This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.
Quality has become a decisive factor for the success of analytical laboratories as they strive for product quality assurance. In this book leading experts examine for the first time the different aspects of quality as a whole. The work is thus a comprehensive and basic handbook for everybody working in a laboratory. First the quality assurance systems relevant for the individual laboratories are presented and compared with one another. In the second part, the authors describe the measures which allow the reader to objectively judge, evaluate and increase 'quality'. The book concludes with a valuable overview of the importance and meaning of quality.
Anwender der HPLC benotigen ein breites theoretisches und praktisches Wissen. In diesem Buch wird beides vermittelt. Es erklart Theorie, apparative Grundlagen, die verschiedenen HPLC-Prinzipien von Adsorptions- bis Affinitatschromatographie sowie Spezialgebiete wie beispielsweise die Trennung von Enantiomeren. Durchgehend illustriert mit nahezu 200 Abbildungen, davon viele Trennbeispiele. Zahlreiche Ubungsaufgaben dienen zur Vertiefung des Stoffs. In die 9. Auflage wurden neue Abschnitte uber die Haltbarkeit von mobilen Phasen, uber Phasensysteme in der Ionenchromatographie und uber Messunsicherheit aufgenommen. Der Text ist mit einer Randspalte gesetzt, die die Kommentare zum Text aufnimmt. So wird die Lesbarkeit deutlich erhoht und trotz der dichten Information bleibt die Ubersichtlichkeit erhalten.
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is a powerful, fast and inexpensive analytical method. It has proven its usefulness in pharmaceutical, food and environmental analysis. This new edition of the practical TLC guide features a completely revised chapter on documentation, now including the use of digital cameras. Selected new sorbents and instruments are also introduced. Why has the prior edition been successful? All steps of the analytical procedure are clearly explained, starting with the choice of a suitable TLC technique and ending with data evaluation and documentation. Special emphasis is put on the proper choice of materials for TLC. Properties and functions of various materials and the TLC equipment are described, covering e. g. precoated layers, solvents and developing chambers, including information on suppliers. Many practical hints for trouble shooting are given. All this is illustrated with numerous coloured figures. How to use TLC in compliance with GLP/GMP regulations is described in detail, including the required documentation. Therefore the reader can very easily compile his own standard operating procedures.
Die Biotechnologie liefert die Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Herstellung von Produkten zur Versorgung der Weltbevölkerung mit Nahrungsmitteln, Medikamenten und anderen notwendigen Gütern. Um den weltweit steigenden Bedarf an biotechnologischen Prozessen zu realisieren, sind Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure mit biotechnologischen Kenntnissen erforderlich. In diesem praxisnahen Buch werden Aufgaben aus den Bereichen Bioreaktoren, Bioreaktionstechnik, Steriltechnik, Scale-Up, Anlagenplanung- und betrieb, Investitions- und Kostenanalyse und Wirtschaftlichkeit exemplarisch gelöst und erlauben dem Leser eine einfache Nachvollziehbarkeit. Zahlreiche Referenzen geben dem Leser außerdem die Möglichkeit zur Vertiefung des erworbenen Wissens und diese Aufgabensammlung stellt damit die perfekte Ergänzung zum Standardwerk «Bioverfahrensentwicklung» von Professor Storhas dar. Neben einer integrierten Formelsammlung und einer kurzen, praxisorientierten Einführung umfasst das didaktische Konzept eine Einteilung der Aufgaben in unterschiedliche Typen, die exemplarisch und mit Hilfe von Kommentaren und Faustformeln aus der Praxis gelöst werden. Diese anwendungsbezogene Vertiefung in der Bioverfahrensentwicklung eignet sich besonders für Interessierte im Bereich der Bioverfahrenstechnik und verwandter Disziplinen, Studenten der Ingenieurs- und Naturwissenschaften sowie Verfahrenstechniker.
As incredible as it may sound, nature is still unbeatable and provides us with the most amazing inventions and phenomena, beyond human imagination. Bacteria that produce plastic or electricity, for example, or natural rocket propulsion or algae that may meet the energy needs of future generations with their supplies of hydrogen. How is it that frogs and fish fall from the sky, how does the dust from the Sahara reach the Caribbean and what lies behind the mysteries of the deep-sea methane oases? Yet nature has also invented modern technologies. A natural solar power plant, for example, provides an Antarctic lake with an agreeable water temperature, and the first functioning nuclear reactor existed in Africa two billion years ago. Nature even created the very first laser. Researchers around the globe are increasingly searching for ways of using nature's inventions for developing new products and concepts. One case in point are extremophile bacteria, which thrive at the baking temperature of 140 degrees Celsius. The resulting enzymes should prove fruitful in chemistry. But also chemosensors, which work like a dog's nose, and bulletproof jackets based on spiders' webs are visions that could profit from evolution's treasure trove.
