The Prairie Child. Stringer Arthur

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Название The Prairie Child
Автор произведения Stringer Arthur
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066209766

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have thought I needed, just as there can be little nobility in my sticking to a husband who no longer loves me. For it’s not Chaddie McKail who counts now, but her chicks. And I’ll have to look for my reward through them, for I’m like Romanes’ rat now, too big to get into the bottle of cream, but wary enough to know I can dine from a tail still small enough for insertion. I’m merely a submerged prairie-hen with the best part of her life behind her. 36

      But it bothers me, what Duncan says about my always thinking of little Dinkie first. And I’m afraid I do, though it seems neither right nor fair. I suppose it’s because he was my first-born—and having come first in my life he must come first in my thoughts. I was made to love somebody—and my husband doesn’t seem to want me to love him. So he has driven me to centering my thoughts on the child. I’ve got to have something to warm up to. And any love I may lavish on this prairie-chick of mine, who has to face life with the lack of so many things, will not only be a help to the boy, but will be a help to me, the part of Me that I’m sometimes so terribly afraid of.

      Yet I can’t help wondering if Duncan has any excuses for claiming that it’s personal selfishness which prompts me to keep my boy close to my side. And am I harming him, without knowing it, in keeping him here under my wing? Schools are all right, in a way, but surely a good mother can do as much in the molding of a boy’s mind as a boarding-school with a file of PhD.’s on its staff. But am I a good mother? And should I trust myself, in a matter like this, to my own feelings? Men, in so many things, are better judges than women. Yet it has just 37 occurred to me that all men do not think alike. I’ve been sitting back and wondering what kindly old Peter would say about it. And I’ve decided to write Peter and ask what he advises. He’ll tell the truth, I know, for Peter is as honest as the day is long. …

      I’ve just been up to make sure the children were properly covered in bed. And it disturbed me a little to find that without even thinking about it I went to Dinkie first. It seemed like accidental corroboration of all that Duncan has been saying. But I stood studying him as he lay there asleep. It frightened me a little, to find him so big. If it’s true, as Duncan threatens, that time will tend to turn him away from me, it’s something that I’m going to fight tooth and nail. And I’ve seen no sign of it, as yet. With every month and every year that’s added to his age he grows more companionable, more able to bridge the chasm between two human souls. We have more interests in common, more things to talk about. And day by day Dinkie is reaching up to my clumsily mature way of looking at life. He can come to me with his problems, knowing I’ll always give him a hearing, just as he used to come to me with his baby cuts and bruises, knowing they would be duly kissed and cared for. Yet some day, I have 38 just remembered, he may have problems that can’t be brought to me. But that day, please God, I shall defer as long as possible. Already we have our own little secrets and private compacts and understandings. I don’t want my boy to be a mollycoddle. But I want him to have his chance in the world. I want him to be somebody. I can’t reconcile myself to the thought of him growing up to wear moose-mittens and shoe-packs and stretching barb-wire in blue-jeans and riding a tractor across a prairie back-township. I refuse to picture him getting bent and gray wringing a livelihood out of an over-cropped ranch fourteen miles away from a post-office and a world away from the things that make life most worth living. If he were an ordinary boy, I might be led to think differently. But my Dinkie is not an ordinary boy. There’s a spark of the unusual, of the exceptional, in that laddie. And I intend to fan that spark, whatever the cost may be, until it breaks out into genius.


       Table of Contents

      I’ve had scant time for introspection during the last five days, for Struthers has been in bed with lumbago, and the weight of the housework reverted to me. But Whinstane Sandy brought his precious bottle of Universal Ointment in from the bunk-house, and while that fiery mixture warmed her lame back, the thought of its origin probably warmed her lonely heart. I have suddenly wakened up to the fact that Struthers is getting on a bit. She is still the same efficient and self-obliterating mainstay of the kitchen that she ever was, but she grows more “sot” in her ways, more averse to any change in her daily routine, and more despairing of ever finally and completely capturing that canny old Scotsman whom we still so affectionately designate as Whinnie, in short for Whinstane Sandy. Whinnie, I’m afraid, still nurses the fixed idea that everything in petticoats and as yet unwedded is after him. And it is only by walking with the utmost circumspection that he escapes their 40 wiles and by maintaining an unbroken front withstands their unseemly advances.

      The new school-teacher has arrived, and is to live with us here at Casa Grande. I have my reasons for this. In the first place, it will be a help to Dinkie in his studies. In the second place, it means that the teacher can pack my boy back and forth to school, in bad weather, and next month when Poppsy joins the ranks of the learners, can keep a more personal eye on that little tot’s movements. And in the third place the mere presence of another male at Casa Grande seems to dilute the acids of home life.

      Gershom Binks is the name of this new teacher, and I have just learned that in the original Hebrew “Gershom” not inappropriately means “a stranger there.” He is a sophomore (a most excellent word, that, when you come to inquire into its etymology!) from the University of Minnesota and is compelled to teach the young idea, for a time, to accumulate sufficient funds to complete his course, which he wants to do at Ann Arbor. And Gershom is a very tall and very thin and very short-sighted young man, with an Adam’s apple that works up and down with a two-inch plunge over the edge of his collar when he talks—which he does somewhat extensively. He wears 41 glasses with big bulging lenses, glasses which tend to hide a pair of timid and brown-October-aleish eyes with real kindliness in them. He looks ill-nourished, but I can detect nothing radically wrong with his appetite. It’s merely that, like Cassius, he thinks too much. And I’m going to fatten that boy up a bit, before the year is out, or know the reason why. He may be a trifle self-conscious and awkward, but he’s also amazingly clean of both body and mind, and it will be no hardship, I know, to have him under our roof. And for all his devotion to Science, he reads his Bible every night—which is more than Chaddie McKail does! He rather took the wind out of my sails by demanding, the first morning at breakfast, if I knew that one half-ounce of the web of the spider—the arachnid of the order Araneida, he explained—if stretched out in a straight line would reach from the city of Chicago to the city of Paris. I told him that this was a most wonderful and a most interesting piece of information and hoped that some day we could verify it by actual test. Yet when I inquired whether he meant merely the environs of the city of Paris, or the very heart of the city such as the Place de l’Opéra, he studied me with the meditative eye with which Huxley must have once studied beetles. 42

      Dinky-Dunk, I notice, is as restive as a bull-moose in black-fly season. He’s doing his work on the land, as about every ranch-owner has to, whether he’s happily married or not, but he’s doing it without any undue impression of its epical importance. I heard him observe, yesterday, that if he could only get his hands on enough ready money he’d like to swing into land business in a live center like Calgary. He has a friend there, apparently, who has just made a clean-up in city real estate and bought his wife a Detroit Electric and built a home for himself that cost forty thousand dollars. I reminded Dinky-Dunk, when he had finished, that we really must have a new straining-mesh in the milk-separator. He merely looked at me with a sour and morose eye as he got up and went out to his team.

      Surely these men-folks are a dissatisfied lot! Gershom to-night complained that his own name of “Gershom Binks” impressed him as about the ugliest name that was ever hitched on to a scholar and a gentlemen. And later on, after I’d opened my piano and tried to console myself with a tu’penny draught of Grieg, he inspected the instrument and informed me that it was really evolved from the six-stringed harps of the fourth Egyptian dynasty, which in the 43 fifth dynasty was made with a greatly enlarged base, thus giving the rudimentary beginning of a soundboard.

      I am learning a lot from Gershom! And so are my kiddies, for that matter. I begin, in fact, to feel like royalty with a private