During the last decade, developments in smart cars, mobile devices, internet of things and vehicular communications are revolutionizing the future of smart cities. With the rapid integration of these smart devices into our surroundings, we are heading to a new era of a highly connected and environmentally friendly ecosystem.This book offers a unique opportunity for the reader to explore state-of-the-art developments in applications, technologies (e.g., Big Data and artificial intelligence), services and research trends in smart mobility for smart cities. It also provides a reference for professionals and researchers in the areas of smart mobility (e.g., autonomous valet parking, passenger trajectory data, smart traffic control systems) and recent technical trends on their enabling technologies. The materials have been carefully selected to reflect the latest developments in the field with many novel contributions from academics and industry experts from around the world.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Preface</li><li>About the Editors</li><li>Acknowledgments</li><li>Smart Mobility: Challenges and Trends <i>(Ruizhi Liao)</i></li><li>Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Communications in Smart Mobility <i>(Liang Zhao, Lexi Xu and Jiaxing Shang)</i></li><li>Adapting Future Vehicle Technologies for Smart Traffic Control Systems <i>(Dominic J Hodgkiss and Vinh Thong Ta)</i></li><li>Application of Mobile Signaling in Highway Traffic Network Monitoring <i>(Hongrun Gang, Li Fu and Yuting Luan)</i></li><li>Passenger Trajectory Generation Using Modern Datasets <i>(Xiaoyan Xie and Fabien Leurent)</i></li><li>Towards Autonomous Valet Parking: A Broader Prospective <i>(Muhammad Khalid, Yue Cao, Kezhi Wang, Piyush Dhawankar and Mohsin Raza)</i></li><li>Mobile Data Offloading for Smart Mobility in Heterogeneous Network <i>(Tong Wang, Xibo Wang, Guang Xin Yang and Yue Cao)</i></li><li>Exploring the Scalable Event-driven Load Balancer Using <i>Hybrid Intelligence</i> for Smart Paradigms <i>(Soumya Banerjee, Philipp Brune and Youakim Badr)</i></li><li>A User-Demand Privacy-Preserving Framework Based on Association Rules and Differential Privacy in Social Networks <i>(Chunliu Yan, Ziyi Ni, Bin Cao, Rongxing Lu, Shaohua Wu and Qinyu Zhang)</i></li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Professionals and researchers in the areas of Smart Mobility (e.g., autonomous valet parking, passenger trajectory data, smart traffic control systems), general public interested in technological advances. Smart City;Smart Mobility;Traffic Control;Traffic Monitoring;Big Data;Intelligent Transport System (ITS);Internet of Things (IoT);Vehicular Communications;Network Optimisation;Autonomous Vehicles;Smart Parking;Security;User Privacy0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book is brought to you by authors from different backgrounds in academia and industry from around the world</li><li>The materials have been carefully selected to reflect the latest developments in the field with many novel contributions from the contributors</li></ul>
The book, Economic Empowerment of Women in the Islamic World, discusses the economic, social, and political rights and status of women in Islam, which is theoretically given by the Islamic Jurisprudence (Shariah law). The chapters in this volume will address historical practices in comparison to the status of women in the contemporary Muslim world. Men and women in Islam, regardless of their age, social class, and education, are equal as citizens and individuals, but not identical in their rights and responsibilities. It can be observed from Islamic history that in the early age of Islam, women were given full confidence, trust, and high responsibilities in leadership, educational guidance, and decision-making.This volume will try to clarify the confusion in the status of the women in Islam that is presented by the media, as it is assumed that theoretical Islamic empowerment of women bears little relation to the real conditions of women in modern Muslim societies. It has been widely claimed in the media that Muslim women suffer more than men in Muslim societies and communities in terms of insecurity, domestic