Ailsa Paige. Robert W. Chambers

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Название Ailsa Paige
Автор произведения Robert W. Chambers
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 4064066228934

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little else in the world," he said. They looked at one another for a moment; then her quick smile broke out. "I have an album. There are some Paiges, Ormonds, and Berkleys in it——"

      Ailsa came forward slowly.

      "Shall I look for it, Celia?"

      "No, Honey-bell." She turned lightly and went into the back parlour, smiling mysteriously to herself, her vast, pale-blue crinoline rustling against the furniture.

      "My sister-in-law," said Ailsa, after an interval of silent constraint, "is very Southern. Any sort of kinship means a great deal to her. I, of course, am Northern, and regard such matters as unimportant."

      "It is very gracious of Mrs. Craig to remember it," he said. "I know nothing finer than confidence in one's own kin."

      She flushed angrily. "I have not that confidence—in kinsman."

      For a moment their eyes met. Hers were hard as purple steel.

      "Is that final?"


      The muscles in his cheeks grew tense, then into his eyes came that reckless glimmer which in the beginning she had distrusted—a gay, irresponsible radiance which seemed to mock at all things worthy.

      He said: "No, it is not final. I shall come back to you."

      She answered him in an even, passionless voice:

      "A moment ago I was uncertain; now I know you. You are what they say you are. I never wish to see you again."

      Celia Craig came back with the album. Berkley sprang to relieve her of the big book and a box full of silhouettes, miniatures, and daguerreotypes. They placed the family depository upon the table and then bent over it together.

      Ailsa remained standing by the window, looking steadily at nothing, a burning sensation in both cheeks.

      At intervals, through the intensity of her silence, she heard Celia's fresh, sweet laughter, and Berkley's humorous and engaging voice. She glanced sideways at the back of his dark curly head where it bent beside Celia's over the album. What an insolently reckless head it was! She thought that she had never before seen the back of any man's head so significant of character—or the want of it. And the same quality—or the lack of it—now seemed to her to pervade his supple body, his well-set shoulders, his voice, every movement, every feature—something everywhere about him that warned and troubled.

      [Illustration: "What an insolently reckless head it was!"]

      Suddenly the blood burnt her cheeks with a perfectly incomprehensible desire to see his face again. She heard her sister-in-law saying:

      "We Paiges and Berkleys are kin to the Ormonds and the Earls of

       Ossory. The Estcourts, the Paiges, the Craigs, the Lents, the

       Berkleys, intermarried a hundred years ago. … My grandmother

       knew yours, but the North is very strange in such matters. …

       Why did you never before come?"

      He said: "It's one of those things a man is always expecting to do, and is always astonished that he hasn't done. Am I unpardonable?"

      "I did not mean it in that way."

      He turned his dark, comely head and looked at her as they bent together above the album.

      "I know you didn't. My answer was not frank. The reason I never came to you before was that—I did not know I would be welcomed."

      Their voices dropped. Ailsa standing by the window, watching the orioles in the maple, could no longer distinguish what they were saying.

      He said: "You were bridesmaid to my mother. You are the Celia

       Paige of her letters."

      "She is always Connie Berkley to me. I loved no woman better. I love her still."

      "I found that out yesterday. That is why I dared come. I found, among the English letters, one from you to her, written—after."

      "I wrote her again and again. She never replied. Thank God, she knew I loved her to the last."

      He rested on the tabletop and stood leaning over and looking down.

      "Dear Mr. Berkley," she murmured gently.

      He straightened himself, passed a hesitating hand across his forehead, ruffling the short curly hair. Then his preoccupied gaze wandered. Ailsa turned toward him at the same moment, and instantly a flicker of malice transformed the nobility of his set features:

      "It seems," he said, "that you and I are irrevocably related in all kinds of delightful ways, Mrs. Paige. Your sister-in-law very charmingly admits it, graciously overlooks and pardons my many delinquencies, and has asked me to come again. Will you ask me, too?"

      Ailsa merely looked at him.

      Mrs. Craig said, laughing: "I knew you were all Ormond and entirely Irish as soon as I came in the do'—befo' I became aware of your racial fluency. I speak fo' my husband and myse'f when I say, please remember that our do' is ve'y wide open to our own kin—and that you are of them——"

      "Oh, I'm all sorts of things beside—" He paused for a second—"Cousin Celia," he added so lightly that the grace with which he said it covered the impudence, and she laughed in semi-critical approval and turned to Ailsa, whose smile in response was chilly—chillier still when Berkley did what few men have done convincingly since powdered hair and knee-breeches became unfashionable—bent to salute Celia Craig's fingertips. Then he turned to her and took his leave of her in a conventional manner entirely worthy of the name his mother bore—and her mother before her, and many a handsome man and many a beautiful woman back to times when a great duke stood unjustly attainted, and the Ormonds served their king with steel sword and golden ewer; and served him faithfully and well.

      Camilla Lent called a little later. Ailsa was in the backyard garden, a trowel in her hand, industriously loosening the earth around the prairie roses.

      "Camilla," she said, looking up from where she was kneeling among the shrubs, "what was it you said this morning about Mr. Berkley being some unpleasant kind of man?"

      "How funny," laughed Camilla. "You asked me that twice before."

      "Did I? I forgot," said Mrs. Paige with a shrug; and, bending over again, became exceedingly busy with her trowel until the fire in her cheeks had cooled.

      "Every woman that ever saw him becomes infatuated with Phil Berkley," said Camilla cheerfully. "I was. You will be. And the worst of it is he's simply not worth it."

      "I—thought not."

      "Why did you think not?"

      "I don't know why."

      "He can be fascinating," said Camilla reflectively, "but he doesn't always trouble himself to be."

      "Doesn't he?" said Ailsa with a strange sense of relief.

      Camilla hesitated, lowered her voice.

      "They say he is fast," she whispered. Ailsa, on her knees, turned and looked up.

      "Whatever that means," added Camilla, shuddering. "But all the same, every girl who sees him begins to adore him immediately until her parents make her stop."

      "How silly," said Ailsa in a leisurely level voice. But her heart was beating furiously, and she turned to her roses with a blind energy that threatened them root and runner.

      "How did you happen to think of him at all?" continued Camilla mischievously.

      "He called on—Mrs. Craig this afternoon."

      "I didn't know she knew him."

      "They are related—distantly—I believe——"

      "Oh," exclaimed Camilla. "I'm terribly sorry I spoke that way about him, dear——"
