Группа авторов

Список книг автора Группа авторов

    Exploring Text and Emotions

    Группа авторов

    The present volume is the second publication generated by the Project «Text, Action and Space». The first volume, Exploring Textual Action (Aarhus University Press, Acta Jutlandica, Humanistic Series, 2010), focused on textual action and performativity and their spatial implications. This volume aspires to contribute to the investigation of emotions and their interaction with the dynamics of textuality and spatiality, showing the essential role of literature and the arts in the understanding of affective phenomena, such as emotions, feelings, sentiments, dispositions and moods. All the articles are explorative in the sense that they work with concrete texts and other art works. As in the first volume, those with greater emphasis on the conceptual aspects are united in the section «Elaborations», while the contributions with a stronger analytical perspective can be found under the heading «Explorations».


    Группа авторов

    Det forste sted, vi rejste hen sammen, var hjem – til Wien. Hun gav mig det hele igen. Ringstrasse har aldrig vAeret smukkere end i hendes ojne, og hendes stemme annoncerede holdepladserne i sporvognen. Ging heut Morgen ubers Feld, lod det i mig, og Mahler kom tilbage fra sit eksil. Jeg kobte den fineste hat til hende i Oberwalder. Vi spiste Kartoffelpuffer i en bod, og sa sneede det, Puffer. Weihnachtsmarkt lyste op i morket foran radhuset med glaserede Aebler og Gluhwein. Guten Abend, Herr Doktor – gnadige Frau, sagde tjeneren pa Cafe Schwarzenberg. De spillede Lulu i Staatsoper, og Lulu var min.Knud Romer, fra bogens intro