abuse, and low access to education and medical care. It is also stated in the press and media that absence of good governance also results in gender inequality and violation of the rights of Muslim women.This volume also aims to provide the solutions for the empowerment of women in the Islamic world. We assumed that without good governance, the status of women is not likely to improve. Muslim women have the potential to play a fundamental role in curbing corruption, social ills, violence, and crime in the Muslim world. This volume will make the case that in order to achieve stability and prosperity, the government must ensure a platform for women to participate in decision-making and hence benefit from the rights they are accorded in Islam.By covering a range of perspectives on the economic lives of Muslim women around the world, it hopes to shed light on the problems faced and to offer possible solutions to the empowerment of women in the Islamic world.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>Empowerment of Women in Islam: An Introduction <i>(Toseef Azid and Jennifer Ward-Batts)</i></li><li><b><i>Theoretical Issues:</i></b><ul><li>Economic Empowerment of Women in Islam <i>(Abdul Azim Islahi)</i></li><li>Women Empowerment and Leadership in Islam between Myth and Reality <i>(Noor Mohammad Osmani, Mohammad Omar Farooq and Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad)</i></li><li>The Prophetic Vision of Women Empowerment: Evidence from Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) Family <i>(Mohammad Abdullah)</i></li><li>The Role of Women in Business and the Life of Khadija <i>(Irum Saba and Khadija Bari)</i></li><li>Women in the Workplace: <i>Shari'ah</i> and Contemporary Perspectives <i>(Mohammad Hashim Kamali)</i></li><li>Navigating between Patriarchal Fundamentalism and Islamic Feminism: A Critical Islamic Appraisal <i>(Nabil Yasien Mohamed)</i></li><li>Women's Rights: The <i>Qur'anic</i> Ideals and Contemporary Realities <i>(Elmira Akhmetova)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Development Perspectives:</i></b><ul><li>A Relational Well-Being (<i>Maslaha</i>) Index of Gender Development in Socio-Economic Development Sustainability <i>(Masudul Alam Choudhury, Ari Pratiwi, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain and Faezy Adenan)</i></li><li>Women Empowerment and Globalization Evidence from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries <i>(Muhammad Tariq Majeed)</i></li><li>Islamic Paradigm of Women's Socio-Economic Empowerment: Ideals and Realities <i>(Muhammad Iqbal Anjum)</i></li><li>Is Press Freedom an Effective Tool to Empower Women? Empirical Evidence from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries <i>(Muhammad Tariq Majeed)</i></li><li>Islamic Nano-Finance for the Very Poor by Women: Hopes for Addressing the Islamic Microfinance Gap <i>(Khairunnisa Musari)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Country Studies:</i></b><ul><li>The 'Islamic Women's' Movement: Transition from the Private Domain to the Public Sphere <i>(Ömer Çaha)</i></li><li>Women of Aceh: The Struggle for Peace and Justice <i>(Asna Husin)</i></li><li>Social Values and the Female Labor Force Participation in Turkey: A Historical Evaluation from Ottoman Empire to the Present <i>(Kadir Yildirim)</i></li><li>The Socio-Economic Conditions of Women in Iran <i>(Mohammad Soleimani and Hasan Kiaee)</i></li><li>Women's Involvement in Developing <i>Waqf</i> in Malaysia <i>(Farhana Mohamad Suhaimi and Asmak Ab Rahman)</i></li><li>State of Women in Pakistan <i>(Irum Saba and Khadija Bari)</i></li><li>Gender Relations in Singapore Malay (Muslims) Dual-Income Households: (Un)changing Views and Practices <i>(Suriani Suratman)</i></li><li>Does the Dower Equate to Economic Security for Muslim Women in Malaysia? <i>(Raihanah Azahari, Zalina Zakaria, Asmak Ab Rahman and Hasbi Muh Ali)</i></li><li>The Complexity of Measuring Women Empowerment and its Role in Nutritional Status of Bangladeshi Children <i>(Rana Ejaz Ali Khan and Muhammad Ali Raza)</i></li><li>Does Parents' Education Matter in Inter-Generational Transmission of Human Capital? — A Case of Female Population in Saudi Arabia <i>(Toseef Azid and Sara