In modern society, we are ever more aware of the environmental issues we face, whether these relate to global warming, depletion of rivers and oceans, despoliation of forests, pollution of land, poor air quality, environmental health issues, etc. At the most fundamental level it is necessary to monitor what is happening in the environment – collecting data to describe the changing scene. More importantly, it is crucial to formally describe the environment with sound and validated models, and to analyse and interpret the data we obtain in order to take action. Environmental Statistics provides a broad overview of the statistical methodology used in the study of the environment, written in an accessible style by a leading authority on the subject. It serves as both a textbook for students of environmental statistics, as well as a comprehensive source of reference for anyone working in statistical investigation of environmental issues. Provides broad coverage of the methodology used in the statistical investigation of environmental issues. Covers a wide range of key topics, including sampling, methods for extreme data, outliers and robustness, relationship models and methods, time series, spatial analysis, and environmental standards. Includes many detailed practical and worked examples that illustrate the applications of statistical methods in environmental issues. Authored by a leading authority on environmental statistics.
A comprehensive and user-friendly guide to the use of logic in mathematical reasoning Mathematical Logic presents a comprehensive introduction to formal methods of logic and their use as a reliable tool for deductive reasoning. With its user-friendly approach, this book successfully equips readers with the key concepts and methods for formulating valid mathematical arguments that can be used to uncover truths across diverse areas of study such as mathematics, computer science, and philosophy. The book develops the logical tools for writing proofs by guiding readers through both the established «Hilbert» style of proof writing, as well as the «equational» style that is emerging in computer science and engineering applications. Chapters have been organized into the two topical areas of Boolean logic and predicate logic. Techniques situated outside formal logic are applied to illustrate and demonstrate significant facts regarding the power and limitations of logic, such as: Logic can certify truths and only truths. Logic can certify all absolute truths (completeness theorems of Post and Gödel). Logic cannot certify all «conditional» truths, such as those that are specific to the Peano arithmetic. Therefore, logic has some serious limitations, as shown through Gödel's incompleteness theorem. Numerous examples and problem sets are provided throughout the text, further facilitating readers' understanding of the capabilities of logic to discover mathematical truths. In addition, an extensive appendix introduces Tarski semantics and proceeds with detailed proofs of completeness and first incompleteness theorems, while also providing a self-contained introduction to the theory of computability. With its thorough scope of coverage and accessible style, Mathematical Logic is an ideal book for courses in mathematics, computer science, and philosophy at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners who wish to learn how to use logic in their everyday work.
This classic work is now available in an unabridged paperback edition. Stoker makes this fertile branch of mathematics accessible to the nonspecialist by the use of three different notations: vector algebra and calculus, tensor calculus, and the notation devised by Cartan, which employs invariant differential forms as elements in an algebra due to Grassman, combined with an operation called exterior differentiation. Assumed are a passing acquaintance with linear algebra and the basic elements of analysis.
This classic text, written by one of the foremost mathematicians of the 20th century, is now available in a low-priced paperback edition. Exposition is centered on the foundations of affine geometry, the geometry of quadratic forms, and the structure of the general linear group. Context is broadened by the inclusion of projective and symplectic geometry and the structure of symplectic and orthogonal groups.
A fundamental introduction to modern game theory from a mathematical viewpoint Game theory arises in almost every fact of human and inhuman interaction since oftentimes during these communications objectives are opposed or cooperation is viewed as an option. From economics and finance to biology and computer science, researchers and practitioners are often put in complex decision-making scenarios, whether they are interacting with each other or working with evolving technology and artificial intelligence. Acknowledging the role of mathematics in making logical and advantageous decisions, Game Theory: An Introduction uses modern software applications to create, analyze, and implement effective decision-making models. While most books on modern game theory are either too abstract or too applied, this book provides a balanced treatment of the subject that is both conceptual and hands-on. Game Theory introduces readers to the basic theories behind games and presents real-world examples from various fields of study such as economics, political science, military science, finance, biological science as well as general game playing. A unique feature of this book is the use of Maple to find the values and strategies of games, and in addition, it aids in the implementation of algorithms for the solution or visualization of game concepts. Maple is also utilized to facilitate a visual learning environment of game theory and acts as the primary tool for the calculation of complex non-cooperative and cooperative games. Important game theory topics are presented within the following five main areas of coverage: Two-person zero sum matrix games Nonzero sum games and the reduction to nonlinear programming Cooperative games, including discussion of both the Nucleolus concept and the Shapley value Bargaining, including threat strategies Evolutionary stable strategies and population games Although some mathematical competence is assumed, appendices are provided to act as a refresher of the basic concepts of linear algebra, probability, and statistics. Exercises are included at the end of each section along with algorithms for the solution of the games to help readers master the presented information. Also, explicit Maple and Mathematica® commands are included in the book and are available as worksheets via the book's related Web site. The use of this software allows readers to solve many more advanced and interesting games without spending time on the theory of linear and nonlinear programming or performing other complex calculations. With extensive examples illustrating game theory's wide range of relevance, this classroom-tested book is ideal for game theory courses in mathematics, engineering, operations research, computer science, and economics at the upper-undergraduate level. It is also an ideal companion for anyone who is interested in the applications of game theory.
