern Military

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    This edited collection examines the changing character of military professionalism and the role of ethics in the 21st-century military. The authors, who range from uniformed military to academics to non-uniformed professionals on the battlefield, delve into whether the concepts of Samuel Huntington, Morris Janowitz, and Sir John Hackett still apply, how training and continuing education play a role in defining a profession, and if a universal code of ethics is required for the military as a profession. Redefining the Modern Military puts a significant emphasis on individual agency for military professionalism as opposed to broad organizational or cultural change.

    The Best of Don Winslow of the Navy

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    A collection of the best stories from the classic run of Don Winslow of the Navy, one of the most popular comic books running during and after World War II. Edited by Craig Yoe, the selected stories are digitally remastered and contextualized with Yoe’s historical research. Preceding the full, colorful tales is a detailed introduction on the creation of the adventurous Don Winslow. The character served to foster recruitment and entertain Navy personnel and the general public alike during World War II and beyond. Winslow fights the Axis and supervillains like The Snake and the attractive, but deadly, Singapore Sal.

    21st Century Power

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    This book uses the 21st Century Foundations series format to re-introduce to the military community the writings of General Thomas S. Power, the third Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). His unappreciated works contain many insights into military topics such as technology and the arms race, the nature of deterrence, and the military utility of space. Unifying all of these writings was Power’s quest to maintain nuclear superiority over the Soviet Union. Although Power is considered a quintessential Cold Warrior, his ideas are timely considering today’s challenges of re-energizing the morale and technology of U.S. strategic forces in the wake of foreign advances, discerning what deterrence means in the “Second Nuclear Age,” and planning the future of space and cyber power.

    The U.S. Naval Institute on the U.S. Coast Guard

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    The United States Coast Guard might be the smallest branch of the U.S. military but it plays a vital role in our national security as detailed in the selections appearing in this wheel book. From protecting the homeland to providing coast guard forces to combatant commanders and every mission in between, all 11 of the U.S. Coast Guard’s statutory missions are highlighted.
    Subjects include Coast Guard history, roles and missions, Team Coast Guard (active, reserve, civilian and auxiliarists), the coast guard’s $25 billion modernization program, research and development, port security in New York City, counter-narcotics, coast guard intelligence, maritime law enforcement, freeing the whales, the Arctic, and the National Fleet concept, to name a few. Every author of each selection is a subject matter expert on the topic and it will be a real treat for readers of the U.S. Coast Guard to have so much wisdom from some of the Coast Guard’s best thinkers and senior leadership in one volume.
    Readers will be surprised to learn that the coast guard deploys highly trained dogs on the high seas. They will also be pleasantly surprised that the Coast Guard is a unique tool for theater security cooperation for combatant commanders around the globe since many of the world’s navies are more like the U.S. Coast Guard focused on maritime law enforcement issues instead of projecting power like the U.S. Navy.
    The U.S. Coast Guard is a bargain for the American taxpayer. From the selections compiled for this wheel book, the readers will be amazed to learn that the U.S. Coast Guard is able to accomplish the wide range of missions with minimal taxpayer funds, aging platforms, and an active duty force slightly larger than the New York Police Department (NYPD).

    The U.S. Naval Institute on Leadership Ethics

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    The volume is an edited book of 25 articles that have appeared in Proceedings of the U.S. Naval Institute. The material looks at naval leadership and ethics with respect to the individual leader and how the values and actions of the leader affect military cohesion, mission success, and the military profession of arms. It moves beyond the “right and wrong” of personal ethics to look at the broader field of professional military ethics. The book recognizes the diversity of experience, perspective, and opinions that are found in the sea services and argues that diversity does not preclude acceptance of common core values and standards of performance within any unit.<p> The volume includes articles by Admiral Arliegh Burke and Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale that speak from long personal experience regarding the topics of integrity and moral courage. Articles throughout the book stress the effects of leadership ethics on a unit’s combat readiness and ability to person successfully its missions. Also found in the book are articles that pertain to ethics and emerging military technologies, ethics and civil-military relations, and ethics with respect to leadership in specific historical events such as the failure of leadership in the Iraqi prison at Abu Graib.<p> The focus of the volume is not “bad apples” in the service but rather the development of “good apples” in a “good barrel.” It argues that regardless of rank or position, leaders in the Navy can affect mission readiness and mission success through ethical leadership and personal example. In so doing, every leader also strengthens the profession of arms. Further, the articles taken collectively contend that ethics is integral to leadership and that attempts to compartmentalize ethics or separate it from leadership is a failure to fully understand the requirements and expectations of those in the profession of arms. Every member of the armed services has been entrusted with a special confidence by the American people that require commitment to the ideals and values of the Constitution. This spans American naval history, culture, and political perspectives and provides naval leaders an honored and unique position in American society. Trust assumes ethical behavior, ethical decision making, ethical warfighting, and ethical leadership.