Aldowsari)</i></li><li>Women in OIC Countries: State of Participation, Freedom and Supportive Legislation <i>(Salman Ahmed Shaikh)</i></li><li>Compulsory Schooling in Turkey, Educational Attainment, and the Gender Gap <i>(Jennifer Ward-Batts and Kaitlin Nowacki)</i></li><li>Women Empowerment Through Islamic Microfinance Schemes in Bangladesh <i>(Abul Hassan, Salah Al Shalhoob and Yaser Ahmad Fallatah)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Special Issues:</i></b><ul><li>Wife Beating in Islamic Law: Re-Evaluating the Illocutionary Force of the Imperative Verb in <i>Qur'an</i> 4:34 <i>(David Solomon Jalajel)</i></li><li>Dimensions of Women Empowerment and Gender Inequality: A Muslim World Perspective <i>(Toseef Azid and Jennifer Ward-Batts)</i></li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Students and professionals interested in Islamic Economics and Finance theories and practices, how they are applied in daily life in countries across Asia and the Middle East.Islam;Gender Studies;Women Studies;Quran;Sunnah;Female Empowerment;Shariah;Prophet Muhammad;Business in Islam;Patriarchal Fundamentalism;Secular Feminism;Women's Rights;Human Rights;Aceh;Gender Empowerment Measure;Globalization;Press Freedom;Organisation of Islamic Cooperation;Education;Arab World;Nanofinance;Microfinance;Labour;Ottoman Empire;Iran;Waqaf;Waqf;Malaysia;Pakistan;Singapore;Dual-Income Households;Bangladesh;Food Security;Human Capital;Saudi Arabia;Turkey0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book is potentially the first of its kind in studying and emphasizing on specifically the economic aspects of Muslim women's lives</li><li>The book discusses both theoretical and simultaneously practical issues, and is cross-disciplinary, covering issues on economics and its relations to Islamic studies, gender studies, political science, and sociology</li></ul>
A life of liberty and responsibility does not just happen, but requires a particular kind of education, one that aims at both a growth of the human soul and an enrichment of political society in justice and the common good. This we call a liberal education. Forgetfulness of liberty is also a forgetfulness of the multi-dimensional nature of the human person, and a diminution of political life. Keeping in mind what can be lost when liberal education is lost, this volume makes the case for recovering what is perennially noble and good in the liberal arts, and why the liberal arts always have a role to play in human flourishing.Each of the authors herein focuses on the connection of three primary themes: human dignity, liberal education, and political society. Intentionally rooted in the hub that joins the three themes, each author seeks to unfold the contemporary significance of that hub. As a whole, the volume explores how the three themes are crucial to each other: how they illuminate each other, how they need each other, and how the loss of one jeopardizes the wellbeing of the others. In individual chapters, the authors engage various relevant aspects of liberal education. As a result, the volume is organized into three parts: Liberal Education and a Life Well Lived; Thinkers on Dignity and Education in History; Contemporary Topics in Dignity and Education. As education is increasingly channeled into an ever more narrow focus on technical specialization, and measured against professional success, students themselves face a maelstrom of campus politics and competing political orthodoxies. These are among the issues that tend to militate against the operative liberty of the student to think and to speak as a person. This edited collection is offered as an invitation to think again about the liberal arts in order to recover the meaning of education as the authentic pursuit of the good life or eudemonia.
Safety Management Systems: Applications for the Aviation Industry provides an in-depth review of specific applications of an aviation-related Safety Management System (SMS) by following it from design through application. Readers will gain an understanding of SMS and how it relates to their daily activities. Also, specific information is provided on the rotocraft industry, due to variations in the challenges it faces.
