The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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      Born creative directors, these people have the skills to succeed in business, but they need careers that enable them to channel their imagination and originality into constructive projects. They are drawn to writing, drama, music, art, design, architecture, social-media content, app creation, programming, gaming or freelance work. Later in life they are attracted to social reform and charity work. They tend to be dreamy and to neglect the importance of exercise, so a regular workout schedule is advised. For self-care, walk or jog, preferably in the park or countryside, as you can get fit and daydream at the same time.

      Drawn to controlling types and conflict averse, they need to set clear boundaries in their relationships and find people who offer them support but also freedom to express their visionary ideas. They are at their most vulnerable to negative influences or causes that aren’t worthy of them before the age of 20. Fortunately, they become more assertive and self-assured as they age, but they should watch that they don’t become selfish in the process. After the age of 50 they feel a need to devote themselves fully to family or to a variety of humanitarian or environmental causes. Once they manage self-doubt, they often find themselves in the position of a leader and their destiny is to make a difference by transforming their own original ideas, and the ideas of others, into solid achievements.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Magician, 1, 4, Thursday, Sunday, turquoise, orange

      Born today: Frédéric Chopin (composer); Justin Bieber (singer); Denis Mukwege (doctor)

      Potential: Artistic, ambitious

      Dark side: Self-doubting, selfish


       2 MARCH

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       The Birthday of Personal Vision

       “I am a hundred percent dedicated”

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      The life lesson: is dealing with conflict.

      The way forward: is not to run away but to see it as an opportunity to learn and a catalyst for greater creativity.

      Luck maker: Network—having positive professional and personal connections improves your chances of success.

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      People born on March 2 have strong personal beliefs, which they cling to regardless of the opinions of others or the changing climate around them. They are truly intuitive and independent thinkers with the ability to inspire and occasionally alarm others with their intensity. Once committed to an ideal or decided on a course of action, they hold fast to it come what may. Although others have much to learn from their dedication, their one-track approach can block other opportunities for enriching their lives. Fortunately, the personal vision they dedicate themselves to so passionately is often one that inspires them to make positive changes to their world. They need to ensure their convictions neither exclude the possibility of change nor alienate them from the closeness and security of personal relationships.

      Born charity workers, these people need careers they can devote themselves to, mind, body and spirit. The healing, medical, caring and charity professions appeal, as might teaching, writing, politics and social reform. They may also dedicate their intuitive creativity to the world of content creation, the media, promotion, the arts, music, writing and entertainment. There is a tendency to isolate themselves or bury themselves in work, so they need to make sure they get out into the world, absorbing lots of fresh air and engaging with people. For self-care, meditating on, wearing and surrounding yourself with the color orange will encourage you to project and seek out warmth and connection with others.

      Prone to putting their loved ones on pedestals, March 2-born need to love them for who they really are, not for who they want them to be. The tendency to neglect loved ones in favor of personal convictions, or to become emotionally dependent on those close to them, is strongest before the age of 48, but after that they become more emotionally confident. If these people can identify more with themselves and less with work, and give to others without losing themselves in the process, their destiny is to translate their unwavering dedication to their personal vision into a reality and, by so doing, make the world a more enlightened place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The High Priestess, 2, 5, Thursday, Monday, turquoise, silver

      Born today: Mikhail Gorbachev (Russian president); Karen Carpenter and Jon Bon Jovi (singers); Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

      Potential: Intuitive, determined

      Dark side: Obsessive, escapist


       3 MARCH

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       The Birthday of Proposals

       “I say and I do”

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      The life lesson: is to make decisions and stick to them.

      The way forward: is to understand why you fear commitment.

      Luck maker: Fail more—you need to learn that it is who you are and not what you do that is a mark of success.

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      Those born on March 3 may feel from an early age that they were destined for something great. Intelligent, determined and versatile, they unquestionably have great potential. The issue is more about where to begin; they may find themselves taken up with plans and proposals for the best step forward. Pragmatic, these people are quick to recognize any potential problems in their preparation and, although they are aware of the end goal, nothing escapes their attention. In fact, they love the preparation stage, often enjoying it more than the execution of a project. The upside is that they are fully focused on the present. The downside is that they get so absorbed in planning, considering and proposing that things never move forward.

      Born script writers, these people have the observational skills and inventive creativity to make great writers, journalists, YouTubers, gamers, content creators and bloggers. They like to engage in work that has a meaningful message and can improve lives, so they may be drawn to teaching, lobbying, social work, politics, humanitarian causes as well as counseling and the arts. They spend a lot of time planning their diet and self-care plan, but need to ensure this doesn’t take the joy and spontaneity out of their lives. For self-care, like yourself more. Write a list that includes everything that you are proud of about yourself, and keep adding to it every day.

      Lack of self-belief can be an issue for these people and they won’t have satisfying relationships until they learn