Passionate Pregnancies. Maya Banks

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Название Passionate Pregnancies
Автор произведения Maya Banks
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon By Request
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474062596

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whispered again.

      He positioned himself and pushed the tiniest bit forward until he was barely inside.

      “Open your eyes. Look at me, Bryony. Let me see you.”

      Her eyelids fluttered open and she met his gaze, so dark and sensual.

      He slid forward again, just a bit, stroking her insides with fire. He seemed determined to draw out their reunion, to make it last.

      She let her hands wander down his sides and she caressed up and down, encouraging him to complete the act.

      He leaned down until their noses brushed and then he angled his mouth over hers just as he slid the rest of the way inside her welcoming body.

      Tears burned her eyes. The knot in her throat was such that she couldn’t speak. She didn’t have words anyway to describe the sensation of being back with the man she loved after having thought she’d lost him.

      He withdrew and thrust again, his mouth never leaving hers. He breathed her. She breathed him. Their tongues tangled, stroked and coaxed.

      He let his body descend on her and planted his forearms into the mattress so that she wasn’t completely bearing his weight as his hips rocked against hers.

      It was much like the ocean waves, rolling forward then receding. Gentle and yet building in intensity. He was patient, much more patient than he’d ever been.

      “Tell me if I hurt you,” he said against her mouth. “Or if I’m too heavy for you.”

      In answer she wrapped both arms around him and hugged him tight. She slid one hand down to cup his firm buttocks as he undulated his hips against her.

      “Tell me what you need,” he whispered. “Tell me how to please you, Bryony.”

      Her hands ran up his back to his shoulders and then one slid to his nape, her fingers thrusting upward into his hair.

      “You’re doing just fine,” she said dreamily. “I feel like I’m floating.”

      He dropped his head to suck lightly at her neck and then he nibbled to the curve of her shoulder and sucked again, harder this time until she was sure he’d leave a mark.

      She hadn’t had such a mark since she was a teenager, but strangely it thrilled her that she would have a reminder of his possession.

      He groaned. “I’m sorry, Bryony. I can’t—Damn it.” He issued several more muffled curses that ended in a long moan as he increased his pace.

      As soon as the intensity changed, the orgasm that had begun as a lazy, slow build escalated into a sharp coiling burn low in her abdomen. It rose and spread until she gasped at the tension.

      She dug her fingers into his back, not knowing how else to handle the mounting pressure. She arched her buttocks off the bed, pushing him deeper inside her. He tensed and shuddered against her, reaching fulfillment while she was still reaching blindly for her own.

      He pulled from her body, rolled to the side and slid his hand between her legs, caressing and stroking her taut flesh. He lowered his head to her breast and sucked her nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue as he pressed another finger inside.

      His thumb rolled over her clitoris, his fingers worked deep and his mouth tugged relentlessly at her breast. Her surroundings blurred and the coiling tension suddenly snapped, unraveling at super speed.


      Her back came off the mattress and her hand went to his hair, gripping, her fingers curling into his nape as she went rigid underneath him.

      Her release was sharp. It was sweet. It was intense. It was one of the most shattering experiences of her life. She was left clinging to him, saying his name over and over incoherently as she came down.

      He continued to stroke her, more gently than before, sweetly and comfortingly as she settled beneath him, her body quivering and shaking like she’d experienced a great shock.

      Her mind couldn’t quite put it all together yet. All she knew was that it had never been this way between them before. She was … shattered. There was no other way to put it. And completely and utterly vulnerable before him. Bare. Stripped.

      He gathered her close, holding her tightly as they both fought for breath. His hands seemed to be everywhere. Caressing. Touching. Soothing. He kissed her hair, her temple, her cheek and even her eyelids.

      The one thing that seemed to penetrate the haze that surrounded her was that however undone she was, he’d been equally affected.

      She wrapped herself around him as tightly as he was wound around her, snuggled her face into the hollow of his neck and drifted into a fuzzy sleep, so sated that she couldn’t have moved if she wanted to.

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