Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?. CJ Brehme

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Название Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?
Автор произведения CJ Brehme
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607469247

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in “The Age of Evil” which will last some 10,000 years. Since we are only in the second millennium you can easily understand that there is a lot of lives and living to be experienced before achieving World Peace. Even then, as long as mankind keeps their Free Will, there will always be the need for THE LAW, which you will learn about later.

      By the way, you may not have any interest at all in religions at this juncture of your life, you know, their history, their similarities and their differences but truly you should take the time because it adds to your wisdom, a good thing, because by following through on all the chapters, you will learn what makes them tick, and why they are actually divisive and quarrelsome. Many reasons why it is wise for you to, right now, be a doubter or unbeliever where you will sooner or later realize this, new life, will be your best move ever.

      As the son of a, now deceased Presbyterian Minister, and having lived a very long life, during which dealing with divine fundamental religions, but not always too happy with their philosophies, I finally came upon a non-religious religion that I could agree with 100% on all levels, and now felt compelled to to tell my story for the many unbelievers and doubters or even atheists if you could find one with an open mind, because whether they know it or not, all must have extreme spiritual strength to deal with this life on earth, to be happy and in total control by taking complete responsibility for everything that happens, good and bad.

      I found out that I do not believe “divine religions” are doing the job the way they were really meant to do, and the are divisive and argumentative. It was Deepak Chopra, a famed lecturer who said, ” I believe religions are divisive, quarrelsome and idiotic”. Won’t get any argument from me there but I would hesitate going all the way to idiotic.

      Anyway, I must assume that you, reading this, have given up on religion(s) and that you, having even ordinary smartness, will find immeasurable and exceedingly sensible reasons to alter your thought processes and thereby bring a great change into your life.

      Why? Because, as you are today, you may be the victim of wrong thinking, since this western world we live in, for the past three decades, has been involved in replacing, ”What worked, with, What sounded good”.

      Now, please sit back, take a good look into your life, and when you complete reading this book, honestly decide that a change would enhance your life immensely, because I firmly believe that it will provide the key and the incentive for you to make that change. I remind you that, IF you are serious about your own life and get to feel here that it might be time for a change then all you need to do is take ACTION and also remember, ” nobody will do it for you”.

      Yes, this key will definitely open that proverbial DOOR. I can only provide the key and show you the door, then it will be your move.

      I believe that after reading this book you will love what will lie ahead of you should you decide to open it. LUCKY YOU.




      As we go on here, still building my Case, I will eventually show you what I consider, not only a better way, but the “best way” to meet lifes ups and downs, and do so happily no matter. At that point you no doubt will wisely and with common sense, join me and millions of others world wide, in practicing this incredible non-religious religion. And, of course, you may not.

      But anyway, why did I write this book and why me??? That will unfold in the next chapter.


      As you may know, there are many seemingly avid church goers who religiously attend Sunday after Sunday, supporting financially, pillars of the church, who, like me when I was a member of the Unity movement, still had lurking down deep, little teeny doubts or unanswered questions that were kept buried for fear that answers might affect their loyalty to the faith.

      The reason for mentioning this is because some of you will pick up this book, get interested and then, along the way WILL find answers to your long hidden doubts, and suddenly, also like me, will enjoy the thrill at finally finding an exciting, easy/hard, spiritual Key to a far better life on earth than one could imagine.

      Now, once you come upon this Key, you will find that it opens so many doors to new thoughts, all leading to you being unshakably Happy. With this happiness, it will eliminate all fears, and you’ll know how to deal with ANYTHING that life may fling at you.

      And, I don’t mean the happiness one blithely uses daily like “I’m so happy to see you” and ” Oh I’m so happy, I got a raise” or ” Geez, I worked so hard today and am I happy to be home”. Of course we find out later that that happiness, as most use it, can be of short duration. I’m talking happiness that is never disappointed or discouraged no matter what happens in your life. Your Faith will also pass the same test.


      I, as an assumed Christian, you know, being a minister’s son and having to attend every church function, these at least 4 times a week, I had developed some questions dealing with certain church members. I couldn’t help hearing the gossip about them, like a pillar who was found less than honest, or another who was a wife beater, or one who was a drinker and a boot legger.

      I would pose the question to myself as to why these so-called pillars of the church were not living according to Christian principles. I came to the conclusion eventually that it is all pretty much a matter of making choices in life, since I was aware of how we were born with free will to do so, church or no church. The why’s of this being so, still makes one wonder why some church goers live by the Golden Rule and others don’t, but still are called Christians.

      I stayed in High School for 4 years but did not graduate. When I first entered High School I took on the college entrance course, but when dad died in my 3rd year, I switched to a business curriculum. Then in my fourth year I decided I didn’t need a higher education so after that year’s school year end I quit school and church all at the same time. Mind you, this was at the height of the country”s worst ever depression. Jobs were really scarce and then was when “bread lines” came into being. The thoughts and concerns about such a thing as a Depression never entered my mind.

      Being so young I never gave thought to a career either, all I cared for was to work. You will find later some high lights of my existence during those years, but over time I always worked somewhere. selling magazines door to door, dish washer, waiter, pulling weeds on a farm, bus boy, bar tender, hotel clerk, wrote music, selling one thing or another, like pre-need burials, cemetery plots and head stones, stock broker, many, many jobs.

      Religion was not a thing in that early life.


      By the way, if you are not into religion any more, do you still pray? Do you think anymore about spirituality, still with questions? Do you have little fears or in doubting, say to yourself at any time, “but suppose there really is such a God.” Did that make you quiver? Hmmmm?

      Or have you come to believe, as I had, that this type of communication and believing that prayers were for the most part useless and not dependable in resolving lifes problems, therefore not needed as a source of spiritual help.

      I know in my past experiences with fundamental religions, prayer was sort of a habit, especially with church going parents. You know, prayers at meals and at bedtime. Then under those conditions as you grew in age and bigger troubles developed, prayers began getting really active, sometimes even pleading ones, for this God to send help. Of course many prayers were never answered and faith weakens. Doubts start there, right?

      Do you suppose that people would pray as they do if they knew for sure that they could answer their own prayers by taking full responsibility for them-selves using their own abilities and the power that we all are born with right within us. Discussion of prayer differences in a later chapter, which you should find of extreme interest and well motivated