Passionate Pregnancies. Maya Banks

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Название Passionate Pregnancies
Автор произведения Maya Banks
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474062596

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grimaced and automatically put her other hand to the bruise she’d forgotten about until now.

      “As you can see, she’s fine,” Rafael said. “Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re going up so she can change into some warmer clothing.”

      “Actually I was checking on you,” Devon said with a grin. “Bryony strikes me as someone who can take care of herself.”

      Bryony cleared her throat as the moment grew more awkward. Devon wasn’t worried about her. He was worried about Rafael in her clutches. Her face warm with embarrassment, she extricated her hand from Rafael’s grasp.

      “I’ll just go up and leave you to, uh, talk. Did you leave the door unlocked?” Or whatever it was they did in these kinds of apartments. Rafael fished in his pocket and then held out a card. “You’ll need this for the elevator.”

      She tucked it into her hand and hurried toward the door after a small wave in Devon’s direction.

      The two men watched her go and then Rafael turned to his friend with a frown. “What was that all about?”

      Devon shrugged. “Just checking in on you, like I said. You’ve had a lot to digest over the past couple of days. Wanted to see how you were holding up and whether you’d remembered anything.”

      Rafael grimaced and then shoved Devon toward the door. “Let’s at least go inside. It’s cold out here.”

      The two men stopped in the coffee shop off the main lobby and Rafael requested the table by the fire.

      “Things are fine,” Rafael said after they were seated. “I don’t want you worrying, nor do I want you plotting with Ryan and Cam to protect me for my own good.”

      Devon sighed. “Even if I think this idea of yours to jet off to this island is a damn foolish idea?”

      “Especially then.”

      Devon sipped at his coffee and didn’t even attempt to sugarcoat his question. But then that wasn’t Devon. He was blunt, if anything. Cut and dried. Practical to a fault.

      “Are you sure this is what you want to do, Rafe? Do you really think it’s a good idea to go off with this woman who claims to be pregnant with your child? It seems to me, the smarter thing to do would be to call your lawyer, have paternity testing done and sit tight until you get the results.”

      Rafael’s lips were tight as he stared back at Devon. “And what then?”

      Devon blinked. “Well, that depends on the outcome of the tests.”

      Rafael shook his head. “If it turns out that I’m the father, if everything she claims is true, then I will have effectively denied her for the entirety of the time I wait for the test results. If she’s telling the truth, I’ve already dealt her far too much hurt as it is. How can I expect to mend a rift if I have my lawyer sit on her while we wait to see if I’m going to be a father?”

      Devon blew out his breath. “It sounds to me like you’ve already made up your mind that she’s telling the truth.”

      Rafael dragged a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what the truth is. My head tells me that she couldn’t possibly be telling the truth. That the idea of me falling head-over-ass for her in a matter of weeks is absurd. It sounds so ludicrous that I can’t even wrap my head around it.”

      “But …?”

      “But my gut is screaming that there is definitely something between us,” Rafael grimly admitted. “When I get near her, when I touch her … It’s like I become someone else entirely. Someone I don’t know. I hear the conviction in her voice when she talks of us making love by the ocean and I believe her. More than that I want to believe her.”

      Devon let out a whistle that sounded more like a crash-and-burn. “So you believe her then.”

      Rafael sucked in his breath. “My head tells me she’s a liar.”

      “But your gut?”

      Rafael sighed because he knew what Dev was getting at. Rafael always went with his gut. Even when logic argued otherwise. And he’d never been wrong.

      “My gut tells me she’s telling the truth.”


      “Do you feel well enough to travel?” Rafael asked Bryony over dinner.

      Bryony looked up from the sumptuous steak she was devouring to see Rafael studying the bruise on her face.

      “Rafael, I’m fine.”

      “Perhaps you should see an obstetrician before we leave the city.”

      “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll go see my doctor as soon as we get to the island, but I’m certainly capable of traveling. Unless you have matters to attend to here? I can go ahead of you if you can’t get away yet.”

      Rafael frowned and put down his fork. “We’ll go together. It’s important we retrace all our steps and follow the same pattern we did when I was there before. Perhaps the familiarity will bring back my lost memories.”

      Bryony cut another piece of her steak, but paused after she speared it with her fork. “What does your doctor say?”

      Rafael became visibly uncomfortable. Even though the table they’d been seated at provided complete privacy from the other patrons, he glanced around as if the idea of anyone overhearing his personal business caused him no end of grief.

      His lips pursed in distaste and then he finally said, “He thinks there’s a psychological reason behind my memory loss. If I was so happy and in love then why would I want to forget? It makes no sense.”

      She was unable to control the flinch. Her fingers went numb as she realized how tightly she gripped the fork.

      “I didn’t say that to hurt you,” he said in a low voice. “There’s just so much I don’t understand. I want to go back because I want to find the person I lost while I was there. The man you say you loved and who loved you is a stranger to me.”

      “Apparently we’re both strangers to you,” she said quietly. “Maybe that man doesn’t exist. Maybe I imagined him.”

      Rafael’s gaze dropped down her body to where her belly was hidden by the table. “But neither of us imagined a child. He or she is all too real, the one real thing in this whole situation.”

      She couldn’t keep the sadness from her expression. The corners of her mouth drooped and she shoved her plate aside, her appetite gone.

      “Our baby isn’t the only real thing in our relationship. My love for you was real. I held nothing back from you. I guess we won’t know whether you were real when you were with me. You deny that you could be that person. You deny it with your every breath. And I’m supposed to forget all of this denial if you suddenly remember you did and do love me.”

      She dropped her hands into her lap and wound her fingers tightly together as she leaned forward.

      “Tell me, Rafael, which man would I believe? The man who tells me I’m not his type and that he couldn’t possibly have loved me, or the lover who spent every night in my arms while we were on the island? No matter what you remember tomorrow, or the next day, I’ll always know that a part of you rebels at the mere thought of being with me.”

      She could tell her words struck a chord with him. Discomfort darkened his features and regret simmered in his eyes. He splayed his hand out in an almost helpless gesture.

      “Bryony, I …”

      She gave a short, forceful shake of her head. “Don’t, Rafael. Don’t make it worse by saying you didn’t mean it. We both know you did. At least you’ve been honest. You just need