Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    Extreme Events and Climate Change

    Группа авторов

    An authoritative volume focusing on multidisciplinary methods to estimate the impacts of climate-related extreme events to society As the intensity and frequency of extreme events related to climate change continue to increase, there is an urgent need for clear and cohesive analysis that integrates both climatological and socioeconomic impacts. Extreme Events and Climate Change provides a timely, multidisciplinary examination of the impacts of extreme weather under a warming climate. Offering wide-ranging coverage of the methods and analysis that relate changes in extreme events to their societal impacts, this volume helps readers understand and overcome the methodological challenges associated with extreme event analysis. Contributions from leading experts from across disciplines describe the theoretical requirements for analyzing the complex interactions between meteorological phenomena and the resulting outcomes, discuss new approaches for analyzing the impacts of extreme events on society, and illustrate how empirical and theoretical concepts merge to form a unified plan that enables informed decision making. Throughout the text, innovative frameworks allow readers to find solutions to the modeling and statistical challenges encountered when analyzing extreme events. Designed for researchers and policy makers alike, this important resource : Discusses topics central to understanding how extreme weather changes as the climate warms Provides coverage of analysis methods that relate changes in extreme events to their societal impacts Reviews significant theoretical and modeling advances in the physical aspects of climate science Presents a comprehensive view of state of the science, including new ways of using data from different sources Extreme Events and Climate Change: A Multidisciplinary Approach is an indispensable volume for students, researchers, scientists, and practitioners in fields such as hazard and risk analysis, climate change, atmospheric and ocean sciences, hydrology, geography, agricultural science, and environmental and space science.

    The 15 circular steps for cities - Second edition

    Группа авторов

    This document outlines problems facing many linear cities today, and argues the case for circular change. It highlights elements that make cities suitable as both cradles and catalysts for a circular transition. The document also provides concrete guidance on how a linear city can start the circular journey, presented in the form of 15 circular steps.

    Rapporto della BEI sugli investimenti 2020/2021 - Risultati principali

    Группа авторов

    L'enorme sforzo di ricostruzione post pandemia dell'Unione europea rappresenta un'opportunità unica per trasformare l'economia del continente in senso verde e digitale, sostanzialmente anche al fine di renderla più competitiva. Il Rapporto sugli investimenti 2020-2021 esamina il tributo che le imprese europee hanno dovuto pagare in termini di investimenti e piani per il futuro a seguito della pandemia di coronavirus nonché gli sforzi profusi dagli imprenditori per far fronte alle esigenze dettate dai cambiamenti climatici e dalla rivoluzione digitale. L'analisi del Rapporto è fondata su una combinazione unica di informazioni derivanti da diverse banche dati e dai risultati di un'indagine condotta nell'estate del 2020, quindi in piena crisi COVID, su 12 500 imprese. Oltre a fornire un'istantanea del pesante tributo pagato alla pandemia da alcune forme di investimento, il Rapporto offre un segnale di speranza mettendo in luce le aree economiche in cui l'Europa ha mantenuto la propria posizione di forza, ad esempio il settore delle tecnologie che combinano innovazione verde e digitale.La pubblicazione «Risultati principali» rappresenta una sintesi di facile consultazione del contenuto del Rapporto integrale.

    Семь дней ТВ-программа №18/2021

    Группа авторов

    «Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 3 по 9 мая.

    Studia Culturae. Том 4 (46) 2020

    Группа авторов

    В очередной выпуск научного рецензируемого журнала «Studia Culturae» вошли научные статьи, посвященные изучению актуальных проблем теории и истории культуры, философии культуры, эстетики и философии искусства, истории и культурологи областничества. Издание предназначено для всех, интересующихся философией, культурой и искусством.

    Studia Culturae. Том 3 (45) 2020

    Группа авторов

    В очередной выпуск научного рецензируемого журнала «Studia Culturae» вошли научные статьи, посвященные изучению актуальных проблем теории и истории культуры, философии культуры, эстетики и философии искусства, истории и культурологи областничества. Издание предназначено для всех, интересующихся философией, культурой и искусством.

    Studia Culturae. Том 2 (44) 2020

    Группа авторов

    В очередной выпуск научного рецензируемого журнала «Studia Culturae» вошли научные статьи, посвященные изучению актуальных проблем теории и истории культуры, философии культуры, эстетики и философии искусства, истории и культурологи областничества. Издание предназначено для всех, интересующихся философией, культурой и искусством.