Fidget. Kenneth Goldsmith

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Название Fidget
Автор произведения Kenneth Goldsmith
Жанр Зарубежные стихи
Издательство Зарубежные стихи
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781770560642

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      copyright © Kenneth Goldsmith, 2000

      This epub edition published in 2010. Electronic ISBN 978 1 77056 064 2.

      ‘Vocable Scriptsigns’ copyright © Marjorie Perloff, 2000


      … to fidget with points of view leads always to new beginnings and incessant new beginnings lead to sterility.

      –Wallace Stevens, in a letter to William Carlos Williams, 1918


      Eyelids open. Tongue runs across upper lip moving from left side of mouth to right following arc of lip. Swallow. Jaws clench. Grind. Stretch. Swallow. Head lifts. Bent right arm brushes pillow into back of head. Arm straightens. Counterclockwise twist thrusts elbow toward ceiling. Tongue leaves interior of mouth, passing through teeth. Tongue slides back into mouth. Palm corkscrews. Thumb stretches. Forefingers wrap. Clench. Elbow bends. Thumb moves toward shoulder. Joint of thumb meets biceps. Elbow turns upward as knuckles of fist jam neck. Right hand clenches. Thumb rubs knuckles. Fist to right shoulder. Right elbow thrusts. Knuckles touch side of neck. Hands unfurl. Backs of hands press against flat of neck. Heels of hands push into jaw. Elbows raise. Fingers wrap around neck. Thumbs tuck. Hands move toward jaw. Cover ears. Tips of fingers graze side of head. Hairs tickle tips as they pass. Thumbs trail behind fingers. Arms extend. Fingers unfurl. Shoulder stretches. Arms out. Legs bend at knees. Pelvis thrusts right. Left knee drops to bed. Right knee drops to bed. Left leg extends. Right hand grabs. Elbow moves toward nose. Touches. Fingers open. Air from lungs expelled through nose.

      Thumb and forefinger pinch, wiping mucus from lip. Mucus pools in right nostril. Wipes. Index finger blocks right nostril. Exhale. Mucus out right nostril. Elbow extends. Fingers open. Forefinger caresses outside of thumb. Breathe. Right hand twists. Right foot propels body forward. Right hip stretches. Right knee drops, almost touching bed. Muscles in right thigh and left buttocks stretch. Mucus drawn from nose into back of throat. Tongue gathers saliva and mucus. Swallow. Right hand moves to nose. Right thumb covers nostril. Exhale. Expel. Right index finger moves to forehead near top of hairline. Itches four times. Finger moves from hairline to eyebrow. Body contracts into fetal position. Right arm rests between knees. Knees curve as body flips right. Left hand slides beneath right ear. Elbow bends. Mucus pulled from nose to throat. Floods back of mouth. Gathers in pouch of right cheek. Tongue coats top row of teeth in mucus. Pushes to back of mouth. Swallow. Tongue produces watery saliva. Curls. Swallow. Neck muscles tighten. Inhale. Air pins tongue to teeth. Swallow. Watery saliva dissolves mucus. Right hand to face. Pinkie rubs eye. Index finger massages right eyebrow. Middle finger digs into left eye. Thrusts. Hands between legs. Stretch. Body on side. Yawn. Stretch. Knees bend. Toes arch. Teeth clench. Jaw closes. Pelvis thrusts. Bottom teeth hit upper. Left temple tightens. Hand raises. Moves to back. Drops to buttocks. Fingernails scratch. Index finger extends into crack of buttocks and probes anus. Scratches once, twice, three times. Strong pressure applied by fingertip. Finger glides over coccyx and out of buttocks. Arm extends. Yawn. Elbow bends. Hand drops. Forefinger moves to nostril. Enters. Tip of finger probes ridges inside nostril. Shape of left nostril conforms to shape of finger. Shape of finger conforms to shape of left nostril. Finger removes caked mucus from nostril. Wipes. Arms lock behind head. Back arches. Pelvis thrusts. Stretches. Stomach expands. Exhale. Yawn. Right leg lifts. Dangles. Left leg arcs. Hands move behind head. Left arm stretches. Knees crash. Bend. Right knee falls to bed. Flattens. Left leg waves. Bends. Straightens. Swallow. Eyes lips. Mouth forms round o of swallow. Eyes nose. Squints. Nose doubles. Closes. Views nose profile to left. Vision blocked by shadow. Closes. Eyes profile nose to right. Open. Eyebrows lift. Forehead muscles flex. Eyes right. Eyes down. Eyes profile nose. Eyes left. Eyes up. Yawn. Torso flexes. Left leg stretches. Relaxes. Pelvis thrusts. Left hand to face. Catches saliva. Tongue licks upper lip left to right. Head props on pillow. Right leg bends. Back flat. Left leg bends. Left toes dig into underside of right knee. Right heel brushes hairs of left leg. Right side of knee touches ground. Mucus pulled into throat. Left leg touches bed. Motion in left thigh. Blood in leg. Subsides. Belly fills. Lungs expand. Belly falls. Belly rises. Belly falls. Belly rises from navel. Belly falls. Belly rises. Belly falls. Right leg moves away. Left leg scrapes ankle. Yawn. Knees extend. Stretch starts at upper ribcage. Ends at temple. Flips right. Bends. Arches. Right knee moves to edge of bed. Right foot stretches. Touches floor. Tip of big toe hits. Second toe, third toe, fourth toe, pinkie toe touch. Knees forward. Ball of foot touches. Left leg propels body. Back flat on bed. Left hand thrusts body into erect position. Straightens from torso. Upright. Right heel touches ground. Right foot supports body weight. Left leg leaves bed. Knees straighten. Left foot hits ground. Eyes ahead. Body turns right. Right foot swings right. Left foot follows. Left foot steps. Begins at ball. Ends at heel. Step. Step.

