Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?. CJ Brehme

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Название Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?
Автор произведения CJ Brehme
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607469247

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God, who is somewhere in a mysterious location called HEAVEN. And if you are good, you will somehow go there after you die and live happily ever after.

      Then for those who misbehave and lead a life of sin, there is another mysterious place you will go to, and it is called HELL. No proof of either of these places existence, only that one is up there, and the other is down there. You just take the word of your Minister or Priest who will convey this message to you, often. Got to keep you in line, ya’ know.

      But, you see, there are other religions who don’t worship this God figure but they call him Allah, or Imam, though at times of emotion they will chant “God is great”, even though with totally different philosophies.

      Another thing is that each religion has some slight deviations in philosophy that makes them “different” and which supposedly makes them better to potential joiners. Like Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran and so on. Each have a Church, the more members they attract of course calls for larger and more impressive structures for services and all. Also calling for more and more personnel to run the church, the cost factor. Of course, this means they have to raise money to support the building, the Minister, Priest, secretary etc. .. Just like any BUSINESS. Right?

      When you think of the many thousands of churches in the world, each with staffs, Minister, secretary, janitor, groundskeeper, many of the with huge staffs lke the Catholic church headed in Rome, Italy, who must employ thousands and if you consider the cost of upkeep of the Vatican alone, you have to know that they have to raise an enormous amount of money support it all. Of course, it has to operate like any business. And they pay NO TAXES. Pretty neat, don’t you think?

      However, it is not all completely sweetness and light because right here in my home area, there was a church that had only been operating since about 2006, that was closed by order of the bank for non payment of their mortgage, just like any business who could’t make it.


      Moving on a bit here, have you ever given a stray thought like ”How does the world function day after day, year after year, millennium after millennium” and wonder ” Who is really in charge?”

      (Since I couldn’t have said it better, I credit the following to “Work The system” by Sam Carpenter, a telecommunications pro and business owner.”)

      Well, if you dig deep enough and with a normal amount of common sense, you will find that there is NO HUMAN KING OF EVERYTHING who directs the goings on of the world.

      On its own and no matter what, the earth keeps turning, life carries on in an organized structure an pattern — AND NO ONE IS IN CHARGE.

       What it is, are the indomitable laws of nature which ensure the system works perfectly. On this earth, gravity works all the time, everywhere. The laws of Nature cause the mechanism of the world to be dependable and predictable and we humans are blessed to get in the middle of it all to manipulate it, to direct our lives to be what we think we want them to be, which is to say we use the laws of nature to our advantage. End Quote.

      Despite that, religions still spread the thought of every one being under the influence of this anthropomorphic God figure or person. Of course we are saved by the accepted fact that we were all born with the right of Free Will, so it all boils down to a matter of choice hence the quote, ” IN ALL THE AFFAIRS OF LIFE, AT EVERY MOMENT, WE HAVE A CHOICE”.

      Now, in addition, when you think about this Heaven and Hell existing at some mysterious location which you can’t reach except by dying, you are supposed to live an exemplary life thereby earning your way to Heaven. But about this Hell, from the sound of what goes on down there, it is not a fun place to get caught in. So wouldn’t you think that there would be enough fear in the idea of going there, to make people behave and avoid sin really hard. But NOOOO. I think you would agree that sin is pretty active in the world, as well as all sorts of evil with no sign of either diminishing as a result of religions and this so-called God.

      I recall hearing any number of times that

       HE knows what you need before you ask.

       God helps those who help themselves.

       It shall be measured unto you according to your faith.

      Now, unless you believe in fairy tales, just check these three statements and you just have to conclude that if you have any feel for responsibility at all, you have to either blindly depend on the far out God or realize that in reality you don’t need Him. I did, and I think you will, stop and ask yourself, — why do I need to pray if this God already knows my wants and needs, and He being so loving and benevolent? This can start doubts, Ya’ know? You will see near the end of this book that, you can handle the first rule yourself, and that the last two, benefits you automatically under the LAW, as in this Non-Religious Religion. Plus other benefits galore. ALL with NO outside help. What a relief THIS is. Would you believe, as a result, a new and a happily attractive YOU? What an incredible feeling. You”ll see. As to that last, according to faith. Well, yes, Faith is extremely important and you’ve got to have it no matter. Oh yeah, how much? Try Unlimited. So YOU have to ask, how do you get Unlimited Faith? Proof, proof, and more proof. I have to tell you that after nearly 15 years practicing this non-religious religion, it started to PROVE itself right from the beginning and never stopped. I NOW HAVE UNLIMITED FAITH, even though at first I had my doubts too. As we all will concede, doubts breed anxiety, so it will be good right here to suggest that as you will delve more into resolving your spiritual self, that you keep solidly in mine this truth….”The beginning of Anxiety is the end of Faith. The beginning of True Faith is the end of Anxiety.?


      In the Voice of the People section in one of our local newspapers, a writer lent his voice with the heading on his letter “A Warning of Apocalypse unless America repents.” He stated his case with “some liberal papers do not like the truth where the Lord is concerned. Then he repeated his warning to the nation itself. (Typical Christian fear tactics) with this revelation that “God lifted his hand of blessing OFF our nation and ALLOWED 9/11. This loving God, apparently in a pique had no problem in allowing nearly 3000 diverse group of people get horribly killed. WHY? Because officials determined that this was HIS punishment in order to teach the nation a lesson. Further HE has now sent financial troubles, tornadoes and strange weather, allegedly with the warning that if people do not repent, pray and “seek his face”, whatever that means, y’all will get more of the same. Now, if all this be true, like if we all got down on our knees and repented, then no more bad things would happen. Oh come on. But maybe that only means if you are a christian. Didn’t say what the rest of us would be suffering, more financial troubles, storms, tsunamis and so on. Sheessh, guess I will have to chant a lot more, ya’ think? Oh wait, one final warning. The writer also said that “if the nation did not repent we will fact a total wipe-out in less than 10 years. Hey reader, you’ve got another choice coming here. Hope you are ready. Tsk Tsk !

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