Inspiration and Interpretation. John William Burgon

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Название Inspiration and Interpretation
Автор произведения John William Burgon
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066222888

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Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

      the doctrine of arbitrary scriptural accommodation considered.

Many insidious methods of denying the Inspiration of Scripture 184
The most subtle method of all, characterized 185
The term "Accommodation" not in itself objectionable 187
Arbitrary Accommodation explained 188
Reasons for rejecting this theory 189
Learned research proves that the theory is gratuitous 190
St. Paul's exposition of a passage in Deuteronomy xxx, (Rom. x. 6 to 9,) proposed for examination 191
License of Inspired quotation 194
How the phenomenon is to be regarded 195
St. Paul's exposition examined by the light of unassisted Reason 198
Shewn not to be an instance of arbitrary Accommodation, but of genuine Interpretation 211
The success or failure of such inquiries, unimportant 212
No "Accommodation" when an inspired writer quotes Scripture 213
Remarks on Inspired Reasoning 215


      St. Mark xii. 24. Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God.

      the marvels of holy scripture—moral and physical.—jael's deed defended.—miracles vindicated.

Sadduceeism of the day 221
The Moral and Physical Marvels of Scripture proposed for consideration 222
Moral Marvels:—Jael.—How her story is to be read 223
History of Jael. Her conduct explained and defended 224
Jacob—the Canaanites—Abraham—David 230
Physical Marvels:—The greatest of those in the Old Testament are witnessed to in the New 232
Design of the quotations in Holy Scripture 234
Dr. Arnold and the Book of Daniel 235
Miracles are not to be called violations, &c. of Nature 237
Law in relation to God 238
An objectionable Theory of Miracles exposed 239
Bishop Butler on Miracles 240
Miracles may be pared down, but cannot be explained away 242
"Ideology" applied to the explanation of Miracles 243
Ideology explained and exposed 245
The Resurrection of Christ the foundation-truth of Christianity 248
False and true Charity 250
A parting Exhortation 252


A Bishop Horsley on the double sense of Prophecy 257
B Bishop Pearson on Theological Science 258
C The Bible an instrument of Man's probation 260
D St. Stephen's statement in Acts vii. 15, 16, explained 261
E The simplest view of Inspiration the truest and the best 265
F The written and the Incarnate Word 267
G The volume of the Old