Big Spankable Asses. Kimberly Kaye Terry

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Название Big Spankable Asses
Автор произведения Kimberly Kaye Terry
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758283122

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Big Spankable Asses

      Big Spankable Asses

      Angie Daniels

       Kimberly Kaye Terry

       Lisa G. Riley






       Kimberly Kaye Terry


       Lisa G. Riley


       Angie Daniels

      Just Lay Down

      Kimberly Kaye Terry

      To my girls, Angie Daniels and Lisa Riley, thanks for joining me to write BSA over late night conversations, apple martinis,

       and grape Kool-Aid!

      Much love, chicas!

      And to my cool-ass editor, Hilary Sares: Thank you for diggin’

       the concept!

      —Kimberly Kaye Terry


      “Just lay down, Lilly, and take this big dick. We both know you want it and nobody else can give it to you the way I can,” Marcus said as he sweated and grunted above Lilliana’s prostrate body.

      With all of that sweating and grunting, she was afraid he’d have a heart attack if he wasn’t careful. The thought of him falling out in a state of cardiac arrest did absolutely nothing to evoke sympathy from her. Those days were long past. She refrained from grimacing as his body slammed into hers. Not from his “big dick” did she feel the discomfort, but from his large body slamming into her much smaller one.

      Big dick. Yeah. Right. Marcus’s dick reminded her of a brown Tic Tac with two juju beans dangling behind it…yet he insisted on taunting her on her inability to handle his big cock. Whatever unfortunate rooster he got that thing from, he needed to give it back.

      As soon as he’d come home from work, he’d started yelling her name, searching her out, until he cornered her in the kitchen and all but dragged her into the bedroom. He stripped out of his suit and told her to “take that shit off,” referring to the long caftan she wore. Without conscious thought she did what he demanded, familiar with the routine. Her mind was already a million miles away.

      Within moments of penetration, he was rearing his big body away from hers, sweat pouring down his face like he’d just been in a decathlon and roared, literally roared, his release as he slumped down on top of her.

      All that roaring and she hadn’t felt a doggone thing.

      She forced herself not to scream as he lay on top of her, breathing heavily with his nasty sweat transferring to her body. She waited for a full five seconds before she couldn’t bear it any longer.

      “Marcus, get off of me!” She tried to shove his body away from hers, but he was too big. Helpless, she waited until finally he pushed himself away from her and moved off the bed.

      He grabbed his shorts dangling from the end of the bed, stepped into them, and turned to face her, an ugly expression of disgust plastered on his handsome face. For someone who always proudly proclaimed to have such a big dick, she noticed that he was quick to pull his shorts on as soon as they’d finished having sex.

      “Just who in hell do you think you are, Lilly? You think somebody else would want you?”

      “What are you talking about now?” she asked wearily as she pulled her caftan back over her head and sat on the edge of the bed.

      He always went on the attack after sex. If she didn’t go through the motions and fake it, pretend like it was off the hook and the best she’d ever had, he’d verbally attack her. Lately he’d been doing that a lot more.

      “Who else is going to put up with your lazy ass like I do? You don’t work, don’t go to school, don’t do a damn thing but sit your ass around the house, sucking my pockets dry! You’re just a damn leech, that’s what you are! I work all day long so you can have the finer things in life and all I ask is that you give me some good pussy when I get home. Quit laying down like a damn limp rag! Is that asking too much? Damn, girl…”

      As the insults rained down on her head like so many blows, Lilliana took them like she usually did, like a prizefighter. Stoically. No grimace, no cringing; nothing. No emotion crossed her face as he got through his familiar rant. She listened but tuned out the exact words, as if they were the lyrics of a familiar song. She’d heard it all before, wasn’t nothing new. The words no longer registered on her consciousness as they once did.

      She’d put up with Marcus’s bullshit for twelve long years.

      Of course in the beginning, the first year or so, he hadn’t been as bad as he was now. He’d wooed her, made her feel special and made a home with her. He’d told her how unique, how beautiful she was. It had been just what she needed to hear. At just the right time.

      She’d been working hard at the diner as a waitress, long hard hours avoiding old drunk men and aggressive truck drivers with their groping hands and lustful looks as she worked the late shift. It had been hard work and she’d done it for nearly two years before Marcus stepped into the diner late one evening.

      He’d been so smooth with his game. Could lay it out nice and sweet. Damn. The man could sweet talk a woman straight out of her panties without saying a word. He had that dark, naughty, I need to be tamed look. The kind of look women were drawn to like stink on shit, as her great-aunt Margaret used to say. Made a woman long to “tame” the beast.

      And stupid her, she’d fallen for the look and the man, hook, line and sinker. And then he’d started abusing her. It had been little things at first. He’d cuss at her for not cleaning the house the way he wanted and call her a leech.

      Then he started rough-handling her, a light smack here, slap there. Until he’d tied her up and left her for hours once because she didn’t fake an orgasm and he wanted to teach her a lesson.

      “Are you listening to me? I swear, Lilly, you’d better not be tuning me out again! Don’t make me have to hurt you.” Marcus snapped her out of her reverie with his low, ugly, threatening words. Words that sent a chill racing down her spine. When he grabbed her by her arm and hauled her up against his thick chest, a determination and resolve filled her spirit, forcing her to shake off the fear and boldly look him in his dark eyes.

      This was it.

      She knew it was only a matter of time before Marcus decided it was time to take things to the next level and raise his hands to her. A few weeks ago he’d slapped her face so hard she’d sported a large, ugly red bruise on her eye for two weeks before it had finally receded on her chocolate brown skin, leaving a dark purplish mark for days afterward.

      Lilliana raised her eyes to meet Marcus’s, and calmly, with no inflection in her soft voice, said, “Put your damn paws on me again, Marcus, and I swear to God I will slap your ass back to your mama’s womb.”


      “What we really need is a man who knows what the hell he’s doing! I am so tired of faking it, not getting any, or turning to Big Tom to catch a thrill! And lately Tom has been eating into my budget, for real. I’ve bought more batteries than you can shake a stick at.”

      “Simone girl, please! I don’t know about you two, but I think it’s all hype anyway,” Melinda said in disgust as she sipped her drink.

      “What’s all hype? Orgasms?” Simone frowned and asked as she paused to take a sip of her drink.

      “Orgasms, multiple