A lively invitation to the flavor, elegance, and power of graph theory This mathematically rigorous introduction is tempered and enlivened by numerous illustrations, revealing examples, seductive applications, and historical references. An award-winning teacher, Russ Merris has crafted a book designed to attract and engage through its spirited exposition, a rich assortment of well-chosen exercises, and a selection of topics that emphasizes the kinds of things that can be manipulated, counted, and pictured. Intended neither to be a comprehensive overview nor an encyclopedic reference, this focused treatment goes deeply enough into a sufficiently wide variety of topics to illustrate the flavor, elegance, and power of graph theory. Another unique feature of the book is its user-friendly modular format. Following a basic foundation in Chapters 1-3, the remainder of the book is organized into four strands that can be explored independently of each other. These strands center, respectively, around matching theory; planar graphs and hamiltonian cycles; topics involving chordal graphs and oriented graphs that naturally emerge from recent developments in the theory of graphic sequences; and an edge coloring strand that embraces both Ramsey theory and a self-contained introduction to Pólya's enumeration of nonisomorphic graphs. In the edge coloring strand, the reader is presumed to be familiar with the disjoint cycle factorization of a permutation. Otherwise, all prerequisites for the book can be found in a standard sophomore course in linear algebra. The independence of strands also makes Graph Theory an excellent resource for mathematicians who require access to specific topics without wanting to read an entire book on the subject.
An accessible and multidisciplinaryintroduction to cellular automata As the applicability of cellular automata broadens and technology advances, there is a need for a concise, yet thorough, resource that lays the foundation of key cellularautomata rules and applications. In recent years, Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science has brought the modeling power that lies in cellular automata to the attentionof the scientific world, and now, Cellular Automata: A Discrete View of the World presents all the depth, analysis, and applicability of the classic Wolfram text in a straightforward, introductory manner. This book offers an introduction to cellular automata as a constructive method for modeling complex systems where patterns of self-organization arising from simple rules are revealed in phenomena that exist across a wide array of subject areas, including mathematics, physics, economics, and the social sciences. The book begins with a preliminary introduction to cellular automata, including a brief history of the topic along with coverage of sub-topics such as randomness, dimension, information, entropy, and fractals. The author then provides a complete discussion of dynamical systems and chaos due to their close connection with cellular automata and includes chapters that focus exclusively on one- and two-dimensional cellular automata. The next and most fascinating area of discussion is the application of these types of cellular automata in order to understand the complex behavior that occurs in natural phenomena. Finally, the continually evolving topic of complexity is discussed with a focus on how to properly define, identify, and marvel at its manifestations in various environments. The author's focus on the most important principles of cellular automata, combined with his ability to present complex material in an easy-to-follow style, makes this book a very approachable and inclusive source for understanding the concepts and applications of cellular automata. The highly visual nature of the subject is accented with over 200 illustrations, including an eight-page color insert, which provide vivid representations of the cellular automata under discussion. Readers also have the opportunity to follow and understand the models depicted throughout the text and create their own cellular automata using Java applets and simple computer code, which are available via the book's FTP site. This book serves as a valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in the physical, biological, and social sciences and may also be of interest to any reader with a scientific or basic mathematical background.
This classic work is now available in an unabridged paperback edition. Hochstatdt's concise treatment of integral equations represents the best compromise between the detailed classical approach and the faster functional analytic approach, while developing the most desirable features of each. The seven chapters present an introduction to integral equations, elementary techniques, the theory of compact operators, applications to boundary value problems in more than dimension, a complete treatment of numerous transform techniques, a development of the classical Fredholm technique, and application of the Schauder fixed point theorem to nonlinear equations.
This book gives an introduction to the classical, well-known special functions which play a role in mathematical physics, especially in boundary value problems. Calculus and complex function theory form the basis of the book and numerous formulas are given. Particular attention is given to asymptomatic and numerical aspects of special functions, with numerous references to recent literature provided.
Features an introduction to advanced calculus and highlights its inherent concepts from linear algebra Advanced Calculus reflects the unifying role of linear algebra in an effort to smooth readers' transition to advanced mathematics. The book fosters the development of complete theorem-proving skills through abundant exercises while also promoting a sound approach to the study. The traditional theorems of elementary differential and integral calculus are rigorously established, presenting the foundations of calculus in a way that reorients thinking toward modern analysis. Following an introduction dedicated to writing proofs, the book is divided into three parts: Part One explores foundational one-variable calculus topics from the viewpoint of linear spaces, norms, completeness, and linear functionals. Part Two covers Fourier series and Stieltjes integration, which are advanced one-variable topics. Part Three is dedicated to multivariable advanced calculus, including inverse and implicit function theorems and Jacobian theorems for multiple integrals. Numerous exercises guide readers through the creation of their own proofs, and they also put newly learned methods into practice. In addition, a «Test Yourself» section at the end of each chapter consists of short questions that reinforce the understanding of basic concepts and theorems. The answers to these questions and other selected exercises can be found at the end of the book along with an appendix that outlines key terms and symbols from set theory. Guiding readers from the study of the topology of the real line to the beginning theorems and concepts of graduate analysis, Advanced Calculus is an ideal text for courses in advanced calculus and introductory analysis at the upper-undergraduate and beginning-graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable reference for engineers, scientists, and mathematicians.