This book helps develop a better understanding of how researchers from different scientific backgrounds view models and uncertainty. It provides key steps in fostering and encouraging interdisciplinary research, which is vital in addressing several big issues that society faces today, such as climate change, longevity, financial and actuarial risk management. To make progress in these areas, researchers must develop an understanding of differing perspectives and methods of those working in other disciplines. This title presents the views and understandings of eminent people in their respective fields through interviews on the topic of modelling and uncertainty. Each expert was asked the same set of questions to help readers understand the similarities and differences existing between various disciplines. It also helps to bridge some of the gaps encountered by those carrying out inter- and multi-disciplinary research and suggests new approaches to modelling and uncertainty quantification. Contents: A Conversation with Albert MaA Conversation with Aldo ZolloA Conversation with Ann LangleyA Conversation with Anthony C AtkinsonA Conversation with Arthur JaffeA Conversation with Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné A Conversation with Sir Brian HoskinsA Conversation with Charles ManskiA Conversation with Chris ImpeyA Conversation with Gerd FolkersA Conversation with Leonard SmithA Conversation with Michael StumpfA Conversation with Nigel KleinA Conversation with James KeirsteadA Conversation with Nilay ShahA Conversation with Paul EmbrechtsA Conversation with Ron BatesA Conversation with Simon DietzA Conversation with Stephan Hartmann Readership: Mathematicians interested in modelling, uncertainty, and conversations with researchers working in this field. Multidisciplinary;Mathematics;Modelling;Uncertainty;Variability;Imprecision00
This volume contains survey articles on various aspects of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) and their applications in stochastic control theory and in physics. The topics presented in this volume are: dynamics of stochastic reaction-diffusion equations; stochastic Itô-Volterra backward equations in Banach spaces; stochastic equations of Schrödinger type; optimal control of stochastic Navier-Stokes equations; quantum Hamilton equations from stochastic optimal control theory. This book is intended not only for graduate students in mathematics or physics, but also for mathematicians, mathematical physicists, theoretical physicists, and science researchers interested in the physical applications of the theory of stochastic processes.Contents: Preface Dynamics of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations (C Kuehn and A Neamtu) Stochastic Itô-Volterra Backward Equations in Banach Spaces (M Azimi and W Grecksch) Stochastic Schrödinger Equations (W Grecksch and H Lisei) Optimal Control of the Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations (P Benner and C Trautwein) QHE from Stochastic Optimal Control Theory (J Köppe, M Patzold, M Beyer, W Grecksch and W Paul)Readership: Graduate students in mathematics or physics, mathematicians, mathematical physicists, theoretical physicists, and science researchers interested in the physical applications of the theory of stochastic processes.
The link between commodities prices and the business cycle, including variables such as real GDP, industrial production, unemployment, inflation, and market uncertainty, has often been debated in the macroeconomic literature. To quantify the impact of commodities on the economy, one can distinguish different modeling approaches. First, commodities can be represented as the pinnacle of cross-sectional financial asset prices. Second, price fluctuations due to seasonal variations, dramatic market changes, political and regulatory decisions, or technological shocks may adversely impact producers who use commodities as input. This latter effect creates the so-called 'commodities risk'. Additionally, commodities price fluctuations may spread to other sectors in the economy, via contagion effects. Besides, stronger investor interest in commodities may create closer integration with conventional asset markets; as a result, the financialization process also enhances the correlation between commodity markets and financial markets. Our objective in this book, Risk Factors and Contagion in Commodity Markets and Stocks Markets, lies in answering the following research questions: What are the interactions between commodities and stock market sentiment? Do some of these markets move together overtime? Did the financialization in energy commodities occur after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis? These questions are essential to understand whether commodities are driven only by their fundamentals, or whether there is also a systemic component influenced by the volatility present within the stock markets. Contents: PrefaceAbout the EditorsAbout the ContributorsBubbles on Bitcoin Price: The Bitcoin Rush (Dominique Guegan and Marius-Cristian Frunza) Investigating the Association between Oil VIX and Equity VIX: Evidence from China (Anupam Dutta, Timo Rothovius and Jussi Nikkinen) The Predictive Power of Oil and Commodity Prices for Equity Markets (Leila Dagher, Ibrahim Jamali