Kenneth Goldsmith

Список книг автора Kenneth Goldsmith

    Kenneth Goldsmith

    Kenneth Goldsmith

    In einem Brief an Bettina Funcke, Leiterin der Publikationsabteilung der dOCUMENTA (13), verwebt der in New York lebende Dichter Kenneth Goldsmith (*1961) verschiedene Stränge seiner künstlerischen Tätigkeit zum Gesamtbild seines Schaffens. Am Anfang steht dabei das von ihm 1996 gegründete Online-Archiv UbuWeb: eine nichtkommerzielle Plattform, auf der er sonst meist schwer zugängliches Material aus allen Bereichen der avantgardistischen künstlerischen Produktion (u. a. Dichtung, Film, Video und Sound) zur Verfügung stellt. Die Beschreibungen seiner Arbeit an UbuWeb sowie als Autor (der bereits existierende Text abtippt), als Moderator einer wöchentlichen Radiosendung (der Musiklisten anderer DJs und Texte von Bloggern abliest) und als Professor für englische Literatur (der unkreatives Schreiben unterrichtet) verdichten sich im Zusammenspiel mit theoretischen und poetischen Einschüben zu einer komplexen Reflexion über Dichtung unter dem Einfluss der Appropriation.


    Kenneth Goldsmith

    Acclaimed artist Kenneth Goldsmith’s thousand page beautiful homage to New York City Renowned poet and conceptual artist Kenneth Goldsmith collects a massive assortment of quotations about New York City in the twentieth century. This kaleidoscopic montage from hundreds of sources is a literary adoration of New York as the capital of the world, and was inspired by Walter Benjamin’s unfinished masterpiece, The Arcades Project, a compendium of quotations about nineteenth-century Paris. Goldsmith brings together an immense archive of quotations about modern New York from novels, histories, newspapers, memoirs, letters, advertisements and more unlikely sources, all organized into lyrical and philosophical categories. The result is a magisterial and poetic history of New York in the twentieth century, and an extraordinary, one-of-a-kind book of experimental literature.


    Kenneth Goldsmith

    The follow-up to the critically acclaimed No. 111, Fidget ruthlessly documents every movement made by Goldsmith's body on Bloomsday (June 16) 1997 from 10 am to 11 pm. Literary critic Marjorie Perloff compares Fidget to 'a Beckett prose text,' and says many witty and intelligent things about it in her afterword.

    Duchamp Is My Lawyer

    Kenneth Goldsmith

    In 1996, during the relatively early days of the web, Kenneth Goldsmith created UbuWeb to post hard-to-find works of concrete poetry. What started out as a site to share works from a relatively obscure literary movement grew into an essential archive of twentieth- and twenty-first-century avant-garde and experimental literature, film, and music. Visitors around the world now have access to both obscure and canonical works, from artists such as Kara Walker, Yoko Ono, Pauline Oliveros, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Duchamp, Cecil Taylor, Glenn Ligon, William Burroughs, and Jean-Luc Godard.In Duchamp Is My Lawyer , Goldsmith tells the history of UbuWeb, explaining the motivations behind its creation and how artistic works are archived, consumed, and distributed online. Based on his own experiences and interviews with a variety of experts, Goldsmith describes how the site navigates issues of copyright and the ways that UbuWeb challenges familiar configurations and histories of the avant-garde. The book also portrays the growth of other “shadow libraries” and includes a section on the artists whose works reflect the aims, aesthetics, and ethos of UbuWeb. Goldsmith concludes by contrasting UbuWeb’s commitment to the free-culture movement and giving access to a wide range of artistic works with today’s gatekeepers of algorithmic culture, such as Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify.