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    Хорошенько разомни свои извилины, ведь впереди тебя ждёт встреча с порой очень грозными и опасными, но временами милыми и дружелюбными доисторическими существами. Соверши путешествие во времени и включай свой мозг на полную! Вперёд – сквозь века!

    Как нарисовать 100 картинок: шаг за шагом. Для девочек

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    В замечательной книжке «Как нарисовать 100 картинок: шаг за шагом. Для девочек» – коллекция пошаговых рисовалок. Интересные занятия развивают мелкую моторику, мышление, память, внимание и воображение. С нашей книжкой можно научиться рисовать овощи, фрукты, цветы, человечков, домики, игрушки, зверей и всё на свете. Маленькая художница сможет удивить всех необычными рисунками, которые сделала сама! Для дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.

    The Crisis

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    The Crisis was a London weekly published between January 1775 and October 1776. It was the longest-running weekly pamphlet series printed in the British Atlantic world during those years, and it used unusually bold, pithy language. Neither the longevity of the effort nor the colorful language employed would be reason enough to collect and print all ninety-two issues under one cover in a modern edition. The Crisis lays claim to our attention because of its place in the rise of freedom of the press, its self-conscious attempt to create a transatlantic community of protest, and its targeting of the king as the source of political problems—but without attacking the institution of monarchy itself.The Crisis was condemned informally by leaders in the British government, and then formally in court, as a dangerous example of seditious libel. Copies of it were publicly burned, and yet publication continued uninterrupted. The men behind The Crisis were determined to interest the British public in American affairs and were no doubt pleased when various issues were reprinted in the colonies. They played on shared beliefs and shared fears: beliefs in the existence of fundamental rights, rights beyond the reach of any government, and the fear that loss of those rights in Britain’s American colonies could lead to their loss in Britain itself. They denounced George III in language at once harsh and florid, and did so many months before Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Even so, The Crisis did not call on Britons to overthrow monarchy with a republic, and its ardor for the Patriot cause cooled once Revolutionary Americans declared their independence. It stands as proof that strident rhetoric does not necessarily lead to radical political action. Its history also shows that ideas, once unleashed, take on a life of their own.Neil L. York is professor of history at Brigham Young University. He is the author or editor of a dozen books, including, most recently, The American Revolution, 1760–1790: New Nation as New Empire.

    Colonial Origins of the American Constitution

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    This landmark collection of eighty documents created by the American colonists—and not English officials—is the genesis of American fundamental law and constitutionalism. Included are all documents attempting to unite the colonies, beginning with the New England Confederation of 1643.Donald S. Lutz is Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

    Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730–1805

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    The early political culture of the American republic was so deeply influenced by the religious consciousness of the New England preachers that it was often through the political sermon that the political rhetoric of the period was formed, refined, and transmitted. Political sermons such as the fifty-five collected in this work are unique to America, in both kind and significance. Political Sermons of the American Founding Era thus fills an important need if the American founding period is to be adequately understood.Ellis Sandoz is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Eric Voegelin Institute at Louisiana State University.Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.Hardcover is temporarily available at the paperback price.

    The American Republic

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    Many reference works offer compilations of critical documents covering individual liberty, local autonomy, constitutional order, and other issues that helped to shape the American political tradition. Yet few of these works are available in a form suitable for classroom use, and traditional textbooks give short shrift to these important issues.The American Republic overcomes that knowleEAe gap by providing, in a single volume, critical, original documents revealing the character of American discourse on the nature and importance of local government, the purposes of federal union, and the role of religion and tradition in forming America’s drive for liberty.By bringing together key original documents and other writings that explain cultural, religious, and historical concerns, this volume gives students, teachers, and general readers an effective way to begin examining the diversity of issues and influences that characterize American history.The result unquestionably leads to a deeper and more thorough understanding of America’s political, institutional, and cultural continuity and change.Bruce Frohnen is Associate Professor of Law at Ohio Northern University College of Law.Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.

    The Representation of Business in English Literature

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    In The Representation of Business in English Literature, five scholars of different periods of English literature produce original essays on how business and businesspeople have been portrayed by novelists, starting in the eighteenth century and continuing to the end of the twentieth century. The contributors to Representation help readers understand the partiality of the various writers and, in so doing, explore the issue of what determines public opinion about business.Arthur Pollard (1922–2001) was Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Hull in Hull, East Yorkshire, England.John Blundell is General Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs, London. Please note: This title is available as an ebook for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.


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    This book aims to explore basic principles, concepts and applications of geochemistry. Topics include chemical weathering, impacts on living beings and water, geochemical cycles, oxidation and redox reactions in geochemistry, isotopes, analytical techniques, medicinal, inorganic, marine, atmospheric, and environmental applications, as well as case studies. This book helps in understanding the chemical composition of the earth and its applications. It also includes beneficial effects, bottlenecks, solutions, and future directions in geochemistry.

    AI and IoT-Based Intelligent Automation in Robotics

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    The 24 chapters in this book provides a deep overview of robotics and the application of AI and IoT in robotics. It contains the exploration of AI and IoT based intelligent automation in robotics. The various algorithms and frameworks for robotics based on AI and IoT are presented, analyzed, and discussed. This book also provides insights on application of robotics in education, healthcare, defense and many other fields which utilize IoT and AI. It also introduces the idea of smart cities using robotics.