and Nasser Badra) Time-Varying Linkage between Equities and Oil (Beyza Mina Ordu-Akkaya, Adil Oran and Uğur Soytaş) Has the Causal Nexus of Oil Prices and Consumer Prices Been Asymmetric in the US during the Last Fifteen Decades? (Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Youssef El-Khatib) Risky Financial Assets in Financial Integration and the Impacts of Derivatives on Banking Returns (Hasan Dinçer, Serhat Yüksel, Fatih Pınarbaşı and Mehmet Ali Alhan) The Risk-Sharing Paradigm in Islamic Financial System: Myth or Reality? (Jamel Boukhatem and Mouldi Djelassi) Commodity Markets' Asset Allocation with Robust Liquidity Risk Management Optimization Parameters (Mazin A M AlJanabi) Comovements and Integration in African Stock Markets (El Mehdi Ferrouhi) Interdependence or Contagion in Equity Markets? Evidence from Past Crises (Olfa Kaabia) Impact of Contagion on Proxy-Hedging in Jet-Fuel Markets (Dominique Guegan, Marius-Cristian Frunza and Rostislav Haliplii) Index Readership: Students and professionals interested in the field of quantitative finance, commodity markets and contagion.Risk;Commodity;Commodity Markets;Stock;Risk Contagion;Contagion;Volatility0 Key Features: Addresses the state-of-the-art, current issues and new trends in quantitative energy finance (pricing, modeling, risk management, etc.)Gives a resume of the main results obtained in the modeling of the behaviors and dynamics of energy and stock marketsBrings insights about the mathematical modeling contagionStudies the financial mathematical particularities of the contagion, financial effects, commodities risk, and contagion spillovers in a unified and comprehensive frameworkGives a definition of contagion effects, the common sources of risk, the dimension of the correlation fluctuation depending on the factor loadingsOffers an innovative theoretical approach to problems of interest in energy risk management and modelingBlends mathematical techniques with new developments and theoretical results in energy finance
Green Chemistry has evolved in response to several environmental issues in the second half of the last century, mostly due to the almost freely expanding chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. During the past two decades Green Chemistry grew rapidly and we can now consider this area as a mature and powerful field. Tremendous development has taken place in many important areas including renewable energy and resources, reaction environments, catalysis, synthesis, chemical biology, green polymers, and facile recycling. The combination of Green Chemistry with engineering, biology, toxicology, and physics will lead to novel interdisciplinary systems, which can now lift Green Chemistry to the next, advanced level. The editors have assembled authors among the best specialists of this growing area of research. This collection of reviews and perspectives provides an exciting vision of the more recent developments in Green Chemistry. The contents of this book illustrate the breath of the field and its role to address environmental issues. This volume will serve as a book of reference showing a panoramic view of the field and a preview of its future direction, as well as a book of inspiration for those aiming to further advance its frontiers. This volume emphasizes on the most recent developments in green catalysis, bio-sourced polymers and the study of continental organic matter for a better understanding of the carbon geochemical cycle. Contents: Green and Sustainable Chemistry (István T Horváth) Pd-Catalyzed Sequential Reactions Involving C–H Bond Activation: A Green and Sustainable Tool for Natural and Industrial Product Synthesis (Elena Motti, Nicola Della Ca', Giovanni Maestri and Max Malacria) Photoredox Catalysis, an Opportunity for Sustainable Radical Chemistry (Christophe Lévêque, Etienne Levernier, Vincent Corcé, Louis Fensterbank, Max Malacria and Cyril Ollivier) Brønsted Acid as Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of Biologically Active Natural Products (Guillaume Levitre and Géraldine Masson) Bio-Sourced Polymers: Recent Advances (Henri Cramail, Boris Bizet, Océane Lamarzelle, Pierre-Luc Durand, Geoffrey Hibert and Etienne Grau) Insight into Continental Organic Matter: A Chemist View (Katell Quénéa, Sylvie Derenne and Marc F Benedetti) Readership: Undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in catalyst chemistry, polymer chemistry, environmental/atmospheric chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.Green Chemistry;Sustainable Energy;Renewable;Energy;Energy Resources;Reaction Environments;Catalysis;Multicomponent Synthesis (Cascade, Domino, Tandem);Photo Red Ox;Contimental Organic Matters;Bio-Sourced Polymers0 Key Features: The editors have assembled as authors among the best specialists of this growing area of researchThis collection of reviews and perspectives provides an exciting vision of the more recent developments in Green ChemistryIt illustrates the breath of the field and its role to address environmental issuesThis volume will serve as a book of reference showing a panoramic view of the field and a preview of its future direction as well as a book of inspiration for those aiming to further advance its frontiersIn this volume, Part 2, emphasis will be done to the most recent developments in green catalysis, bio-sourced polymers and the study of continental organic matter for a better understanding of the carbone geochemical cycle
