Alphabet of Manliness (revised and updated). Maddox

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Название Alphabet of Manliness (revised and updated)
Автор произведения Maddox
Жанр Юмористические стихи
Издательство Юмористические стихи
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780806532080

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hungry: he made his woman cook. This bold experiment in laziness paved the path for the men who came after Adam, which is all of them.


      Adam was one of the most prolific innovators of his time, but simply stating so doesn’t do justice to his brand of lackadaisical genius since there were few others vying for the title in his era. One other, to be exact. But historians don’t prescribe much value to Eve’s nagging toward the contribution of humanity’s intellect. Along with destroying our bid for immortality, Eve set the ball in motion for feminine inadequacy for millennia to come.

      That leads us to her infamous deed: eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Here’s a question that not a lot of people think about: What if the culprit was really Adam? Not possible? Think about it; what could be more spiteful than breaking the only law (which is really the same as breaking every law), then bailing out and letting an entire gender take the heat for it? It’s too tempting not to consider. Here’s how it could have played out: maybe Adam was feeling particularly hungry that day, and he decided that it would be bitchin’ if he could grab a bite to eat and disobey a divine mandate all on his lunch break. Or maybe he wanted to eat the apple just to see if he could get away with it unscathed, much like a child standing up on a roller coaster ride at an amusement park in spite of all the warnings. Whatever the reason, it’s possible that Adam was the one who ate the forbidden fruit. After all, history would later prove that men are almost supernaturally wise.

      After doing the misdeed, Adam might have put his newfound knowledge to good use by passing the buck on to Eve when God came asking (Figure 3). The conversation might have gone something like this:


      Figure 3: Dodging the wrath.

      GOD: Who hath grazed from the tree of knowledge?

      ADAM: Someone ate from the tree?

      GOD: The tree of knowledge.

      ADAM: Yeah, wow. Uh…that’s just…wow. I don’t know what to say.

      GOD: Do you know anything about it?

      ADAM: Well, I did notice something the other day, but…

      GOD: But what?

      ADAM: Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything; you probably wouldn’t be interested anyway.

      GOD: C’mon, tell me! You have to tell me, you can’t do that!

      ADAM: Do what?

      GOD: Say you know a secret and not tell me! Just give me a hint.

      ADAM: Well, okay. Now, I’m not saying Eve ate the apple, but let’s just say that she’s been talking to Satan a lot lately.

      GOD: Get out!

      ADAM: Yep. They’ve been talking about lots of things. Temptation, bearing false witness, possibly fruit. Oops, here she comes.

      EVE: Hey, guys.

      ADAM: Hey, Eve. So did you hear about the tree of knowledge?

      EVE: No, what about it?

      ADAM: Someone ate from the tree.

      EVE: What? That’s terrible. Any idea who did it?

      ADAM: No idea, do you know anything?

      EVE: This is the first time I’ve heard about it.

      GOD: Don’t make this difficult. I know you’ve been talking to Satan.

      EVE: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who told you that?

      GOD: I have my sources.

      EVE: I swear to—you—that I didn’t eat the apple!

      ADAM: Listen, God, I have a confession to make: I ate the apple.

      GOD: That’s very nice of you, Adam, but you don’t have to defend her. You’ve been a great help already.

      EVE: Adam, what did you tell him?

      ADAM: I don’t want to get involved. This is between you two.

      GOD: Just come clean and we can move on.

      EVE: It wasn’t me!

      GOD: Then who?

      EVE: I don’t know! Jesus!

      GOD: Oh, c’mon now, he hasn’t even been born yet, that’s the best you can come up with?

      EVE: No, not Jesus the proper noun, I meant like “Jesus!” the exclamation.

      GOD: Now you’re being facetious. I’m tired of playing these games. Since you won’t fess up, I have no choice but to damn your gender.

      EVE: But—

      GOD: Damned.

      EVE: Adam, tell him!

      ADAM: I’d like to help you out, Eve, honest, but my hands are tied on this.

      GOD: You can start by making seventy-five cents for every dollar a man makes.

      And that’s how Eve fucked it up for the entire female gender, thanks in part to Adam’s clever pioneering of the instrument of blame. As abundant as Adam’s innovations were, there were other notable men who tread the path of enlightenment after him.


      Odin is the manliest of all mythological gods. Nobody even comes close to Odin. Thor? Please. Zeus? Get the fuck out of my office. Zeus was possibly the biggest pussy in all of mythology. His specialty was to roll over and take it in the corn hole. Lesser gods such as Ares, Poseidon, and his bitch wife, Hera, were always pushing Zeus around and walking all over him. The only thing Zeus ever did was turn people into rocks or mountains, and he could hurl an occasional lightning bolt. Ooo, a lightning bolt! Oh no, not that, anything but a lightning bolt! Look out, Zeus the all powerful will smite you just as long as you aren’t standing next to a long pole.

      Unlike Zeus, Odin was a god who could get things done. Odin didn’t fuck around with lightning bolts, he took care of assailants by smothering them with his giant nuts. Odin was the Norse god of war, wisdom, magic, victory, hunting, and poetry. Yes, poetry. Although poetry is pretty much the unmanliest form of writing, Odin was man enough to make even this most effeminate of written forms rock tits. Here’s a haiku written by Odin:

      I murdered a man.

      He had a wife and two kids.

      I slept peacefully.

      Here’s a poem Odin wrote one day when he ordered a sandwich, and they were out of wheat (Odin eats a diet high in fiber because cholesterol kills):

      Bitch, say what?

      That’s all he wrote before he stomped his foot up her ass and wore her colon around his ankle.

      If there was one word to describe Odin, it would be cocksure. Odin had no character flaws, unless you consider an excessively violent response to minor annoyances a character flaw, and I don’t. Case in point: One time some guy went to one of Odin’s temples to sacrifice himself in an effort to spare his village from the famine that was scientifically proven to be caused by Odin.

      The guy trid to impale himself on a large stake, but he lost his balance and fell awkwardly on the pole, causing him to bleed all over the place. When Odin came down to collect the man’s soul, he saw the mess and became furious because Odin hates a sloppy sacrifice. Odin was so pissed that he resurrected the man, ate him, and then poked his own eye out and ate it so he could watch the body as he digested it and shit it out.


      My advice to you is to get married: if you find a good wife, you’ll be happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.—Socrates

      Socrates was a philosopher. He was married