The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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places them in the role of mediator, facilitator, advisor, agent, manager or negotiator suits them, as does humanitarian work, the police, the military, teaching and the caring and health professions. Prone to a sedentary lifestyle, they must ensure they get plenty of regular exercise, preferably in the fresh air. For self-care, learn to say no more. Don’t let others walk all over you; set boundaries.

      The longing for intimacy or emotional connection always rules the professional and personal life in some way of those born on this day. Emotional traumas from their past may be suppressed, but will often manifest themselves in a quest for the perfect partner or in a passionate devotion to a cause. They give too much of themselves in relationships and it is vital for them to set healthy boundaries. Fortunately, between the ages of 26 and 56, they have opportunities to develop their assertiveness and, the older they get, the steadier they become. Once they have learned that love isn’t just about easing pain but also about creating joy, and that intimacy is not just about sacrificing but also about receiving, they discover within themselves the tenacity and vision to achieve just about anything. Their destiny is to help, heal and connect others and, by so doing, make the world a more loving and giving place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Lovers, 6, 8, Thursday, Friday, turquoise, pink

      Born today: Steve Jobs (entrepreneur); Floyd Mayweather (boxer); Rachel Levin (YouTuber)

      Potential: Generous, creative

      Dark side: Needy, passive


       25 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Guru

       “I guide and inspire myself and others”

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      The life lesson: is to think less and do more.

      The way forward: is to understand that people value and judge you not for what you think or say but for what you do.

      Luck maker: Know when to pounce. If an opportunity presents itself, take it—even if you don’t feel prepared.

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      Those born on February 25 have a confident belief that the good of the collective is more important than the personal. They can be radical in their desire to right social wrongs, and selfless in the pursuit of their goals. There is a touch of the inspirational guru about them. Blessed with a simple, unaffected style that can help them relate to people from all walks of life, they impress everyone with their honesty, optimism and genuine desire to make a positive difference. These people are often found working their magic on the sidelines; nothing gives them more satisfaction than engineering success for others.

      Born lecturers, gurus, guides, teachers, coaches, advisors, mentors, interviewers and journalists, they excel in any career that involves revealing, inspiring and guiding others. They are the consultants with the winning formula, the brilliant teachers empowering the next generation, the dedicated coaches, the directors with vision. They may be drawn to explore their creative and empathetic potential in the arts or through the worlds of personal growth, healthcare and social reform. With so much focus on the mental aspect of success, it is important that they don’t neglect their bodily health. For self-care, wearing, meditating on or surrounding yourself with the color red will encourage you to become a person of action and passion.

      As far as love is concerned these people often play it too safe, so if opportunities for intimacy arise they should take them. They can come across as detached, but to those who know them well they are capable of making the most helpful observations. They should beware of becoming so lost in the world of thought that they present as negative and unrealistic. Fortunately, between the ages of 25 and 54, they become more assertive and, with age, more content. Above all, they have a team-player mentality, a profound sense of justice and a desire to help the worthy win. This is a potent mix and, once they feel comfortable leaving the sidelines, their destiny is to teach, inspire and guide others to a far better place.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Chariot, 7, 9, Thursday, Monday, turquoise, indigo

      Born today: Jameela Jamil (presenter); George Harrison (musician); Pierre-Auguste Renoir (painter)

      Potential: Inspirational, honest

      Dark side: Detached, unrealistic


       26 FEBRUARY

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       The Birthday of the Wise Soul

       “I bring justice and hope”

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      The life lesson: is to enjoy your life.

      The way forward: is to understand that lightness of spirit draws good things and is a force for good.

      Luck maker: Smile more and the world will smile with you.

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      People born on February 26 are often described as wise old souls. They have tremendous insight into how things work and the motivations of others, and when this insight is combined with their hypnotic persona, others tend to do what they say or follow their example. It is important for them that they don’t abuse this power—fortunately they rarely do as they also have a powerful sense of integrity and social justice, and a desire to improve the world. They like to find something to like in everybody and in every situation, and their unfailing optimism is truly enlightening. Blessed with great wisdom, their ability to inspire others helps them achieve success, but a part of them feels more comfortable as an outsider looking in. They sometimes feel an urge to be alone with their thoughts or to sacrifice themselves to a higher cause.

      Born judges, these people make great lawyers but may also be drawn to teaching, counseling, consultancy, social reform or any career where they can advocate for others. They also have an artistic side, which may express itself in design, music, writing or drama. If their need for love is denied, they should make sure they don’t seek comfort in food or unhealthy addictions. For self-care, wearing, meditating on or surrounding yourself with the color orange can lift your spirits and make you feel warmer and more secure.

      Those born on this day struggle to let others get close to them, and to both receive and give love, but when they find someone to open up to emotionally, they make loyal, loving companions. They have a tendency to preach or to be rigid in their opinions, which is emphasized between the ages of 24 and 54, when they should surround themselves with close friends or loved ones who can warn them when they are heading off-track. Fortunately,