Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett

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Название Take Me Down
Автор произведения Sylvia Lett
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758241047

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probably be something dull like he is.” She smiled, picking up the wineglass from the coffee table. “He could be a wet blanket. That would be quite fitting.”

      “Mom, can’t you ever say anything nice about anyone I date?”

      “You haven’t had a real date in four years. You remember what a date is, right? Dinner, dancing, and stimulating company.”

      The doorbell chimed. “Good night, Mom.”

      “Don’t have too much fun,” Mildred laughed. “Since you’re with pocket lint himself, I’m sure you won’t.”

      Stephanie was more than a little surprised to see Stanley dressed as Captain Hook. He looked ridiculous in the costume. Her mother probably would have laughed him out the front door. He couldn’t pull off the pirate look. It wasn’t him.

      Chapter 3

      Stephanie’s eyes locked with Jack’s from across the room. She blinked several times to make sure she wasn’t imagining him. She knew he was due back in town today, but here, at a private party, was the last place she expected to see him. She had left work early to avoid seeing him and here he was.

      How appropriate that he should come to the party dressed as a pirate. It was definitely in character for him. Their eyes held as he made his way over to her. Stephanie turned and fled out the patio door.

      Jack followed, as she knew he would. She waited until he closed the door behind him, before she pounced on him. “What are you doing here? When did you get back?”

      “I got back today midday. I dropped by your office, but you were already gone. I’ll be going back in a couple of weeks to follow up with the manager. I put some new procedures in place and I want to make sure they are followed. To answer your other question, I’m here because you’re here.”

      “What did you do, make a copy of my day planner?” she joked. He smiled wolfishly. “You did, didn’t you?” She poked him in the chest with her finger. “You are spying on me. You have me under surveillance.”

      “Do you mind?” He caught her hand in his. Stephanie jerked her hand away. “You have an overactive imagination, my Indian princess.” His words belied his expression.

      “No, I don’t.” She faced him squarely. This was no coincidence. He knew she would be at the party. He admitted as much. “Don’t try and tell me this is another coincidence. You’re stalking me? Why? What do you want? What am I missing, Jack?”

      “I’m not stalking you,” he said, advancing on her. His arm looped around her waist and he pulled her flush against him. “Believe me, if I were stalking you, you’d never know it.”

      She was mesmerized as she followed the descent of his mouth. The heat from his breath fanned her cheeks. His mouth had barely touched hers and she was melting in his arms. She swayed against him and her body brushed invitingly against his. The patio doors opened. The spell was broken and she extricated herself from his arms quickly. He caught her arm to stop her from fleeing. “You can run, but you can’t hide from your feelings. There is something between us, Stef. I feel it and you feel it and it’s got you running scared. Believe it or not, it scares me too. So, did you miss me?”

      “Now who has the overactive imagination? Your ego knows no bounds, Mr. Kaufman. I feel nothing for you. You are not my type. You are not even in the ballpark. And no, I didn’t miss you. I’m not into big scary men who carry even bigger guns.”

      “As close as you were to me moments ago, I can guarantee you it wasn’t a gun you felt against you.” Heat suffused her face. “You are as into me as I am into you. Care to put it to the test, Miss Mason? I do so love a challenge. Type has nothing to do with physical attraction. Normally, you’re not my type either. You are way too high maintenance for my taste. I can see the ice princess starting to thaw.” He stroked her cheek. “The kiss we shared proved the fire is there beneath the ice.” He took a step closer and she stood her ground. “You don’t need me to tell you what happens when fire and ice come together.”

      Stephanie was determined not to back down. She would not let him intimidate her. They stared at each other in silent combat.

      “There you are,” said Stanley, staring from Stephanie to Jack. He frowned when he saw Jack’s hand on her arm. Stephanie moved out of his reach and his hand fell away. She took the drink Stanley offered her and took a step away from both men.

      “We haven’t met. I’m Stanley Jordan, Stephanie’s boyfriend.” Stanley didn’t hold out his hand, nor did Jack extend his.

      Jack simply raised his eyebrows in a question and Stephanie blushed. “I’m Jack Kaufman. I’m the new security consultant for Luciano Hotels.”

      Stanley’s frown deepened. “You work for Stephanie. Funny, she hasn’t mentioned you before.”

      “I’m not surprised. Don’t take offense, Stanley, but she hasn’t mentioned you either. I guess we both must have slipped her mind. She’s under a lot of pressure running a hotel chain. I think she needs a vacation. Why don’t you take her somewhere special for a couple of days? Some place warm so she can thaw, I mean chill out. Would you two lovebirds excuse me? I promised a dance to Lady Godiva inside. It was nice meeting you, Stanley. I’m sure I’ll see you around.” He winked at Stephanie. “Save me a dance later, Princess.”

      Stanley watched Stephanie as she watched Jack walk away. Folding her arms over her chest, she turned back around to face Stanley. She didn’t like the look on his face.

      “Did I interrupt something? You two seemed pretty intense when I walked up. He was touching you. Why?”

      “It’s not a big deal.” She took a sip of her drink, glad for the distraction. “Jack makes a habit of being irritating.”

      “Then fire him,” Stanley demanded. “I don’t like him. I don’t like the way he looks at you and I don’t like the way you were looking at him.”

      Stephanie bristled in indignation. “I’m not going to fire Jack because you feel threatened by him. I need him.” Stanley’s eyebrows rose in question. Stephanie flushed. “What I meant was the hotel needs him. Luciano’s needs his expertise,” she corrected. “Do you know how long I ran that ad before the right man walked into my office?”

      Stanley folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. He stared at her over the rim of his wire-frame glasses. “So now he’s Mr. Right?”

      “That is definitely not what I said. Jack Kaufman is as far from Mr. Right as you can get. Stanley, drop it. He’s an employee, nothing more.” The lie didn’t even sound convincing to her ears. Stephanie threw her hands in the air. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. This is a party. Let’s go have fun. You do know how to have fun, don’t you?” She went back inside, leaving him no choice but to follow her. Her heart missed a beat when she saw Jack dancing with Lady Godiva. She felt more than a twinge of envy at seeing the other woman in his arms.

      Stanley was glued to her side for the next half hour. When some business associates finally dragged him away, Stephanie was relieved and thrilled. She felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

      Her eyes scanned the room looking for Jack. I must be insane. Why am I looking for trouble? Why am I playing with fire?

      “Would you like to dance?”

      She tensed at the sound of that husky voice so close to her ear.

      “I dare you.”

      As she turned around to face him, her eyes met his. “Let’s add fuel to the fire, Stef.”

      “There is no fire. There is barely a flicker of a flame.” His look told her he clearly didn’t believe her. “Enough with the fire and ice references. If I dance one dance with you, will you go away?”

      “If that’s the way you want it. Who knows, maybe one dance will put out the fire, but