Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?. CJ Brehme

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Название Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?
Автор произведения CJ Brehme
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607469247

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      Lost Faith? Doubting Religion?

      Your INCREDIBLE Allternative

      CJ Brehme

      Copyright © 2012 CJ Brehme

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      Welcome friend to be: I’ll try to earn your gratitude.

       From here on I will think of you as ” lucky you”, and I will bust my tail to prove to you that you are.

       Now, I will have to assume that you have tried one or more of the many religions extant, and for one reason or another, found it or them, not satisfactory to your spiritual self.

       Chances are, when growing up from childhood into your teens and twenties, you gave thoughts of living your life a certain way. You possibly hoped for a certain level of success, a nice home, a big car, a family, a couple of kids and so on. And you’d probably also written down some goals, or at least made some decisions about where you’d want to be as an adult, and perhaps an idea or two as to how you might be able to get there. So, I want to ask you a question…. Are you presently where you want to be in your life.???? And just remember also that “THE STATE OF YOUR LIFE IS NOTHING MORE THAN THE STATE OF YOUR MIND”. Ponder this as you go along.

      Now, since my target to influence is a certain group of people, who, through their past experiences with religion are now doubters, unbelievers, or even an atheist or two, I’d appreciate it if you’d give that question some serious thought.

      Be honest, because when you complete this book, I will expect you to have achieved a new and serious avenue of change in your thinking processes that will brighten your life immeasurably. By the way, YOU should want that too, so you could measure the possible changes from where you are no. Please don’t block yourself out from a possible epiphany because, this would also mean you’d be blocking yourself from, quite possibly, the BEST MOVE OF YOUR LIFE.

      Since “religion” is obviously a theme threading through out this whole book, you know as well as I that there is one freedom in our Constitution that gives us all ”freedom of religion”. I want you to know that I am far from one who would like us to lose that freedom. However, I believe I am uniquely qualified to write this book since I am making a case against “Divine Religions”, so depending on why you are reading this book, you will at some point be making a decision regarding your own life, because I think then you will step back, take a good look and maybe decide you don’t want to continue along the road your are on. In that case you will want to know the best way to make you a new road that will change your life, and so, that being the case, I’VE GOT YOU COVERED.


      Meantime some clarification. The word religion has a number connotations. It could mean a Belief, a Faith, a Creed, or a Doctrine and neither one necessarily meaning it is a specific religion. You could develop a deep interest in a particular study or profession and be so fanatical you could think of it as a religion, but not as Divine religion as in Protestantism, Catholicism, Islamism and the like.

      Now, I’d like you to have an idea as to how this book will progress, front to back, starting with “About This Religious Thing” right after My Case.

      Next chapter then will be My Life Background which is to explain my religious experiences, and why after some 83 years, winding up extremely happy with my life as a member of this incredible non-religious religion.

      It also covers my unique life in general, some of it prideful, and some of it not so prideful as you will probably agree.

      After my background, will be my take on Christianity to prove to you why it was a GOOD thing for your to join millions of others who have also given up on Divine religions, exploring in some detail various reasons for same.

      Then on to some history about Islam, Muslims, and the Brotherhood. You will find a number of reasons why you should be aware of the dangers this presents to the future of America.

      The next chapter brings you some comparisons regarding Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

      Next I swing to the subject matter that is associated with Prayer, Faith, and Happiness.

      Now, after the previous segment, I bring to you, assuming you are a normal proud American citizen, a chapter on the American Indian, where they came from, their entry into America, and some of their history on religion. Since seeing movies in my young age, you know, cowboys and indians, I had a curiousity about their dances and whooping and their spirituality. Very interesting.

      Finally I go into some depth about my non-religious religion, how I found it, and why it has been a life saver for me and will be for you too. I have to be straight with you. My wife, Doris remains a sort of Christian but does not practice it by going to church and such. I give her a pass, since she has difficulty with the language in my non religion, plus I don’t believe she has the discipline required to bring about the plethora of benefits enjoyed in the normal practice.

      As I build my case leading to the ultimate finish I suppose you could get the idea I am trying to “sell” you on this practice, but I am truly not, because, well, at this point you have no idea what inspiring stuff is in store for you, which means IF you buy into my offering later on, it will be on your own initiative rather than anything I might try to use or say here to do that. In fact, I would suggest it would be just good common sense for you to give it serious thought and ultimate consideration as you go.

      But I must be clear. Out of the many who are “at loose ends spiritually” I, of course, have no idea how many will react positively or quickly, and that is fine. Some will look into it further, and some will merely have the “seed” planted for future cultivation and that is fine too. I can point out though, that, “A word to the wise should be sufficient”.

      Now, as easy as it is to practice, it is also a profound philosophy, though we do not deal with the divinity. It is knee-deep in how to live the best possible life as it presently exists on this planet, taking TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY for whatever happens to you as your life unfolds. It truly is an exciting revelation 0nce you understand it’s true simplicity for living this life at it’s most meaningful level. You will know the thrill of being totally and happily in control of your life, with no fears.

       Best of all, you will find out who you “really” are.

      As a matter of interest, after taking an overview of the growth of religions over past eons of time and the present down trend in religions memberships, I predict that over time ahead, this trend will continue which will result in divine religions fading out, pretty much disappearing altogether with terror, sin and violence running rampant until eventually cooler and wiser heads will realize that some sort of religion is needed, at which time, a new religious era will take over, but not the Divine Religions as we now know them.

      It is then that the “value creation” of this incredible Non-Religious Religion will finally attract people, world wide, in larger and larger numbers. Seeds of this future are right now planted in over 190 countries and at some point, World Peace will finally exist.

       The time element for this to materialize is way, way, way ahead in time. Like in millenniums.

      In closing this chapter, I make a point here by quoting a declaration made by the founder of this non-religious