This collection of data on more than 130 chemicals gives users the facts they need to recognize and describe potentially dangerous chemicals. Thorough and well-structured information is given on: – physiochemical data, – toxicological and ecotoxicological aspects, – threshhold values, – use and disposes of many industrial chemicals and herbicides. The systematic depiction of data enables comparisons among chemicals to be drawn. A General Section discusses the basis and procedure necessary to judge how dangerous the chemicals are. The most important legal regulations are listed and a glossary ensures that the user can easily understand the descriptions. In the Third Edition the data was updated and supplemented with information on ecotoxicology, expositions, environmental conduct and risk to the environment.
This concise overview of terpenes and their applications covers the structure, natural sources, biological and pharmacological effects, as well as selected total syntheses of the compound. This book includes a chapter on structure determination, as well as added information on biogenesis, polycyclic terpenes, gingkoloids and neo-hopanes. This title is an ideal introductory book for anybody starting work in this field.
Here, Professor J. Otera brings together for the first time the combined knowledge about this elementary yet multifaceted reaction. Starting from the methodical basics right up to practical applications, this book represents a comprehensive overview of this type of reaction, saving readers time-consuming research among the literature – and not just in practical matters. All set to become a standard reference for every organic chemist. From the contents: METHODOLOGY Reaction of Alcohols with Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Reactions with Carboxylic Acids Reaction with Esters: Transesterification Reaction with Acid Anhydrides Reaction with Acid Halides and Related Compounds Conversion of Alcohols to Esters through Carbonylation SYNTHETIC APPLICATIONS Kinetic Resolution Enzymatic Resolution Nonenzymatic Resolution Asymmetric Desymmetrization Deacetylation through Transesterification Selective Esterification Applications to Natural Product Synthesis New Reaction Media Industrial Uses
The most up-to-date single reference on ketene chemistry for the practicing researcher Ketenes are valued by both practicing organic synthetic chemists and pharmaceutical researchers for their ease of preparation, high reactivity, and versatility of use. Ketenes, Second Edition is an updated version of the premier resource on this important class of compounds, and features a comprehensive, self-contained guide to all aspects of ketene chemistry, including: * Types of ketenes * Theoretical studies * Thermochemistry * Ketene preparation * Reactions, including mechanisms and synthetic applications * Spectroscopy and physical properties While retaining much of the vital information presented in the original text, the Second Edition covers all advances made from 1995 to the present, including updates from the literature; over 1,000 new references; and new sections on cycloaddition reactions, ketenes from esters, ketene reactions using polymer supports, and oxoquinone methides.
A practical workbook that bridges the gap between theory and practice in the nanotechnology field Because nanosized particles possess unique properties, nanotechnology is rapidly becoming a major interest in engineering and science. Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and Scientists-a logical follow-up to the author's previous text, Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions-presents a practical overview of nanotechnology in a unique workbook format. The author has developed nearly 300 problems that provide a clear understanding of this growing field in four distinct areas of study: * Chemistry fundamentals and principles * Particle technology * Applications * Environmental concerns These problems have been carefully chosen to address the most important basic concepts, issues, and applications within each area, including such topics as patent evaluation, toxicology, particle dynamics, ventilation, risk assessment, and manufacturing. An introduction to quantum mechanics is also included in the Appendix. These stand-alone problems follow an orderly and logical progression designed to develop the reader's technical understanding. «This is certain to become the pacesetter in the field, a text to benefit both students of all technical disciplines and practicing engineers and researchers.» -Dr. Howard Beim, Professor of Chemistry, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy «Dr. Theodore has covered most of the important nanotechnology subject matter in this …work through simple, easy-to-follow problems.» -John McKenna, President and CEO, ETS, Inc.
The only comprehensive treatment of nanophotonics currently available Photonics is an all-encompassing optical science and technology which has impacted a diverse range of fields, from information technology to health care. Nanophotonics is photonic science and technology that utilizes light-matter interactions on the nanoscale, where researchers are discovering new phenomena and developing technologies that go well beyond what is possible with conventional photonics and electronics. These new technologies could include efficient solar power generation, high-bandwidth and high-speed communications, high-capacity data storage, and flexible- and high-contrast displays. In addition, nanophotonics will continue to impact biomedical technologies by providing new and powerful diagnostic techniques, as well as light-guided and activated therapies. Nanophotonics provides the only available comprehensive treatment of this exciting, multidisciplinary field, offering a wide range of topics covering: * Foundations * Materials * Applications * Theory * Fabrication Nanophotonics introduces students to important and timely concepts and provides scientists and engineers with a cutting-edge reference. The book is intended for anyone who wishes to learn about light-matter interactions on the nanoscale, as well as applications of photonics for nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology. Written by an acknowledged leader in the field, this text provides an essential resource for those interested in the future of materials science and engineering, nanotechnology, and photonics.
Synthesis, Reactions, and Spectroscopy presents a comprehensive review of the literature from 1983 to the present covering oxazoles, mesoionic oxazoles, oxazolones, oxazolines, and chiral bisoxazolines. In-depth coverage includes synthesis, reactions, spectroscopic and physical properties for each class of compounds, as well as important developments related to the use of those compounds.
The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds series attempts to make the extraordinarily complex and diverse field of heterocyclic chemistry as organized and readily accessible as possible, presenting a basic reference collection for practicing researchers. Volume 60, Oxazoles: Synthesis, Reactions, and Spectroscopy, Part A proves the sole comprehensive resource on the synthetic chemistry of oxazoles–heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen, specifically five-membered, unsaturated rings. Oxazoles have a wide variety of applications in synthetic organic chemistry and have been found in numerous natural products such as hennoxazole, thiangazole, calyculin, halicondrins, pyrenolide, virginiamycin, amphotericin, and phorboxazoles. This volume provides an authoritative review of the literature since 1983, highlights compounds of commerical importance, and includes in-depth coverage of the synthesis, reactions, and spectroscopic and physical properties for each class of compounds. It also discusses in detail the exciting developments on the use of chiral bioxazolines in asymmetric synthesis.
Ferrocene—the prototypical metallocene—is a fascinating molecule. Even though it was first discovered over fifty years ago, research into ferrocene-containing compounds continues apace, largely stimulated by their successful applications in catalysis, materials science and bioorganometallic chemistry. Ferrocene derivatives are now recognised as useful starting materials for the preparation of new organometallic complexes and functional materials, efficient catalyst components, as well as redox-active modifiers to biomolecules. Ferrocenes: Ligands, Materials and Biomolecules provides the reader with a background overview and describes recent advances in the development and application of ferrocene compounds, including: synthesis and catalytic utilisation of chiral and non-chiral ferrocene ligands ferrocene-based sensors electrooptical materials ferrocene polymers liquid-crystalline materials crystal engineering with ferrocene compounds the bioorganometallic chemistry of ferrocene Ferrocenes: Ligands, Materials and Biomolecules is an essential guide for anyone working in the fields of organometallic synthesis and catalysis, materials science and bioorganometallic chemistry.
This supplement reflects and emphasizes current research trends. Due to the vast increase in the number and types of individual quinazolines described in recent literature, the author has replaced the myriad classified tables of known quinazolines with a single alphabetical table of simple known quinazolines. To facilitate recovery of any earlier data from the tables in the original volume, a cross-reference has been added (when appropriate) to each individual entry in the new table. Contains an extensive chapter on primary syntheses.