The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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you are rather than what you do.

      There is a tender side to those born on this day that can get easily hurt and they may respond with rebellion when people don’t take them seriously. After the age of 45 they often learn that, although cathartic, rebellion can never be the whole answer. These people can sometimes be self-sacrificing in relationships and more in love with the idea of love than the person themselves. But once they learn the importance of give and take in their relationships and in life, stop spoiling themselves with choice, and make a decision about what they should devote their life to, their destiny is to help others deal with their own fears and prove that there can be light at the end of every tunnel.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Chariot, 6, 7, Saturday, Friday, black, pink

      Born today: Kahlil Gibran (poet); Eddie Redmayne (actor); Mother Teresa (saint)

      Potential: Visionary, insightful

      Dark side: Gullible, stubborn


       7 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Practical Dreamer

       “I sense true magic in the ordinary”

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      The life lesson: is to stop worrying about what other people think.

      The way forward: is to understand that what others think is solely their own concern.

      Luck maker: Seek out the company of people who lift you up rather than drag you down.

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      Although January 7-born can appear accessible and appealing, they are drawn to the unfamiliar. They have a sense of responsibility but dream of living unconventionally. Unique in their ability to be both logical and intuitive, they are artists with a logical approach or scientists with intuition. They can sense the moods of others and often absorb negativity from others. These people find it hard to switch off from the suffering and injustices of the world, and humanitarian, charity or volunteer work appeal. They don’t believe in half-measures and will always push themselves to the limit, giving any project or goal they set their mind on everything they have got.

      Born planners, they make great business leaders, educators, writers, architects, athletes, innovators and artists, excelling both individually and when working in a team. They have organizational skills and can do well as programmers, producers, researchers, team leaders and managers, and their caring nature may draw them to work as counselors, healers, therapists, doctors, social workers or vets. Stress and fatigue can be a big problem for people born on this day, so ensuring they have a good night’s sleep, get enough energy-boosting nutrients such as iron in their diet, and enjoy plenty of fresh air and exercise is essential. Unusual forms of calming exercise such as tai chi may appeal. For self-care, when you get up in the morning, set the right confident tone for the rest of your day by stretching as tall as you can and letting out a battle cry.

      Although often surrounded by admirers, those born on this day are dreamers by nature and have a tendency to drift off into a world of their own, which can make them feel lonely, isolated and cut off from everything and everyone around them, even if they are in a fulfilling relationship. Their sense of connection with the natural world and an extraordinary imagination are a refuge for them. Fascination with the mystical, with unexplained phenomena, is common, especially after the age of 45, although fear of being criticized or thought “weird” may prevent them from pursuing their mystical inclinations. It is extremely important for January 7-born to develop resilience and self-confidence, and to accept that the opinions of others, although valuable, are not final. Once they have faith in themselves, their destiny is to lead the way by healing differences, crossing boundaries and uniting opposites.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Chariot, 7, 8, Saturday, Monday, gray, blue

      Born today: Lewis Hamilton (Formula 1 driver); Charles Addams (cartoonist); Gerald Durrell (naturalist writer)

      Potential: Intuitive, original

      Dark side: Isolated, insecure


       8 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Dynamic Strength

       “I rise above the odds”

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      The life lesson: is coping with imposter syndrome.

      The way forward: is to understand that feeling out of your depth is not a negative thing but a sign you are evolving.

      Luck maker: Progress is only made outside your comfort zone.

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      January 8-born have stunning potential to rise and shine above all obstacles and make their mark on the world. They are ambitious and motivated, and expect to be acknowledged by others, who typically come away impressed. Driven, hard-working, bold and passionate with visionary flair, they have the potential within them to achieve almost everything they want. The problem is that despite their explosive confidence, they have hidden insecurities that can manifest in irrational impatience, arrogance and intolerance.

      Born achievers, they are likely to rise to the top in whatever career they choose, whether that be art, entertainment, science, medicine, healthcare, business, humanitarian work or anything else. They make great designers, developers and teachers, and may also be drawn to the world of politics, medicine, philanthropy and spiritual and personal growth. Because of their determined nature, they can sometimes have a tendency to overdo everything, which can impact their wellbeing. They need to avoid becoming too obsessive and serious by making sure they allow plenty of fun and laughter into their lives. Watching their posture is important, especially if they spend a lot of time in front of a computer. For self-care, spend a few moments each morning chanting the word joy over and over again to help draw positive things into your life through the power of sound.

      These people are wonderful communicators and possess great charm and sensitivity, with an ability to put not just loved ones but anyone at ease. Although they are naturally intuitive, it is important that they do not let practicality and worldly ambition, and a desire to control others, obscure this talent, as it will serve them well in all areas of life, in particular their close personal relationships. Obsession with career and making their mark on the world can overshadow their relationships. After their early forties their intuition and emotional sensitivity steadily increase and grow more powerful. If they can stay positive and develop tolerance and humility in their relationships