Take Me Down. Sylvia Lett

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Название Take Me Down
Автор произведения Sylvia Lett
Жанр Короткие любовные романы
Издательство Короткие любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780758241047

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things. Talk like that could turn my head. I wanted three things actually. You left your computer on again when you left your unlocked office. I resisted the urge to lock you out again. Second, I’m teaching a self-defense class Thursday in meeting room 102, encourage everyone to attend. I’ll send you an e-mail with all the specifics.”

      “You said three things.” She laid down her fork and folded her hands on the table in front of her.

      “Here’s an early birthday present for you.” He took the envelope of pictures out of his jacket pocket and dropped them on the table in front of her. “Pictures from the after party Saturday night. It looks like you missed all the fun.” He picked up the fork in front of her. “This looks wonderful. Are you going to eat that?” he asked, pointing to the succulent shrimp basted in a warm butter sauce.

      “Be my guest.” Against her will, she followed the shrimp to his mouth. He moaned in appreciation and waved the waiter over.

      “I’ll have whatever this is and a Coke. Thank you.” He waited until the waiter was out of earshot. “That’s where he went when he left your place on Saturday night. Stef, you’re not pleasing your man.”

      Stephanie picked up the envelope and took out the pictures. She was shocked at the first one. There were two half-dressed women all over Stanley. One was wearing a tank top and short shorts; the other one was clad in a red minidress. His arms were around both women and his hands on each of their breasts.

      There was little doubt in her mind what profession the women were in. It was apparent in their dress. They were prostitutes. Stanley was with two hookers. She should care, but she didn’t. She dropped the photos back on the table.

      “You followed us.” She was amazed at his audacity. “You followed him. Why? What was the point?”

      “Of course I followed him. I was curious to see if you would sleep with him in celebration of your engagement.”

      Stephanie choked on her water. After a fit of coughing, she was able to catch her breath. She picked up her napkin and dried her eyes.

      “Have you ever slept with him?” She refused to answer or to meet his eyes. “I take that as a no. I can understand his need for looking elsewhere for pleasure, but he could have been a little more discriminating. These two aren’t exactly high-dollar working girls.”

      “And you know this how?” she shot back. “Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. It’s none of my business.”

      He merely smiled. “Stanley and two women, go figure. I never would have guessed he could please one. Maybe he just watched them. What do you think? Is he any good in bed?”

      “I think this is none of your business.” She coughed. “So he paid for sex. Big deal. He’s not the first man to pay for pleasure and he won’t be the last. Have you ever paid for pleasure?”

      “I’ve never had to pay. Although I do remember a few times they offered to pay me.” He winked. Jack reached across the table and ran his fingers over her hand. Stephanie snatched her hand away. “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You don’t care for his kisses. You don’t want to sleep with him yourself and you couldn’t care less that he sleeps with prostitutes. Therefore, what is it you don’t like, Stef, sex or men? Did I miss something? Are you a closet lesbian?”

      Stephanie gave it no thought as she picked up her glass of water and threw it in his face. Furiously she got to her feet and stalked away.

      I guess not. Jack picked up his napkin and dried his face. Maybe I pushed her a little too hard this time.

      Stephanie was furious with Jack as she left the hotel. She didn’t know why she bothered having a conversation with him unless it was in regards to business. The man had a one-track mind and he was driving her nuts.

      It angered her that he was right on target about her relationship with Stanley. She knew it wasn’t the real thing and she knew it was a matter of time before she broke things off with him. She just hated the fact Jack could read her so well.

      She dialed Stanley’s office on her way over. She wanted to catch him off guard. She needed to surprise him, so he would be available to see her. It was time to end their engagement as soon as possible. She also knew Stanley was more motivated by money than love. He didn’t love her any more than she loved him.

      “Tami, it’s Stephanie Mason. Is Stanley in?”

      “Just a moment, Miss Mason.”

      “Hi, honey,” said Stanley brightly. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?”

      “Actually,” said Stephanie, getting on the elevator to go up to his office, “I’m in your building. Do you have a few minutes to spare?”

      “For you, anything.”

      “Great. I’m right outside your door now.” She hung up her phone and dropped it in her purse. She took a deep breath for courage before the door opened.

      “What a pleasant surprise.” He held the door open for her. Stanley moved forward to kiss her, but she stopped him. She stepped inside and he closed the door behind them. Stephanie held the ring in her fist. Catching his hand, she dropped the ring in his palm.

      “I think this belongs to you.”

      He stared at the ring and then at her.

      “I can’t marry you, Stanley. I don’t love you and I don’t think you love me either.”

      “Honey, I do love you. I’ve loved you for years. I thought you felt the same way. We are perfectly suited for each other. What happened between Saturday night and today to change your mind?”

      “Saturday night you took unfair advantage of me. You knew or were hoping I wouldn’t turn you down in front of everyone. We both deserve more. We deserve someone who is going to love us with all their heart. Our soul mates are out there, Stanley. We just have to wait a little longer to find them.”

      His expression changed as he watched her. “It’s because of him.” They both knew what him he was referring to.

      Stephanie flushed and broke eye contact momentarily with them.

      “What did he say to turn you against me? I have a right to know.”

      “Jack didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. I wouldn’t have married you, Stanley. This is not about Jack or anyone else. This is about us.” She handed him the packet of pictures. “I think these speak for themselves.” She watched him blanch as he looked at the photos.

      Quickly sticking them back in the envelope, he put them in his desk and then looked up at Stephanie. “Who took these? I can explain. It’s not what it looks like.”

      “There’s no need to explain anything. Stanley, I’m not judging you or what you did. I understand men need sex. This doesn’t even bother me and it should. It would if I loved you.”

      “If you would sleep with me, I wouldn’t need hookers. This is what you pushed me to. This is partially your fault.”

      “My fault,” she laughed without humor. “How is this my fault? I didn’t force you into bed with them. If you wanted sex so badly why didn’t you just sleep with Gloria? She’s been after you for months. You could have kept your money. Her father has plenty.”

      “That empty-headed little twit. I’d have to gag her first. She talks nonstop. She’d talk all the way through it.” He waved the question away with a sweep of his hand. “He did this, didn’t he, your new security man? He followed me from the party. He followed us. Don’t you find it a bit unsettling that he’s stalking you? He’s monitoring your movements.”

      “Jack is not stalking me. Stanley, it really doesn’t matter who took them. I wouldn’t have married you anyway. I was giving the ring back to you at dinner tonight. I can’t marry you. I’m sorry.” Stephanie would neither admit nor deny his accusation about Jack. For his own