      Right heel hits. Weight on ball. Left foot raises. Weight shifts right. Right foot leaves ground. Steps forward. Heel hits. Followed by ball. Knees bend. Right foot extends. Mucus pulled into back of throat. Right foot steps. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Left hand moves away. Fingers open. Hand moves to body. Turns right. Feet forward. Step. Pinches back. Left hand grasps. Arm moves behind. Sidesteps left. Knees bend. Buttocks drop. Elbow pushes. Right hand corkscrews, led by tip of right middle finger. Fist in front of body. Right hand scratches right calf. Right thumb and forefinger pinch.


      Thumb and forefinger grasp. Pull toward floor. Right hand moves palm upward. Back of hand holds as thumb and forefingers grab. Forefinger moves away. Thumb and middle finger grasp. Palm of hand receives. Thumb and middle finger grasp. Palm of hand opens. Holds bottom side of thumb. Left hand releases and move to top. Hand retreats. Right hand lifts. Left hand grabs. Turns over. Left tips of finger dig into scalp. Left hand, grasping with left thumb and two fingers, thrust into palm. Fingers grasp as body swings left. Head turns. Left thumb, middle and forefinger grab. Left finger lifts and releases. Body moves, arching forward. Knees straighten. Body erect. Step right. Step left foot. Step right foot. Step left foot. Hips swing to right. Right hand grasps, moving away from body. Using thumb and forefinger, muscles in thumb twist counterclockwise. Body weight on left foot. Right foot poised away from body. Ball of foot touches ground. Heel raises. Thumb and forefinger of right hand twist clockwise. Hand outstretches. From underneath, forefingers wrap. Right arm lifts and moves to top. Hand releases. Palms down. Elbows out. Twisting hand pushes thumb and forefinger left forcing body left. Finger and thumb move to right. Hand returns to side. Body turns. Walks. Left foot. Head raises. Walk. Forward. Forward. Forward. Bend at knees. Forward. Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Stop. Left hand tucks at pubic area. Extracts testicles and penis using thumb and forefinger. Left hand grasps penis. Pelvis pushes on bladder, releasing urine. Stream emerges from within buttocks. Stomach and buttocks push outward. Stream of urine increases. Buttocks push. Sphincter tightens. Buttocks tighten. Thumb and forefinger shake penis. Thumb pulls. Left hand reaches. Tip of forefinger and index finger extend to grasp as body sways to left. Feet pigeon-toed. Move to left. Hand raises to hairline and pushes hair. Arm raises above head. Four fingers comb hair away from hairline toward back of head. Eyes see face. Mouth moves. Small bits of saliva cling to inside of lips. Swallow. Lips form words. Teeth mechanically open as tongue slides in and out. Tip of tongue hits tip of teeth. Facial muscles displace ears and temples. Facial muscles relax. Swallow. Tongue moistens upper lip. Nose wrinkles. Space between eyebrows effected by speech. Blink. Residual blink in left eye. Back of jaw forces ears to quiver. Small movements from inner ear. Jaw thrusts bit of inner ear. Right hand raises. Digs between tear duct and nose. Caresses tear duct. Left hand grasps. Forefinger and middle finger squeeze. Left hand grabs. Moves close to right hand. Thumb and forefinger apply pressure. Left hand covers. Turns counterclockwise. Right arm swings back and forth. Mouth opens. Right hand enters mouth. Left cheek puffs. Teeth cool. Tongue sweats. Right hand fists. Teeth grind back and forth. Noise in ears. Mouth gathers saliva. Lips purse and expel. Upper teeth comb lower lip. Hand opens. Shifts to right. Arm moves back and forth. Gums jams lip. Cheek inflates. Tongue expels. Sucks to back