Systematically summarizes the current status and recent advances in bimetallic structures, their shape-controlled synthesis, properties, and applications Intensive researches are currently being carried out on bimetallic nanostructures, focusing on a number of fundamental, physical, and chemical questions regarding their synthesis and properties. This book presents a systematic and comprehensive summary of the current status and recent advances in this field, supporting readers in the synthesis of model bimetallic nanoparticles, and the exploration and interpretation of their properties. Bimetallic Nanostructures: Shape-Controlled Synthesis for Catalysis, Plasmonics and Sensing Applications is divided into three parts. Part 1 introduces basic chemical and physical knowledge of bimetallic structures, including fundamentals, computational models, and in situ characterization techniques. Part 2 summarizes recent developments in synthetic methods, characterization, and properties of bimetallic structures from the perspective of morphology effect, including zero-dimensional nanomaterials, one-dimensional nanomaterials, and two-dimensional nanomaterials. Part 3 discusses applications in electrocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, plasmonics and sensing. Comprehensive reference for an important multidisciplinary research field Thoroughly summarizes the present state and latest developments in bimetallic structures Helps researchers find optimal synthetic methods and explore new phenomena in surface science and synthetic chemistry of bimetallic nanostructures Bimetallic Nanostructures: Shape-Controlled Synthesis for Catalysis, Plasmonics and Sensing Applications is an excellent source or reference for researchers and advanced students. Academic researchers in nanoscience, nanocatalysis, and surface plasmonics, and those working in industry in areas involving nanotechnology, catalysis and optoelectronics, will find this book of interest.
A practical guide to using and maintaining an LC/MS system The combination of liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) has become the laboratory tool of choice for a broad range of industries that require the separation, analysis, and purification of mixtures of organic compounds. LC/MS: A Practical User's Guide provides LC/MS users with an easy-to-use, hands-on reference that focuses on the practical applications of LC/MS and introduces the equipment and techniques needed to use LC/MS successfully. Following a thorough explanation of the basic components and operation of the LC/MS system, the author presents empirical methods for optimizing the techniques, maintaining the instrumentation, and choosing the appropriate MS or LC/MS analyzer for any given problem. LC/MS covers everything users need to know about: The latest equipment, including quadrupole, time-of-flight, and ion trap analyzers Cutting-edge processes, such as preparing HPLC mobile phases and samples; handling and maintaining a wide variety of silica, zirconium, and polymeric separation columns; interpreting and quantifying mass spectral data; and using MS interfaces Current and future applications in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, biotechnology, clinical research, environmental studies, and forensics An accompanying PowerPoint® slide-set on CD-ROM provides vital teaching tools for instructors and new equipment operators. Abundantly illustrated and easily accessible, the text is designed to help students and practitioners acquire optimum proficiency in this powerful and rapidly advancing analytical application.
Updated and expanded, the classic guide to GC/MS helps chromatographers quickly learn to use this technique for analyzing and identifying compounds. After explaining the fundamentals, it discusses optimizing, tuning, using, and maintaining GC/MS equipment; explores advances in miniaturized and field-portable GC/MS systems and microfluidic components; and more. Complete with a CD-ROM, it covers applications in the environmental laboratory and in forensics, toxicology, and space science. This is the premier resource for professionals in those fields and for students.
THE textbook on organometallic chemistry. Comprehensive and up-to-date, the German original is already a classic, making this third completely revised and updated English edition a must for graduate students and lecturers in chemistry, inorganic chemists, chemists working with/on organometallics, bioinorganic chemists, complex chemists, and libraries. Over one third of the chapters have been expanded to incorporate developments since the previous editions, while the chapter on organometallic catalysis in synthesis and production appears for the first time in this form. From the reviews of the first English editions: 'The selection of material and the order of its presentation is first class … Students and their instructors will find this book extraordinarily easy to use and extraordinarily useful.' -Chemistry in Britain 'Elschenbroich and Salzer have written the textbook of choice for graduate or senior-level courses that place an equal emphasis on main group element and transition metal organometallic chemistry. … this book can be unequivocally recommended to any teacher or student of organometallic chemistry.' – Angewandte Chemie International Edition 'The breadth and depth of coverage are outstanding, and the excitement of synthetic organometallic chemistry comes across very strongly.' – Journal of the American Chemical Society