    21st Century Gorshkov

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    Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Sergei Georgiyevich Gorshkov led the Soviet Navy for almost three decades during the height of the Cold War. He was the architect of the Red Fleet, turning it from little more than a coastal defense force into the most powerful navy that Russia ever possessed. It was a remarkable achievement and gave his country unprecedented influence far beyond its shores. Ahead of his time, he was a strategist who advocated a much broader view of sea power than just the naval element, drawing together the exploitation of natural resources, the conduct of mercantile business, the enabling of legal frameworks, societal needs, environmental protection, politics and maritime security into his unified vision. But, most importantly for today’s scholars, he was also a writer, capturing his thoughts in books and articles written throughout his period at the helm. Now, a century after the Russian Revolution and almost three decades after the collapse of the USSR, there is renewed interest in the history of the Cold War. The time is right for new, objective assessments of the confrontation that shaped so much of the last century, for in it there are lessons for our own. Western, predominantly Anglo-American concepts of sea power have so dominated theory and practise that they have become accepted in the West almost without question. Sergei Gorshkov showed that there is always an alternative perspective. 21st Century Gorshkov is a collection of writing by one of the twentieth century’s most revered naval figures. Articles, many of which have not previously been published in English, sit alongside notable passages from his more famous books, each with a short introduction linking the work to the challenges facing navies everywhere today. Planners from Washington, DC to Beijing, London to New Delhi have much to learn from the man behind the most rapid naval expansion program in peacetime history. Gorshkov’s ideas on teamwork, ethos, naval ‘art’ and ‘science’, power and prosperity remain as relevant today as the day they were written.

    Airpower Applied

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    Airpower in Action tells the story of the evolution of airpower and its impact upon the history of warfare. Through a critical examination of twenty-nine case studies in which the United States in various coalitions and Israel played significant roles, the book offers perspectives on the political purpose, strategic meaning, and military importance of airpower. The authors demystify some of airpower’s strategic history by extracting the most useful teachings to help military professionals and political leaders understand what airpower has to offer as a “continuation of politics by other means.”<p>Airpower in Action presents a spectrum of aerospace achievements, limitations, and potential that demonstrates how warfare has changed over the last few decades and why airpower has become a dominant factor in war. The case studies emphasize the importance of connecting policy and airpower: strategic effectiveness cannot substitute for poor statecraft. As the United States, its allies, and Israel have seen in their most recent applications of airpower, even the most robust and capable air weapon can never be more effective than the strategy and policy it is intended to support. By analyzing the operational history of the world’s most battle-tested air forces, the case studies can help military professionals understand the political context in which air operations must be assessed—beyond technological and statistical data—and develop an appreciation of the strategic value of airpower, rather than follow the tactical land-centric line of reasoning that still dominates military thinking.<p>As a whole, this study is intended to encourage military professionals to combine the insights gained from these historical events with their specific fields of expertise, and ultimately to incorporate their enhanced airpower competence into their discussions with political decision makers, nongovernmental organizations, and fellow officers of all services. The focus on lessons and prospects allows officers to reflect on their calling and to articulate military principles more effectively in the councils of defense planning. Thus, while the historical chapters are relevant in their own right, the potential lessons must become integral to both the theoretical and applied dimensions of the airpower profession. The real value of airpower does not depend on promises of tactical and technological excellence, but on airpower’s relevance to statecraft proper and its ability to secure strategic and political objectives at a cost acceptable to governments and the public. The future of airpower lies in the ability of its practitioners to connect it to national policy and to view airpower in its political-strategic rather than tactical-technological domains.<p>In sum, the U.S. and Israeli experiences show how and why airpower has become the political leaders’ “instrument of choice” for demonstrating national resolve. Airpower has become a symbol of American and Israeli strength, the supreme political muscle and ultimate trump card. This book should therefore be of interest to any nation that aspires to develop and operate airpower, or seeks to defend itself against it.

    The U.S. Naval Institute on Mentorship

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    Naval service is an apprenticed profession. Experienced sailors mentor their younger shipmates, passing down their hard-earned knowledge and skills, and working side-by-side to develop the next generation of sailors. This Wheel Book includes some of the best writing on mentoring in the sea services from the past 100 years, offering guidance to sailors who are looking to find a mentor, providing advice to junior officers who are trying to figure out how to mentor their sailors while simultaneously developing their own capabilities, and providing advice and examples for senior leaders who are seeking to encourage mentoring in their command without pushing too hard.

    21st Century Corbett

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    This collection of essays demonstrates the critical role of Sir Julian Corbett (1854-1922) in the development of maritime strategy and sea power theory in the early 20th century. His close connections with Alfred T Mahan and William S Sims helped reinforce the trans-Atlantic axis of sea power theory and naval education. Corbett worked closely with Admiral Lord Fisher (1840-1920) to enhance the strategic planning of the Royal Navy, and compiled the official history of the First World War.