The Nobel Prizes is the official yearbook of the Nobel Foundation. This edition provides extensive information about the 2017 laureates: their Nobel Prize lectures and their autobiographies, as well as presentation speeches and background about the Nobel festivities. Published on behalf of the Nobel Foundation. Contents: Nobel Laureates (2017): Physics — Rainer Weiss, Barry C Barish and Kip S ThorneChemistry — Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard HendersonPhysiology or Medicine — Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W YoungLiterature — Kazuo IshiguroPeace — International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)Economic Sciences — Richard C Thaler Readership: General.2017 Nobel Prizes;Nobel Laureates;Nobel Foundation00
This is the first attempt to delineate the synthetic field of the theoretical study of information, treating information as the basic phenomenon on the fundamental level of the world, encompassing nature, technology, individuals and society. The exploration of information is done within Info-computational approaches, to natural and social phenomena such as Bioinformatics, Information Physics, Informational Chemistry, Computational Physics, Cognitive and Social sciences, with special emphasis on interdisciplinary, crossdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge. The book presents results of collaboration across research fields within info-computational and info-structural frameworks, in attempt to better theoretically and conceptually capture the phenomenon of information and its dynamics (such as computation and communication), as they appear on different levels of organization, on different scales and in different contexts. Contents: Introduction (Mark Burgin and Gordana Dodig-Crnković) Foundations of Information: A Multiscale Taxonomy of Information in the World (Mark Burgin and Gordana Dodig-Crnković) Regeneration of Information as Forced Expansion (Meir Buzaglo) Why is Entropy not Enough? – Good Emerges from the Relaxation between Order and Disorder (Wu Kun and Wang Jian) Qualitative Stance, Effective Procedures and Common Sense Computation (Gianmarco Tuccini, Roberta Lanfredini, and Luca Baronti) A Theory of Semantic Information in the Context of its Ecology (Yixin Zhong and Gordana Dodig-Crnković) Information as a Natural Phenomenon: The 'No Information at a Distance' Principle and Local Mathematics: Some Effects on Physics and Geometry (Paul Benioff) The Structure of the World, Unity of Nature and the Problem of Time (Rafael Capurro and Mark Burgin) The Debt of Natural Science: An Interview with Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (Rafael Capurro) The Molecular Linguistics of DNA: Letters, Words, Sentences, Texts, and their Meanings (Sungchul Ji) The Biology of Information (Robert K Logan) Towards a New Information Thinking — Biologically Inspired (Jorge Navarro and Pedro C Marijuán) Studies on Molecular Signaling Network Devices (Walter Riofrío) Evolution of Genetic Information without Error Replication (Guenther Witzany) Cognition and Intelligence in Natural and Artificial Systems: Information Processing by Structural Machines (Mark Burgin) Consciousness and Information — Before or After the Event (Ron Cottam and Roger Vounckx) Convergence of Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (Rao Mikkilineni) Social, Cultural, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Information: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Western and Chinese Music from the Perspective of Complex Information System Theory (Gengxian Cao and Donghe Li) A Reasonable Model of Complexity for the Legal Domain (Cornelis N J de Vey Mestdagh) Reform and Innovation: The Social Sciences Research in Big Data Times (Ouyang Kang) The Differentia Specifica of Interhuman Communications: Luhmann and the Sociological Reflection of Information Theory (Loet Leydesdorff) Li Erqu's Theory on Epistemology and Gong Fu Ontology (Jun Liu) Law as Information and the Impact of Information Technologies (Ugo Pagallo) Information and Openness (Tomáš Sigmund) Readership: Graduate students and researchers in Information Theory.Information Science;Information Theory;Physics;Biology;Semantics;Computation;Ontology;Evolution;Networks;Artificial Intelligence;Complexity;Ecology0 Key Features: It covers the broadest range of phenomena related to information, with their structures and processes, as well as meta-level investigation of the nature of the study of information including its logic, metatheory and methodologiesIt provides the context and the substrate for research fields such as General Information Science, Practical Information Studies, Information Natural Sciences, and Information Social Sciences, developing information perspective on natural sciences, cognitive, social and ecological studiesIt builds the foundation for further studies into informational phenomena and their dynamics, that will increase in the future, in society on a whole. In particular, it is relevant for the understanding of technological developments and scientific progress, which becomes increasingly digitalized, that is, information-based