The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays. Theresa Cheung

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Название The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Автор произведения Theresa Cheung
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007357093

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such as in the media or travel. The unlimited possibility of careers online suits them perfectly. Born investigators, they can also make inspiring educators, entrepreneurs, web designers, publicists, lawyers, writers, detectives, inventors, scientists, artists, technology experts, designers, influencers, activists and journalists. A brain-boosting diet rich in green leafy vegetables, oily fish, berries, nuts and seeds is recommended for the hungry minds born on this day. Regular meditation is also beneficial. For self-care, before going to bed compile a “to-do” list of what you hope to achieve the next day. The following day enjoy the satisfaction of ticking off all those items on the list.

      Any interaction with these innovative and meticulous people has to have a point, otherwise they quickly lose interest. Their inability to indulge in chitchat and occasional bouts of intolerance can work against them in their personal and professional lives but, more often than not, their bluntness and conviction are welcomed as a breath of fresh air. Like a fine wine, these people become more successful with age and their potential for success is most likely to emerge after the age of 30 and beyond. The same applies to their relationships. Deep down they are caring, but it can take a while for them to find a partner who can keep up with them. Their destiny is to gather as much knowledge as they can and then to present that knowledge in an authoritative way that both informs and inspires others.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Emperor, 4, 5, Saturday, Sunday, blue, brown

      Born today: Isaac Newton (physicist); Jacob Grimm (folklorist); Tina Knowles (fashion designer)

      Potential: Independent, imaginative

      Dark side: Aloof, chaotic


       5 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of Resilience

       “Self-knowledge is the beginning of my wisdom”

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      The life lesson: is to understand that for your enthusiasm to be effective, it also needs to be realistic.

      The way forward: is to motivate others without overly raising expectations or making them feel cornered or controlled.

      Luck maker: Sometimes less really is more.

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      January 5-born are resilient, glass-half-full individuals, but they can also be extremely practical. They recover well from setbacks, intuitively understanding that learning from the past and any mistakes made along the way is all part of life’s journey. They are often wise beyond their years and make commanding advisors, guides and leaders, truly coming into their own during times of crisis. Their buoyant approach to life wins them many admirers but, taken to extremes, it can also make them unrealistically confident, bordering on arrogant.

      Born mediators, they thrive in careers that allow them to be a communicator, networker, advisor, politician, motivational speaker or whenever a positive spin needs to be put on things. Advertising, politics, publicity, social services, architecture, marketing and the law can appeal, as do careers in teaching, medicine, sports, counseling, entertainment, the performing arts, science and social media. Regular time out to switch off, relax or simply have fun is essential for the charismatic and often in-demand people born on this day. They may think it is a waste of time, but it will help them come back recharged, re-invigorated and with new perspectives. Wearing orange or red can help boost their energy. For self-care, every morning ask yourself—as Steve Jobs famously did—if today was the last day of your life would you want to do what you are about to do today. If the answer is “no” for too many days in a row, it’s time to make changes.

      Love, for these people, starts in the head and they rate intelligence highly in others. This can make them appear emotionally distant at times but, more often than not, this hides a deeply sensitive nature that is simply afraid to give of itself unconditionally. In their mid-forties there is a movement toward greater responsibility and also toward greater sensitivity, which grows stronger with age. Once they learn to listen to both their inner wisdom and the viewpoints of others, and focus their considerable talents on getting organized and creating a plan to help them achieve their goals, their destiny is to bring the best out in people and be the inspirationally self-reliant rock people instinctively turn to in a crisis.

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      Tarot card, lucky numbers, days, colors: The Hierophant, 5, 6, Saturday, Wednesday, gray, green

      Born today: Umberto Eco (author); Hayao Miyazaki (filmmaker); Diane Keaton (actor)

      Potential: Inspirational, resilient

      Dark side: Unrealistic, arrogant


       6 JANUARY

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       The Birthday of the Philosopher

       “I can see what truly matters”

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      The life lesson: is to avoid allowing preoccupation with work to take over your life.

      The way forward: is to find a balance between work and your personal life, and focus on what really matters.

      Luck maker: Attract new opportunities by doing things differently, talking to people you normally wouldn’t.

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      People born on January 6 always look beneath the surface for deeper meaning. They try to see goodness in others, but this can come across as child-like or gullible at times and their intelligence can be underestimated. Although they are typically mild-mannered, they can also be ambitious and hard-working, perfectionist at times, tending eventually to get what they want in life. There is a danger of them rejecting alternative viewpoints and being labeled as stubborn.

      Work or study is often their savior because it channels their creative energies and helps them discover what their goals and values are. They are born visionaries and may be drawn to spirituality, therapy and personal development. They also make great programmers, gamers, engineers, architects, artists, designers, journalists, writers, investigators and filmmakers, or may decide to go it alone and set up their own business. They are prone to stress and shallow breathing because of their perfectionist tendencies, so deep-breathing techniques can help ease tension. Inhale deeply through the nose from the belly rather than the lungs and let the lungs fill completely with air. Then push all the air out of the lungs through the mouth. Inhaling and exhaling deeply five times every morning is recommended. For self-care, “unplug” from your phone for at least one hour a day, preferably first thing in the morning. Use that