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44 Natural Science not undervalued 46 The term "Science" not to be opposed to "Theology" 47 Theology the Queen of Sciences 48


      2 Tim. iii. 16. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.

      inspiration of scripture.—gospel difficulties.—the word of god infallible.—other sciences subordinate to theological science.

The meaning of 2 Tim. iii. 16 53
St. Paul nowhere disclaims Inspiration 54
Holy Scripture is attributed in Scripture to the Holy Ghost 56
Forms of unbelief concerning Inspiration 57
Impertinence of the modern way of speaking of the Evangelists 60
Supposed inaccuracies, slips of memory, misstatements 61
The Gospels not four but One 62
A principle laid down for the reconcilement of all Gospel difficulties 63
Illustration from a supposed case of testimony 64
Computation of the hours in St. John's Gospel 66
The accounts of the blind man restored to sight at Jericho, harmonized 67
Characteristics of an Inspired narrative 68
The mention of "Jeremy the prophet," and of Cyrenius, considered 70
Faultlessness of the Gospel 72
Absurdity of the common allegations against it 73
The absolute Infallibility of Scripture maintained 74
Every syllable of Holy Scripture inspired 75
The nature of Inspiration illustrated 76
Theology, the noblest of the Sciences 79
Insubordination in these last days of Physical Science 80
The infidel spirit of the Age, protested against 81
Theological Science can never be called upon to give way before Physical Science 83
Relations of Morals to Theology 84
Conscience and the Moral Sense have been informed afresh by Revelation 87

      SERMON IV.

      St. John xvii. 17. Thy Word is Truth.

      the plenary inspiration of every part of the bible, vindicated and explained.—nature of inspiration.—the text of scripture.

Cavils against the Bible 92
Absolute infallibility of every 'jot' and every 'tittle' of Holy Scripture 94
The popular view of Inspiration stated 95
No middle state between Inspiration and non-inspiration 96
The popular theory applied and tested 96
A different view of the nature and office of Inspiration stated 100
Inspiration still the same, however diverse the subject-matter 102
What is meant by 'a Prophet' 104
The message still God's, whatever its nature may be 106
Note of Inspiration in the Historical Books of the Bible 108
The Title on the Cross 109