Confessions. Sasha Campbell

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Название Confessions
Автор произведения Sasha Campbell
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758261267

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cell phone rang. I retrieved it from my purse and gasped when I saw the number. “What are you doing here so early?” I barked into the receiver.

      “I love you too,” Leon replied with a hearty chuckle. “I caught an early flight. Unlock the door. I’ll be pulling up in a second.”

      Shit! I hung up, then put on a new white teddy I bought at the mall. I hated rushing and Leon knew it. I believed in order and things being planned out, and he had ruined the romantic mood I had intended to set.

      I reached for a lighter and quickly lit the scented candles I had positioned around the room, then pulled back the comforter and unlocked the front door just as I heard a car pull in the driveway. Leon always insisted on renting a car for the weekend. That way his wife was at home waiting when he arrived. I slid my feet into a pair of classy high-heel slippers with white fur on the top, then moved to the bedroom door and struck a pose. Within seconds the front door opened and he was standing in the living room below with that big, ugly green suitcase I hated so much. I smiled down at him. “Hey, sexy.”

      “Back at you,” he said while staring at me as if I were a movie star. Leon came up the stairs and I met him halfway. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him. “I missed you so much,” he murmured against my cheek.

      “Me too.” I missed him, but I was sure it was nothing like what he was feeling. I mean, I just saw Leon for both Christmas and New Year’s less than two weeks ago. I don’t know what it is with men, but they act like they can’t go a day without lying up in some coochie. Now I know Netta’s got the best stuff in town, but damn can a sistah get some air.

      I took my husband’s hand and led him up the stairs to our room and helped him undress. “How was your flight?” I asked, because Leon loves small talk.

      “It was long. Now I’m ready to snuggle up with my wife.”

      Men. “I can’t wait to hold you either, boo-boo.” I knew exactly what my husband wanted to hear.

      I unbuttoned his shirt, then brought my lips to his chest and kissed a trail from one nipple to the other just the way he liked it. He moaned and I smiled, then reached for the buckle, unzipped his pants and slipped my hand inside. My man doesn’t have the biggest dick in the world, but what he got is just enough for me to take a nice, long ride. That’s if he can stay hard long enough.

      Leon started taking off my clothes. I pushed him back onto the bed and straddled him and began kissing him, starting at his neck and working my way down. Like clockwork, he started moaning.

      “Oh, baby, that feels gooood.”

      Of course it did.

      “I can’t wait too much longer.”

      He never could.

      “It’s been too long,” he moaned. “The first one’s gonna be quick.”

      It always was.

      “The next one will be longer, I promise.”

      I rolled my eyes. He always did.

      I lowered on his length and rode him hard, and Leon was right. Before I even had a chance to come, he was crying out.

      “I’m coming, baby! Oooh-weee!”

      I rocked my hips and pretended to come as well, then collapsed on top of him, showering light kisses along his neck and cheek.

      “I missed you so much,” he said with a sigh.

      “Me too, boo. Me too.” I rested my head on his chest, then sighed long and heavy. “Leon, I’m almost certain I’m gonna get Yolanda’s job.”

      “That’s great,” he replied around a yawn.

      “I just need to be patient a little longer, and when she leaves in a few months, I am certain her job will be mine.”


      I wrapped my arms around Leon and held him tight. “Boo, if I play my cards right, I’m gonna be able to transfer to the Richmond office before I know it so that we can be together. I can’t wait until we’re living together again.”

      “Me either, baby.”

      Okay, here we go. “Uh, Leon, sweetie, I was thinking…it’s time to sell my condo. The rates are low right now, and I think this is as good a time as any to buy something else at a good price. That way when we move to Richmond we’ll have rental property back here. You said we needed a tax write-off. I think a new house would be a good move.”

      “What’s wrong with this condo?”

      I sat up on the bed. “Leon, this neighborhood is going downhill! Folks been knocking on the door begging for money.” Actually I was exaggerating. My neighborhood wasn’t that bad, but he didn’t need to know that.

      “Uh-huh,” Leon said, then rolled over and closed his eyes.

      Uh-uh. Oh, hell, no. He wasn’t going to sleep until we finished talking. “Boo, we need to talk about this. This is important.”

      “I hear you, Netta, but I’m tired.”

      “You got all night to sleep! I want to talk about buying a new house. If we don’t sell this condo, I won’t ever be able to get rid of it. We’ve got to start thinking about our future.”

      “The future is living in Richmond together.”

      I wrapped my arms tightly around him and started kissing his chest. When you want something, the best thing to do is to let your man know how much you need him. “I look forward to living in Richmond, but sweetheart, it’s time for things to be about me. I need to finish this master’s program and I need to get that director’s position.” I quickly added, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”

      “I love you too, Netta.”

      I gave him a few kisses before I continued. “Leon, I would like to sell the condo.”

      “Why? We’re just gonna use it again as rental property.”

      “Haven’t you been listening to anything I have been saying? I don’t wanna stay in this neighborhood. There have been several break-ins recently.”

      Leon gave me a worried look. “Maybe I need to get you a security system on the condo.”

      “No, what we need to do is sell this place. The neighborhood is going down. Did I mention they’re renting the condo on the end with Section 8? I really think it’s a good time to sell. We’ve got plenty of equity in this place, and with the housing market so low I…I mean we could get a deal on another house.”

      “You’re probably right,” Leon replied, although he still didn’t look totally convinced.

      “Then after I get Yolanda’s job, graduate and move to Richmond with you, we can decide if we wanna rent it or sell it at that point.”

      His head started bobbing.

      “Leon, if you don’t wake up! I really want this.” I straddled him and allowed my mouth to travel downward as I spoke. He immediately woke up and started moaning. “Mama needs a new house,” I purred.

      “Hmmm, and daddy needs some head.”

      I gave him a hard look. “Leon, I’m serious. We’ve owned this condo since we first got married. It’s time to let it go and invest in something else.”

      “You’re probably right,” he said, and I smiled and started kissing him again. “As soon as you pay off all those credit cards we can start looking.”

      “I already paid them off,” I mumbled against his chest.

      Leon raised my head so he could look me in the eyes with skepticism. “You have? Since when?”

      “Since I promised I would pay them all off.” Damn, my ass was lying. Not only had I not paid them off, I had gotten